Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Patriotic Pluralism

Heather McGhee joined Chris Hayes on his most recent Why Is This Happening? podcast. Hayes was away on vacation for the two weeks when Trump was shot, Biden stepped down, and Harris stepped up, so he's been in a bit of a whirl. 

The title of the episode is The Rise of Kamala Harris, and approximately the first half of the 45 minutes is dedicated to that. The last half is about her pick of Tim Walz, and discussion of how Walz's politics and persona fit into what Hayes calls "patriotic pluralism," and how they generally mesh well with the way forward that McGhee described in her book The Sum of Us. (Have you read it?!)

By coincidence, just before I listened to the podcast I happened to see this image quote on BlueSky from a writer on the Bulwark, a paywalled news/analysis site founded by disaffected Republicans in 2019:

Paul Wellstone used to say he came from the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party. That's about it, but I like patriotic pluralism, too.


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