Thursday, August 15, 2024

His Next Gig

Some polling outfit (not one I've heard of, so take this with a grain of salt) posted this eyebrow-raising piece of data to Twitter recently:

Which candidate would you feel comfortable babysitting your kids
  • Harris 45%
  • Trump 20%
Bullfinch – Swing States

Did I say eyebrow raising? I meant snorth-inducing.

If this is a real poll (done with statistically valid methods) it's one case where it's clear that many of the Trump 20% are lying to the pollster and answering "my guy" as part of group loyalty.

Can anyone imagine Trump babysitting kids? It would make a great reality TV show. 

In fact, maybe that can be his next TV gig. A much better use of his time than anything he does now or has done in the past. But someone would have to protect the children.

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