Wednesday, May 29, 2024

India's Watergate: News to Me

I've never liked what I've heard about Indian President Narendra Modi since he was campaigning the first time. It's clear he's a Hindu supremacist, part and parcel with the other rightward movements around the world.

But I had no idea about the events that happened back in 2018 and in the year after that, as his government reacted to cover them up and blame his party's enemies. In short, operatives from his party (or others aligned with it) violently attacked perceived enemies, and since then the government has not only framed the victims of the attack as the perpetrators, but has charged them with terrorism by faking emails as proof of a plot to assassinate the prime minister. 

And all those people have been imprisoned for five years or more, unless they've died in prison.

It's very strange to hear a story like this one from NPR that tells about a situation that must be well-known to everyone in the world's second-most populous country, and have never heard of it before. I think of myself as fairly well-informed, but once again must realize that there are huge swaths of information I'm never exposed to.

Modi, by the way, is up for reelection soon. The NPR story says it's likely he will be reelected to a third term.

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