It's June 18, 2022 and I finally have time to post the Twitter round-up for May 2022. It's odd to be so late and have to exclude what has happened over the past 18 days of the current month, but those will appear at the end of June.
May was, as usual, a month when I was not paying as much attention to Twitter as I usually do, but because there was a lot of hellaciously bad news, there are still tweets to report. It started with the Supreme Court leak about Alito's draft decision overturning Roe v. Wade, then a racist/eliminationist mass shooting in Buffalo, then the mass shooting of school children in Uvalde. With barely a mention of the baby formula shortage, the continuing Russian attack on Ukraine, and the general fascist insurgency in this country.
Everything below the line is a quote from the attributed source on Twitter, and is generally in reverse chronological order.
of the 30 deadliest U.S. mass shootings in history:
9 occurred before the U.S. enacted an assault weapons ban
1 occurred in the 10 years an assault weapons ban was in place
20 occurred since the assault weapons ban expired in 2004
Public Citizen
A parked car takes up 10 times more space than a parked bicycle.
A moving car takes up 28 times more space than a moving bicycle.
The most essential aspect to city design in to acknowledge the limitations of physics.
Dr. Natalia Barbour
Cars are a death cult
"Hydrogen made from fossil fuels generates more emissions than simply burning coal and gas" @AapFactcheck: "The claim is accurate"
Mark Z. Jacobson
If student debt cancellation was a handout to the wealthy and well connected, then it would have been done ages ago no questions asked. Just like with all of the zero interest PPP loans to businesses/millionaires that were forgiven
It takes a LOT more energy, effort, money and political will to fix the city-building mistakes of the past than it takes to do “hard” things right in the first place:
Brent Toderian
Federal prosecutors charged 23 people with environmental crimes in 2020. That same year, they charged more than 23,000 people with drug crimes and more than 23,000 people with immigration crimes. "Law enforcement" only enforces *some* laws against *some* people.
Alec Karakatsanis @equalityAlec
Security theater at airports, security theater at schools, none of it is effective, it's just meant to raise the ambient public sense of threat and reduce social trust. The more anxious and frightened people are, the better right-wing politicians fare. Very worrying. 60% decline in flying insect populations, just in two decades. Incidentally, in the same period the amount of man-made materials have TRIPLED on Earth, outbeating all living biomass.
Diana Urge-Vorsatz
My sibling gave me A Pattern Language as a gift a ages ago and said it was like reading my brain. I thought he meant it seemed like a book I’d like, but the more I read, the clearer it is that he got it for himself but was too reminiscent of having to listen to my childhood rants
i honestly think one of the largest barriers to actual gun reform is the right just cant admit theyve been wrong and the left has been correct
Andrew Lawrence
The obsession with labeling people who ask questions about how racism operates as racist is a very big signal that the person who uses that trope perhaps has racial biases hiding behind their egalitarian whitewashing of their positionally as the "expert"
ProfB @AntheaButler
right now, at the peak, we use 87,421,000 barrels of oil a day, which has the energy of 8,500 atom bombs. every day we use that energy to forge metals, throw cars down the road, lift buildings, but also to rip apart the landscape.
BUILD SOIL; Plant Chestnuts!
This is such a jaw-dropping line:
Jake Charles
Gun regulation works. The gun death rates in California, Florida and Texas were about the same in 2005. Since then, as California repeatedly tightened its gun laws and Florida and Texas loosened theirs, California’s gun death rate declined by 10%, while Florida and Texas increased 37% and 28% respectively.
Kurt Andersen
I’m just curious why it’s age appropriate for kids k-5 to learn about hiding under desks and not that sometimes people have two dads.
Annette Taddeo
I don’t wish to sound apocalyptic about this, but one has the sense that at present our society is simultaneously characterized by wildly disproportionate accountability for trivial transgressions and zero accountability for profound institutional failure.
David Polansky
In Santa Ana an unarmed physician attacked an active shooter to save the lives of fellow churchgoers. In Buffalo a single, outgunned 55 y/o guard fired at a mass shooter and gave people time to escape. In Uvalde 19 cops… waited.
jelani cobb
So during this NRA conference trump read (and mispronounced) the names of the 19 dead children and the two teachers and then at the end of the speech he did a little dance?
Molly Jong-Fast
I know it probably wouldn’t accomplish anything but kinda want moms to scream like fucking banshees at Greg Abbot wherever he goes. Just the constant shrieking of enraged mothers ringing in his ears all day
Amy Westervelt
Where the city of Uvalde spends its money:
Laura McGann
There's no data showing active shooter drills improve outcomes for kids in an actual active shooter situation. There is data showing these drills can cause depression and anxiety in kids. But these drills also create profits for companies - despite scant proof of effectiveness.
Shannon Watts
I know it’s hopelessly old fashioned but I think the purpose of politics should be to try to solve the problems of living in a society. So you should indeed politicize tragedies when they reflect social problems
Patrick Iber
“The Times found that more than 200,000 people nationwide have lost their homes because of federal road projects over three decades.”
Angie Schmitt
US police are trained to maximize control over situations while minimizing their personal risk. that translates into beating parents while a rampage shooter executes their children just as easily as it does their rolling up on a kid with a toy guy and executing him seconds later
People that don't live in cities that are 100-miles to the border don't understand how heavily policed and militarized this area is. Like Ulvade, McAllen, Laredo, Zapata, all these cities under constant watch by state troopers, local police departments, border patrol, ICE.
“These aren’t the growing pains of a society making difficult advances toward an orderly peace. These are the morbid symptoms of a society coming undone, and they arise largely from policy choices made by interested parties with material motives.”
On May 27, 1892, the office of Ida B. Wells’ newspaper (‘The Free Speech’) was destroyed by white supremacists in Memphis. Several months before, three of her friends were lynched. Wells used her newspaper as a public forum to denounce racist violence.
Dr. Keisha N. Blain
One small but telling thing is the way people now habitually contrast the police with "civilians", as if it were the army. And no wonder, as in practice police often act (and equip themselves) like an occupying force. But, as Sam Vimes remarks, a police officer *is* a civilian.
Kieran Healy
Reminder: when they say “Chicago” they mean black people.
Chris Andersen
I don't think congressional Democrats understand that voters see them as the cops standing around outside the school.
Jonathan Larsen
I still think it’s backwards that mass shooters owning assault rifles is considered a right while their victims’ healthcare is considered a privilege.
Andrea Junker
If cops shoot unarmed people because they fear for their life, but also don’t stop armed shooters because they fear for their life, why are we giving them millions of dollars??
“Good guys with guns” is an out and out lie and an extension of America’s chosen mythology that white men armed with weapons were necessary to put down slave rebellions and exterminate Native Americans.
Jared Yates Sexton
What would police say about a suspect who had changed his story as often as they have changed their timeline?
jelani cobb
The right talks about mental illness as though it's a form of demonic possession. You've got all these good god-fearing law-abiding gun owners but then sometimes demons come and possess one of them and cause them to shoot a bunch of kids or whatever. That's why we "need more God."
David Roberts @drvolts
The thing about having "guns" as your hobby, is that if my hobby had turned into the number one reason of death for children, I would just find another hobby.
Joseph Fink @PlanetofFinks
There’s a common mythology in law enforcement, pushed by quack groups like the Force Science Institute, that police ofticers’ memories improve over time. It contradicts all the scientific research and, oddly, apparently does not apply to non-police.
Radley Balko
40% of Uvalde’s city budget goes to police. The school district had its own police force. This is what happened. After decades of mass shootings, there is still 0 evidence that police have the ability to stop them from happening. Gun safety and other policies can.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
As cars get more massive, can we please move parking regulations further away from corners? No one can see a goddamn thing:
Mihai Cirstea
Let's review the (reported) performance of the Uvalde Police and CBP response team on Tuesday:
- Waited 35-60 minutes before entering school while kids bled out, wasting golden hour
- Tazed / arrested parents begging them to go in, and attempting to rescue their kids themselves
Brynn Tannehill
If laws don't stop bad people from getting guns then WHY DID HE WAIT UNTIL THE LITERAL DAY IT WAS LEGAL TO BUY ONE?
Jesse McLaren
"my rights are more important than your needs" is something abusers say
Daniel @dan_psyd
The people most upset about Beto’s manners were totally fine when it was parents screaming at school board members last summer
Andrea Purse @drepurse
it's cool how the media got this bug in their ass about 'body armor' and right away started passing on copaganda about the shooter being decked out in a robocop suit. took a full day for the corrections to start coming in. no armor, cops are just worthless
Lena @banalplay
Now would be a great time for some Dems to realize that “freedom from fear” is a pretty damn compelling way to articulate freedom.
Andrew Needham @A_NeedhamNYU
I’ve been outside the US around 18 years now, and I cannot think of any foreigner I’ve ever met who said they wished their country had US gun policy. Literally no one.
Robert E Kelly
Democrats: We can reduce mass shootings by simply banning weapons of war.
Republicans: Let’s just get rid of schools.
Matt McDermott
Ya know, shit wouldn't be this bad if white folks hadn't lost their mind at the election of a Black President and decided to oppose literally everything that comes from any party that is left of the GOP.
Black Aziz aNANsi @Freeyourmindkid
One major challenge to gun reform in this country is that our conception of public safety is deeply entangled with the myth of A Man With A Gun. Folks have never been shown how we can be safe without inflicting peril upon others.
Tom Basgen
The death toll continues to climb in the mass shooting at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas, on Tuesday, but already it is the second-deadliest shooting at an elementary, middle or high school on record in the U.S.
The New York Times
If you don't come out of this Uvalde tragedy with a concrete understanding of the actual function of policing in America then I don't know what will make you realize that saving lives isn't part of the job. I think framing their inaction and the way they enabled a massacre as "incompetence" is too small of a characterization. Those officers are completely competent at carrying out their jobs which is mostly terrorizing Black and brown people, which they did expertly all afternoon
David Dennis Jr. @DavidDTSS
It’s a mug’s game to offer rational arguments against the arm-the-teachers canard, because it’s not really anyone’s earnest considered position but the talking point of last resort for murder-abetting shills who have talked themselves into a rhetorical corner.
Patrick Radden Keefe
I am more certain of this than I have ever been. Stop lockdown drills in all schools, immediately. It does nothing to protect kids. All it does is traumatize them, and in the worst case, plant the idea for some of them.
Chris Hayes
it is surreal to see Tucker Carlson rave nightly about how Democrats are trying to “replace” whites with immigrants to win elections at the same time as you see poll after poll show Latinos move further and further to the right
Armand Domalewski
I don’t know, man, maybe some dudes from the 1700s who owned people and would be mystified by the sight of a dishwasher weren’t right about everything in perpetuity
David Gardner
I can buy 10,000 rounds of ammo and there is no background check, but if I buy 1 box of Sudafed my info goes into a national database.
So... based on conservative comments I've seen today the answer is to not spend any money on Ukraine and use the savings to basically turn schools into prisons. Go freedom.
Ryan Dow
Using a document from 1789 to ban abortion because it isn't mentioned, but allow semi-automatic rifles and Kevlar is such next-level fuckery that the brain starts to black out.
Jesse Case
White supremacist ammosexuals point to “Chicago” because it’s code for Black people and they point to “New York” because it’s code for Jewish people. That language has nothing to do with actual gun laws.
Leah McElrath
They always point to Chicago or New York as places where gun laws fail. They are lying to you. Most illegal guns are smuggled into Chicago from Indiana, to New York from Virginia.
*The* Editorial Board @johnastoehr
shit isn’t going to get any better because half the country doesn’t want it to
frank bullitt @the_blueprint
Make streets calm enough to enjoy:
Alex Fisch
And this is really it. You cannot reason with people who have built a personal arsenal and give guns as baby gifts. The GOP is going to be fundraising on promises not to take their guns away.
Mikki Kendall @Karnythia
As @prisonculture teaches us, hope is a practice that we cultivate. That is how Black and Indigenous people have survived apocalypses before.
we just went through two years of parents storming school boards calling masks child abuse
Christopher Mathias @letsgomathias
Republicans have no incentive to stop school shootings because it works in their favor to privatize education.
Imani Barbarin
To be for gun control is to be against white power. To be for gun rights is to be for white power. That's the way it is.
*The* Editorial Board @johnastoehr
Our strategy of ignoring real problems and fighting fake ones does not seem to be working.
Matthew Segal
At this point, I created a separate post on May 24, 2022 about the Uvalde mass murder.
Preventable air pollution kills 5 times as many people in the US as homicide. Wage theft dwarfs all police-reported property crime combined. Tax evasion costs 100 times cop-recorded property crime. Cops themselves steal more $$$ from people than all burglary combined. And so on.
Alec Karakatsanis @equalityAlec
There are very few people whose opinion I want to hear less — on any topic — than Henry Kissinger
Ned Resnikoff
Most “homeowners” have a mortgage, and for all intents are bank tenants. Imagine if you will that a bank could increase interest rates as much as they wanted during the adjustable period-50%, 100% because they wanted to maximize profits for their shareholders.
Rebecca Garrard @garrar26
Funny how a company that builds McMansions on the edge of Frisco, TX, is a "homebuilder" while a company that builds studio apartments in Boston is a "developer"
Jake Anbinder
To collect taxes, Christian IV of Denmark asked captains of ships crossing the Øresund to estimate the value of their cargo, which was applied as the tax base without further audit. But the king also claimed the right to buy the entire cargo at exactly that price.
Paul Hünermund
Reaganism/Trumpism -- Tomato/Tomatah.
Frank Conniff
he's right, women shouldn't code
men shouldn't code
computers were a mistake
the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster
Quiet as it's kept, the fossil fuel industry is the biggest ecoterrorist on earth
Mary Annaïse Heglar @MaryHeglar
You know how crazy the last few years have been? The next few years will be even worse because of global heating. We must look this straight in the face. We must disobey. Stopping irreversible Earth breakdown is more important than obeying foolish authority figures.
Peter Kalmus @ClimateHuman
"Note to All Nazis Fascists and Klansmen," Langston Hughes, in Jim Crow's Last Stand, 1943:
Beinecke Library
If I had to pick one thing journalists miss in police reporting, it's that cops have tried to surveil, infiltrate, and violently crush every major social, economic, labor, environmental, and racial justice movement since 1900. It's what they spent their budgets on in every city. Because many liberal reporters don't know this history, they absorb "public safety" copaganda and don't see that the police are the main right-wing force that works to prevent the organizing required for all the social change liberals are proud of and say they want more of.
Alec Karakatsanis @equalityAlec
The law should be if you can't denounce white supremacy or call out racism and racists, you should never be allowed to run for public office. Racism is NOT an opinion you can have "two sides" of. It is evil, period.
Yolanda Machado @SassyMamainLA
So, let me get this straight: Indigenous communities (reservations) pay taxes — but, churches that discriminate against people based on their political affiliations don’t?
Lakota Man
There will never be a bell loud enough, a helmet strong enough or clothing bright enough to make up for weak leadership:
Tom Flood
How is it that Covid counts as a workplace hazard when it's for counting police who died in the line of duty but not when it's for OSHA mandating vaccines?
Brian Danger Hicks @crazyunlikeafox
Keeping the status quo isn’t avoiding a decision. It’s a continuous decision.
Brent Toderian
It's always abortions and me too, never someone whose life was derailed by juvie or prison
Vice News just published this headline: “Republicans just voted against feeding the baby they're forcing you to have”
You can not adapt to starvation. #PeopleNotProfit
Vanessa Nakate @vanessa_vash
A certain kind of policing is known to work, but it involves beat cops from the neighborhood living in it, and keeping the authoritarian personalities who are attracted to policing out as much as possible. This kind of policing is very unpopular with police.
When the wealthy feel threatened they turn to authoritarianism. This is how it works, time and time again. People had better get wise to it because, boy howdy, we’re in the thick of it.
Jared Yates Sexton
This was called 3 years ago:
Take any horrible thing the RW is doing, call it X. Go back in time two years and publicly predict: "the RW is going to do X." You will be dismissed as a partisan crank. This has been reliably, consistently true throughout the entire RW escalation. Still true today.
David Roberts @drvolts
If I had told you three years ago that a pandemic would kill over 1 million Americans, Trump would launch a violent coup after losing, and SCOTUS would overturn Roe v Wade, but everyone was just going on as normal and the GOP was favored in the midterms, you'd say I was out of my mind.
David Atkins
Years back, a very attractive friend of mine took a job as a private flight attendant. She lasted less than a month because she was basically harassed by some corporate executive or another on every flight. This stuff is all too common in that world.
Helaine Olen
Republicans complain about high gas prices. Then they vote against cracking down on price gouging at the pump.
Republicans complain about the baby formula shortage. Then they vote against funding for baby formula.
They don’t want solutions, they want problems to campaign on.
Brian Tyler Cohen
In the last 40 years employers replaced most well-paying, secure jobs and benefits with low-paying, insecure, jobs + fewer benefits. Capital profited; labor incomes stagnated. Class struggles and culture wars provoke and shape one another as American dreams fade / social tensions rise
Richard D. Wolff
Americans spend so much time focusing on the military aspects of World War II because we don’t want to wrestle with the ideological underpinnings and the fact that so much of the fascism and Nazism was either inspired by us or supported enthusiastically.
Jared Yates Sexton
Occasionally I like to amuse myself by imagining how batshit insane the twitter feeds of many towering historic figures would be: Tolstoy, Ezra Pound, Hemingway, Marcus Garvey, etc…
Chris Hayes
Man, you gotta watch for the people who all of a sudden care about safety on public transit. Because they don't actually care about it, they see it as a way to defund transit even more. They're not interested in rider and operator safety.
Amity Foster
Today I learned that automakers either amplify existing engine noise or pipe straight up fake engine noises into the cabs of vehicles like the Ford F-150 to satisfy customers obsessed with the throaty roar of older cars and trucks.
Mathew Ingram
How is it that Black people getting massacred becomes about any and everything BUT antiblack racial oppression?
Do they leave the security of their mansions, banks, ... to "the culture" or use every kind of physical barrier, design and systems to shape behaviour?
The auto industry spends tens of $billions/year on ads and product placement. These invariably show driving that would result in mass casualty in real life. They mostly sell dominance but also comfort/insulation from risks. If it’s really culture, it’s time to regulate car advertising.
Bella Chu
Asset forfeiture should have republicans and libertarians in the streets all day and all night. Sandy Hook and asset forfeiture are my go-to examples of how and why this nation works the way that it does.
Tressie McMillan Cottom @tressiemcphd
Pollution, which accounts for about 16 percent of all deaths around the world, remains the “largest existential threat to human and planetary health,” according to the authors of a new peer-reviewed study.
Inside Climate News
How ridiculous is it that we order things online and then expect quick delivery and then every night giant cargo planes fill the city skies packed to the gills with crap, including your packages from Madewell and Dick Blick and Blomscape. With your name emblazoned across them.
The Right believes in forced birth and forced breast feeding. Thus, like the Founding Fathers, believes in individual freedom for *men only*
Paul Thomas @plthomasEdD
Republicans have created an environment where teaching the history of racism and white supremacy is considered more "divisive" than actual acts of racism and white supremacy.
Kevin M. Levin
Protecting single detached home-owners from unwanted change to their current context is fundamentally incompatible with the action we badly need in cities to address the climate crisis, housing crisis, public cost crisis, equity/racism/classism crisis, etc. That’s the tweet.
Brent Toderian
Freedom isn’t owning 25 rifles, it’s going to the grocery store and not having to worry about being killed by one.
Buffalo: AR-15
Boulder: AR-15
Orlando: AR-15
Parkland: AR-15
Las Vegas: AR-15
Aurora, CO: AR-15
Sandy Hook: AR-15
Waffle House: AR-15
San Bernardino: AR-15
Midland/Odessa: AR-15
Poway synagogue: AR-15
Sutherland Springs: AR-15
Tree of Life Synagogue: AR-15
Don Winslow
"...two-wheeled electric vehicles outsold four-wheeled ones more than two to one last year, despite federal (and many state) subsidies for the latter mode."
Beth Osborne
For 60 YEARS...the U.S has blamed black moms for everything their kids do or don't do. "It starts at home". Meanwhile it's like 18 year old mass shooters just...appear out of thin air. Nobody is asking yall "where is that child's momma?" And it SHOWS.
Optimus Fine @sunnydaejones
It is amazing how often people think that the answer to the problem that has plagued your life, to which you have devoted your every effort for years, is the answer that came to them after one or two seconds of their consideration
Michael A Osborne @maosbot
There was more geothermal than nuclear added worldwide in 2021, yet all we hear is nonstop propagandists saying we should throw more money at nuclear and some modelers still assumings it will play a big role.
Mark Z. Jacobson
Richard Dawkins: "Haven't read Quran but Islam is evil."
Also Dawkins: "Please keep an open mind when reading work by this lad who spreads conspiracy theories."
White folks unironically declaring they’re glad they live in Canada, whilst standing on the bones and blood of the Indigenous people displaced for them to be there.
Dr. Twyla Baker @Indigenia
As rural white people radicalize they push out people and the economic activity they bring. Democrats haven’t just lost touch with rural Americans, rural America has forcefully urbanized its own democratic base
Evolving @gedougen
Was George Washington’s racism a mental illness? In what year did racists switch from being “men of their times” to being mentally ill? If folks say racism is a result of mental illness, how do we justify any systems or institutions established under white settler colonialism?
Tree planted in former travel lane. Tree chicane:
Dongho Chang
Liberals need to learn to love and defend the administrative state with the same passion that conservatives bring to attacking and degrading it. Three cheers for bureaucracy!
David Roberts @drvolts
Remember: Rap music makes kids do drugs and have sex, a teacher mentioning he's in a committed relationship with another man will turn your children gay, but NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING ever influences a white nationalist terrorist to commit mass murder.
Nathan Quarry @NateRockQuarry
Every society has losers who turn to fascism to compensate for being failures but very few of them except the United States lets them buy a rifle and body armor.
Darrell Owens @IDoTheThinking
If you're keeping score, the Dems who defend the filibuster now believe not only that it is important, but that it is MORE important than:
* voting rights
* abortion rights
* climate change
* gun violence
The filibuster began as an accident, an oversight, not anyone's proposal. The founders repeatedly reaffirmed the value of majority rule and explicitly confined supermajority requirements to a few dire situations. For this we're swirling down the shitter.
David Roberts @drvolts
95% of American mass shooters: "I am a nazi and I do this because I want to ethnically cleanse the world. Here is my manifesto where I detail all of my nazi beliefs."
The media: The mentally ill lone wolf had a rough life. No one wanted to be his friend.
Housing 4 All
Climate collapse is
supply chain collapse and
economic collapse and
reproductive and civil rights collapse and
social collapse and
democracy collapse and
ecosystem collapse and
biodiversity collapse and—
Everything is connected.
Alexandria Villaseñor
A deeply fucked up thing in America right now is that one political party full-throatedly endorses a racist conspiracy theory that routinely inspires mass shootings and the other political party is afraid to explicitly state that
The Buffalo shooter's manifesto focuses on "White birth rates."
The Supreme Court's opinion overturning Roe cites the "domestic supply of infants."
This is not a coincidence.
Tristan Snell
The whole bit where the American flag isn’t good enough for Republicans any more is just extremely weird:
A close friend of mine, holding her 6mo baby, was told by a neighbor her child was an abomination with no soul because she and her husband did IVF. For anyone who doesn’t see the writing on the wall here yet. Theocracy is one of the slippery-ist of slopes.
Gayla Schaefer, MPA @AmericanXMom
We only tolerate these massacres because White men aren't ready or willing to give up what they see as self defense against multiculturalism.
Propane Jane™ @docrocktex26
By now I would think most would understand that white supremacy will destroy this entire country – not just Black, Brown, Asian and indigenous people. It is a deadly poison to which this country is uniquely vulnerable. And we will either fight it or be destroyed as a nation by it.
Sherrilyn Ifill
UN chief Antonio Guterres who said "The truly dangerous radicals are the countries that are increasing the production of fossil fuels. Investing in new fossil fuels infrastructure is moral and economic madness." He added:
Extinction Rebellion
I really don’t understand why we don’t hear more about the Panama papers when we are discussing both the rise of oligarchs and homelessness/housing crises.
after mass shootings u hear shit like “we need more cops” or “there’s too much violence in media” when all that needs to be said is “this country refuses to deal with white supremacy” and until it does, people will keep dying.
White supremacy is not a mental illness. White supremacy is not a mental illness. White supremacy is not a mental illness. White supremacy is not a mental illness. White supremacy is not a mental illness. White supremacy is not a mental illness. White supremacy is not a mental il
Shana V. White
There’s a certain type of crime in this country you can only commit as a wealthy person and none of those crimes carry personal consequences.
Tom Basgen
for what it's worth: the shooter self described as "racist" in the manifesto so there is extra no reason for "racially charged" or other euphemisms. he openly advocated racial segregation and an American white ethnostate – he's a white supremacist; definitionally racist
One of the things that would help frame the conversation about why people are so upset by modern pop culture would be to acknowledge how deeply DEEPLY conservative mainstream pop culture was in the '80s, which a lot of these people hold up as their ideal.
When you realize that anti-abortion people, “just breastfeed” people, and “don’t breastfeed where we can see it tho” people are the same people it becomes really apparent that their central position is that reproductive labor should be a punishment they never have to witness.
Your Friendly Butch Anarchist
Like I need people to stop acting like formula companies are the only anti breastfeeding element in America. We don't want to give lactating people support financially, socially, or emotionally. But then we're shocked formula is appealing to exhausted parents? Shut the fuck up
Mikki Kendall @Karnythia
“Justice” Alito, advocate for an actual witch hunter, speaks:
David Cay Johnston
That there is a national stockpile of oil but not of baby formula is a stark reminder that America has no commitment to the future.
Dr. Genevieve Guenther @DoctorVive
Your regular reminder that a feminist is not a person who does stuff and happens to be a woman, but rather a person whose word and deed seeks to dismantle gender-based oppression, both individual and systemic. Who knows biology is not destiny and fights for sexual and reproductive rights.
Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg
If you think fertilized eggs are people but immigrant babies aren't, you're going to have to stop pretending your concerns are religious.
Not knowing how to respond when someone is purposefully cruel to me is different from responding when someone is cruel to others. My sense of justice kicks in for the latter, but there’s something about cruelty directed to me that I’ve never adapted to. It’s a problem, to be honest.
Leah McElrath
People are OVER TWICE AS LIKELY to list the abstract concept of the federal budget deficit as a severe problem as the pandemic that killed 200,000 people this winter alone. Guys, we're all living in a holographic reality of media narratives, just accept it so we can deal with it.
Will Stancil
Weird how conservatives care about your kids and grandkids paying back debt but not at all concerned they may not have a habitable planet to live on.
Dean from Winnipeg
The only thing necessary for evil to win is for the center to tell good that it's overreacting.
once again i am thinking about how the bottom of lake erie is above the surface of lake ontario:
torando @urbaniconoclasm
ADA. EPA. OSHA. More gutting of Voting Rights. They'll happily come for it all, no hesitation. @kar_nels
They are after modernity.
Adam Miller @ajm6792
The cool thing about Kickstarter is the democratization of your amazing idea. If enough people thing it's amazing, you get to try it out.
The problem with billionaires is the tyranny of their amazing idea. Nobody gets a vote, and if it's a disaster, it might be bad for everyone.
Howard Tayler
Only protest in a box,
Imagine what they’ll say on FOX!
Do not shout or raise your voice,
Just accept your lack of choice.
Don’t break a window, little mouse,
Stay away from Brett’s house.
My rights enshrined, yours are frail.
Boy, it’s nice to be a cisgender male.
ashley fairbanks @ziibiing
if white people put Republicans back into power after Republicans themselves just told them that they're going to substantially raise middle-class and working-class taxes, and sunset every Federal program established since the New Deal, it will be 100% cos of white supremacy
What better way to protect us from "ideologies" and "indoctrination" than by banning us from thinking about or discussing inequality from any perspective other than conservative ideology?
Steven M. Vose
If capitalism is all about innovation and 'progress', why is it so reluctant to leave the fuels of the 19th Century and move into the 21st?
Dr Charlie Gardner
If Florida passes a personhood amendment, they better buckle the fuck up cause I'm gonna make it my goal to file habeas petitions on behalf of the illegally incarcerated fetus of every pregnant woman in custody.
Luther Evers
Dear white women. The Handmaids Tale did not "predict the future," it is — without exaggeration — based on the real treatment of Black and Indigenous people thru history. It HAS happened, its BEEN happening, its just for the first time it is happening to YOU. Get it together.
"Instead, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions increased by 6.2% in 2021 compared to 2020. Greenhouse gases from U.S. transportation systems alone increased 10% from 2020 to 2021."
William Lindeke
When you are dying of internal bleeding from an ectopic pregnancy, furious that even though any doctor could save you, you will have to die - leaving lifelong agony for your spouse and children. Please think of the sanctity of Brett Kavanaugh’s driveway - which is the real victim
Brianna Wu
Republicans are coming right out and saying their plan is to make this a Christian Nationalist country based on the teachings of white republican Jesus and y'all are yelling at Democrats.
Back in 1994, SCOTUS ruled 6-3 to block a ban on targeted picketing outside the homes of abortion clinic employees. Government employees – including SCOTUS justices – deserve either the same or less protection than the people they govern, not special privileges
T. Greg Doucette
We could have buses that run on time, you know. Bike lanes that are inviting for families. Streets that are safe to cross. These aren’t even very hard problems. But the people in the city with the power to improve these things are choosing not to.
Brittney Bush Bollay
Wild how white men SCOLD people for peaceful protest in front of someone’s house bcuz white man who lives there Declared War on women by rewriting law that violently INVADES THEIR BODIES
Gabe Hudson
I vastly prefer virtue signaling to whatever the fuck the sign on the right is signaling:
Michael Hobbes @RottenInDenmark
I can't imagine a more clear advertisement for a house full of smug assholes.
David Roberts @drvolts
To be clear: there was, what, one tiny left organization in the 60s that used violence anywhere close to the abortion prohibition movement? Like maybe the SLA. Antis were much much more tactically violent than Weather or the BLA or any of the Bad Examples of political violence.
Malcolm Harris @BigMeanInternet
sorry, libertarians aren’t real. most of them are just minarchists in denial - they want to strip the state down to its core function: nothing but cops to enforce property rights with swift and brutal violence.
molly conger @socialistdogmom
do not go civilly into that fascist night
You know what I want for Mothers Day 2022? The right for all women to become mothers if and when and how they wish.
Jodi Picoult
Feels like a somber Mother’s Day this year. The hatred and vilification of women is out on full display now. Heartbreaking that this is where we are in 2022 in America.
Amy Siskind
What could Polaris and Arctic Cat’s manufacturing purposes be under a Green New Deal?
Minnesota-made, winter-ready EBIKES. Something we could use to effortlessly corner on icy trails. Or fairing-protected micromobiles. Jesus, anything but the garbage they manufacture now.
Mary Morse Marti
Bold prediction: we are going to really regret not approving the under 5 vaccine a long long time ago.
mike johansen
Everything u think you know about polio is “long polio.” MS is “long mono.” AIDS is “long HIV.” Viruses are nothing to fuck with, unless you want to find out.
When they say Trump "tells it like it is," they don't mean his words correspond to external empirical reality. (I mean, the dude lies constantly.) They mean that with every utterance, he says/reaffirms "we good, they bad," which to a RWer is bedrock, deeper than empirical truth.
David Roberts @drvolts
We’ve gone from “facts don’t care about your feelings” to:
Don Moynihan
You cannot outlaw miscarriages obviously but you CAN pretend every pregancy loss is inherently suspicious, especially if you want to harrass the woman anyways. Or make medical staff nervous to intervene.
Ondine, MD
If they’re going to base their opinion on history they should have heard testimony from actual historians
I am not a lawyer so I will just guess that we only reference 17th century law when it is convenient for our case?
there's no 'logic'. the same reason people prosecuted witchraft (women that stood outside the frame of proto-capitalism needed to be controlled) is the same reason someone would overturn roe v wade
Of course [Alito knows how bad his logic is]. HE DOESN’T CARE. Thanks to Mitch McConnell, he doesn’t have to hide it any more. They will not replace him. They will not replace us. He has just perfected the art of calling white power “adherence to our historic principles and values.”
Mark Golub
Can we talk about how problematic Alito’s logic is? Alito reaches back to the 17th c. English Common law to provide a precedent for his decision, but the 17th c. judgments he cites only made abortion a crime if it happened after the child “quickens” or moves (about 20 weeks). This 17th-18th century understanding would mean upholding Roe, and disallowing Dobbs. So Alito then says the common law somehow must have made abortion illegal before quickening — without a shred of evidence.
Holly Brewer @earlymodjustice
this being the culmination of a holy war that's been ongoing since the '70s, you should be aware they are coming for absolutely everything that isn't straight white christian fertile marriage with a submissive, economically dependent and fiscally constrained wife
Talia Lavin @swordsjew
The 1973 Roe decision was decided 7-2 and written by a Nixon appointee. The 1987 Casey decision upholding Roe was written by a Reagan appointee on a court with 8 justices appointed by GOP presidents. Rejecting Roe as “egregiously wrong” 50 yrs later = a radical, political act.
Jeff Yarbro
i no longer work for a news organization so i can say without fear of penalty for my job that news organizations' reluctance to touch abortion and to cover it honestly (very popular! not that controversial!) for fear of seeming too liberal is a big part of why we are here
Julia Moser
Say it with me, America isn’t having a culture war. Conservatives are waging war on #Black people, women, and immigrants.
Say it with me, American isn’t having a culture war. Conservatives are attacking #LGBTQ people, increasingly violently.
James Finn @jfinn6511
“The fluidity with which rights can be bequeathed and taken away, in fact, reduces rights to privileges. In a truly democratic society, civil rights should not be contingent on a fortuitous combination of Supreme Court Justices.”
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Requiring civil rights to be “deeply rooted in history” is a great way to say “if you didn’t always have civil rights, then you should never have them.”
Steve Kenson
What's happening in America politically doesn't strike me as complicated: there's a very terrible faction which embodies every reactionary prejudice you can think of, and they're constantly looking for ways to take complete power, and everyone else is kind of talking around them
Will Stancil
Please understand: A state with the power to force you to give birth can easily assume the power to force you to terminate a pregnancy. You either have bodily autonomy or you do not.
Leah McElrath
On this day, and every day, remember: Those who like to scold the “alarmists” with a hearty “They won’t go *that* far!” have been consistently wrong. The “alarmists” have been mostly spot on about what the reactionary end game would be. Adjust your expectations accordingly.
Thomas Zimmer @tzimmer_history
Crimson Collared Tanager:
Also obviously: everything is on the table and clearly has been. Voting rights were gutted in 2013. Marriage equality. Griswold. Loving. Don’t ever listen to anyone who tells you such fears are silly or overblown.
Rebecca Traister
It's more than a bit bizarre that some folks here complain about liberals/left being obsessed with Trump. The guy tried to stage one coup and has made it very clear that if he runs and loses in 2024 he will try to stage another. It's a bit like complaining that we are obsessed with trying to capture a serial killer who has pledged to kill again. Yeah, it is kind of important to stop him.
Dean Baker
I totally tune out white guys talking about free speech the way they tune out women who talk about their periods, menopause, eldercare, rape, sexual assault, domestic abuse, paternal abandonment, ambient harassment, and the incredible lopsidedness of household labor.
holly @girlziplocked
The people who wouldn’t shut up about how we needed to send kids back to school during the height of a deadly pandemic are now saying we need to home school kids because they’re afraid of them learning about slavery or having a trans classmate.
The Volatile Mermaid @OhNoSheTwitnt
Saturday, June 18, 2022
A Belated May 2022 Twitter
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7:47 PM
Categories: Words in My Mouth
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