Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Another Mass Shooting, 18 Children Dead

A week before my full Twitter round-up for the month: Tweets about the mass school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, which happened today.

Karen DiFabio

The same people who spent all last month insisting that life must be protected above any other consideration will now explain to you how children being massacred in their classrooms is just the sunk cost of protecting a single sentence written in 1789.
nikki mccann ramírez

Ten days ago it took the Senate about twenty minutes to unanimously pass a bill extending security protection to the family members of Supreme Court justices when it looked like a house might be picketed.
Kieran Healy

Our strategy of ignoring real problems and fighting fake ones does not seem to be working.
Matthew Segal

No amount of dead children will ever make Republicans regulate guns because they know that mass death primes us for authoritarianism.
Ruth Ben-Ghiat

The school district for Robb Elementary has its own police department with 5 cops and 1 security guard. The city of Uvalde's police department recieved just under 40% of the entire city's budget for the year and got a 500k grant from the state. Neither stopped today's massacre.
Muffuletta Matzo Man @NeeNeinNyetNo

The US needs to admit its extreme fetish for the Second Amendment now means:
Right to mass shooting
Right to school massacres
Thank the NRA who bought the Republican Party
Paul Thomas @plthomasEdD

Right now, even as you read this, NRA types and GOP leaders are meeting, scheming, trying to prevent 14 dead children in Uvalde, Texas, from inspiring long overdue common sense gun reform in America. Imagine their depravity. Contemplate their necrotic souls.
Michael Kleber-Diggs @MKDorDiggsy

USA, 2022: The government is going to force you to have children, you will be bankrupted by hospital bills if a single thing goes wrong during the birth, and you will be forced to watch helplessly as a gunman enters their elementary school and no one does anything to prevent it.
Jordan Fraade @schadenfraade

Remember Heller. Remember that the Roberts Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision--over a withering dissent by Stevens--threw out democratically passed gun control laws in 2008. They invented a new 2nd Amendment and a false banner to rally around to stop basic protection of children.
Zephyr Teachout

There are going to be elections is a couple of months and BY FUCKING SUNDAY motherfuckers will be back on their “but gas prices tho” bullshit justifications for voting for monsters or not voting at all.
Elie Mystal

We’ve had 2 decades of doing things the GOP-NRA way, maybe it’s time we tried something else because this sure as shit is not working and the body count is only growing. If you’re response to these mass shootings is “we need more guns,” you’re a sociopath.
Eric Swalwell

The Uvalde shooter reportedly bought two assault rifles on his 18th birthday. That's something you can do in Texas and then tote the assault rifles around in public without any license or training.
Judd Legum

Republicans like mass shootings, there's no other rational explanation. You don't continue to enable this kind of thing for decades now unless you truly love it.
Oliver Willis

can't wait to take my kid to third grade which at that point will, i guess, be staffed entirely by united states marines to handle the inevitable combat situations that arise at american elementary schools
Elizabeth Bruenig

People used to get RAKED across the coals in public. I mean, SHAMED TO SOCIAL DEATH. NEVER RECOVER. We need to bring that back. Politicians lack fear. They think they can just do and say anything and have a social life again.
Brandon @blgtylr

GOP: We trust teachers with a handgun to try to take out a mass shooter with an AR-15, but we cannot possibly trust them with the word "gay."

More children have been killed by gun violence in the US in 2022 (738) than have died in the war in Ukraine (~186) during the same timeframe.
Hannah Lichtsinn, MD @DoctorLix

The NRA meets in Houston, Texas, this Friday. That's the current version of the NRA, of course, which exists to sell as many guns as possible and feed fascism.