Friday, April 19, 2019

Invisible Dog

Anyone who has read this blog for a while knows I like to harp on badly designed billboards, especially ones you can't understand in less than a second, yet are placed along highways where you're going 60 miles an hour.

Here's my latest gripe:

This is along the west side of highway 280, facing you as you drive north, near the Energy Park Drive exit. I thought it was a woman looking into a grocery bag, perhaps, but that made no sense with the headline and call to action.

I wouldn't say it almost caused me to drive off the road because I'm not that obsessed, but it did take me more than one pass to figure out what was going on in the photo:

Yes, it's a blonde woman in a blond blouse and almost blond pants, holding the paws of a blond dog with its back to the camera and which is wearing a service vest that looks a bit like a grocery sack.

Why the designers of this billboard gave no thought to contrast between the colors in their model's hair and clothes or with the dog's fur, I have no idea. But I get a good laugh at the lump o' blondness every time I go past.


Here are a few of my past posts on billboard design:

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