Monday, August 5, 2024

They Have to Be Stopped

Michelle Goldberg, columnist for the New York Times, read the new book Unhumans, which is written by two ultra-rabid-right-wingers. They are being mainstreamed by J.D. Vance through the introduction he wrote for them.

I won't be reading it, but here's a screen snapshot Goldberg posted of some of her thoughts on the book:

These people frighten me, of course, but they also make me very, very angry: The sheer level of their assumption that they are the center of history. They are not only outside the center of history, they are also — as Tim Walz says — so weird, in the bad sense of the word. 

We know better than this. We learned it from the Nazis, of course, but also from Rwanda. Labeling people as unhuman, as vermin, cockroaches... We know how this ends, and that's what these authors want. They tell us in so many words.

They have to be stopped.

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