Saturday, August 24, 2024

Dropping Out

Yesterday, around the time the ignominious RFK Jr. was endorsing Trump, New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie asked on BlueSky,

i have actually never watched RFK Jr speak and uh what’s going on with him?

I vaguely remember wondering the same thing the first time I heard the guy speak, and found out he had some kind of medical condition, but I didn't look into it much after that.

The answer is that he developed what's called adductor spasmodic dysphonia in his 40s. Not a name I'm likely to retain; commenters reminded me that one of my old radio favorites, WAMU's Diane Rehm, had the same condition later in her life. I had remembered she had a medical issue that damaged her voice, but I hadn't recalled the name.

Anyway, at this point RFK Jr. is a prime example of what Michelle Obama last week called the affirmative action of generational wealth (not to mention prominent last name). He was a heroin addict, a drug dealer in college, probably a sexual predator of some sort, and for the past few decades essentially a madman from literal brain worms. Yet he thinks he can run for president.

His vocal damage is the least of it, but just from a cosmetic standpoint, that's also a problem in our media-saturated world. As one person said in response to Jamelle Bouie's question,

Like it’s not his fault, but imagine that voice at every important event for the next 4 years.

A few of the cads who responded to Bouie had funny answers for the cause:

Spasmodic dysphonia for the voice, brain worm for the opinions.

Shaken nepo baby syndrome.

He died 5 years ago, but he's stubborn.

I was not surprised that Jr. endorsed Trump. They have Jeffrey Epstein in common, as well as self-centeredness, so it makes sense that the selfish, damaged rich guys are sticking together. 

What doesn't make sense is that anyone would vote for either of them.


Michael Leddy said...

Since this post is already rich in mockery:

I know I’m not the first person to see Kennedy Jr.’s resemblance to Jim (Christopher Llloyd) from Taxi.

Daughter Number Three said...

I didn't watch Taxi, so I didn't think of that.