Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Apologist: A White Job

In the midst of Trump's many lies during last week's debate, there was also his use of the phrase "black jobs," which has not gotten much attention, except from Black people, who were understandably both confounded and insulted by it. 

Some of the people I follow on social media made fun of it by showing photos of themselves doing their "black jobs": being professors, journalists, and so on. 

In the midst of everything else that's been going on, it was just one more outrage.

But then I got a glimpse of what must be happening over in Fox World, courtesy of a family member on Facebook. That person shared this bit of MAGA-cult counter-programming:

That's right: someone in Right-wing-world is trying to claim that Trump meant whatever this is when he said "black jobs," as if he knew there was an obscure definition of the term "black work" that none of us has ever heard of. But he didn't say "black work," of course — he said "black jobs."

And it was clear what he meant by it. This was not it.

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