Thursday, July 4, 2024

An Asterisk on Freedom

For Independence Day, two graphics to remind us of how many people are unfree in the land of the free. 

Both portray the statistics in a relative way, one comparing the U.S. to other countries, and one comparing states within the U.S.

The first is from the Prison Policy Initiative:

A grim reminder this 4th of July: The US has the highest incarceration rate of any independent democracy on Earth, making it a leader in mass incarceration.

Far too many people are locked up in the “land of the free.”

The second is from data scientist Hunter @StatisticUrban:

Because "number of prisons vs. colleges" isn't a great stat (both vary in size wildly) I created a map of student population to prisoner population.

The worst state is Alaska, with 4.51 college students per prisoner. The best is New Hampshire, with 93.3. Nationwide is 17.78:

Some of the states with good ratios are noted in the responding comments as exporting their prisoners to other states; I don't know if those are reflected in the stats used. In contrast, some of the states (such as Massachusetts) are notable for having a disproportionate number of colleges and universities that draw students from other states.

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