Monday, October 2, 2023

Bluesky, September 2023

I'm still considering the transition from Twitter to Bluesky. It's looking more real. More of the people I like to read on Twitter have set up accounts on Bluesky and are using it. I'm using both currently, trying to assess what's going on where.

Here's what I found most interesting on Bluesky in September... still significantly shorter than my Twitter post from yesterday, but longer than last month's.

Everything below the line is from the cited account. Unfortunately, Bluesky does not allow people without accounts to view the site.


[Subways under water, sewage flooding into buildings] you guys we have to stop this shoplifting
Gillian Branstetter

gotta do this for cops:

James Bouie

Yesterday a Native American activist was shot by a man in a MAGA hat at a rally opposing the restoration of a statue honoring a genocidal colonizer in Rio Arriba County, NM.
Jay Ulfelder

One of the most staggering features of the now repeated gun violence against Oñate protestors is that Oñate wasn't just a conquistador, he was one whose crimes were so heinous that the King of Spain banned him from returning to New Mexico for life. That's by the standards of the 1610s.
Kelsey Atherton

I'm always struck by the argument about erasing the past. As if the only way we learn about the U.S. Civil War is from statues or WWII is from paintings by Hitler or silver platters emblazoned with swastikas.
Amber Pasternak

When the New York Times said Trump was addressing striking auto workers, they actually meant striking as in very handsome
Ned Resnikoff

I'm not sure having a system where a small minority of fascists can shut down the government every year or so is optimal for a functioning society. Or frankly for a society at all.
David M. Perry

We've had a little group of Christian fascists showing up at our local school boards with Proud Boys in tow to pull this shit. Totally healthy society!
Alex Burns

this is giving real Hunger Games vibes. the super wealthy dressing up in clown outfits while people starve and tent cities are bulldozed by cops:

Tehlor Mejia

Just gonna keep reminding folks that the whole point of Moms for Liberty and their imitators is to create cover for Proud Boy brownshirts to bring violence to school board meetings under the pretense of "protecting" white women.
Gwen Snyder is uncivil

Republicans are all about states' rights when state governments are abusing people, and all about federal power when the states aren't abusing people enough.
Radley Balko

Ancient DNA is amazing, Part 4,982. DNA of 400-yr-old cow bones in Hispaniola and Mexico hints that the first cowboys in the Americas were enslaved Africans. Analysis backs up historians' belief that classic cowboy stuff like herding from horseback and using lassos were created by Africans, too.
Charles C. Mann

hey sorry I missed your text, I am processing a non-stop 24/7 onslaught of information with a brain designed to eat berries in a cave
Janel Comeau

"John Capp, the director of vehicle safety technology, strategy and regulation at General Motors, stressed that there is not enough data about pedestrian traffic deaths to understand the causes..."

The War on Cars

This is what I always say. "Parent's rights" are really "parent's rights to abuse their children."

One of the biggest gaps in US history as it's usually taught is the portrayal of McCarthyism and the Red Scare as narrowly focused on "communism" when the working definition of "communism" being used included Black civil rights activists, labor organizers, and queer people.
Gillian Branstetter

People put up with a lot as long as the cops kill the right people for them

So, I’m going to need to read some research on how much of the post-war industrial boom was from direct and indirect subsidies for oil and cars. The resources spent on freeways alone are staggering.
Adam Miller

It is not a "culture war." Do not spread their bile. It is right-wing authoritarian manipulation of you, media. Do not fall for it.
Jeff Jarvis

Do not go gentle into that good night:


"Cartoon version of the past" is possibly the most accurate description of how the modern GOP wishes to see the world presented.
Derrell Durrett

Many have said this over the years because it's absolutely true that there's no way we could propose the current public library system in 2023 and win public libraries. I sit with this on a regular basis and it depresses me to no end.

“It’s weird; people are always saying, ‘well, it’d be great if we saw more Biden,’” Foer said. “He gives public speeches almost every single day.” They make no headlines. It’s a choice by our political media.
David M. Perry

Multiple West Virginia lawmakers have recently supported voluntary sterilization of incarcerated people. Said one lawmaker: “If you want to lessen your prison sentence… then you get your tubes tied, so you don’t bring any more drug babies into the system.”
Alex Burness

can’t overstate how much this country is still saturated with eugenic thinking
Jamelle Bouie

In my mind, I picture wombats as badger or possum sized, but they're ... um ... not:


The afternoon of 9/11 I started getting email from angry conservatives who blamed liberals, bush critics, me. "You must be celebrating since you hate America so much!" that stuff lasted for years. Imagine being such a True Patriot that your first response to 9/11 was sending off an angry email to a cartoonist you didn't like.
Tom Tomorrow

True story: I’m dating this drug dealer in college. I tell him that if he is good at moving weight, then he is too good to be dealing. And if he is bad at moving it, the risks outweigh all the rewards. If you’re that good at moving weed, my dude, sell cellphones and minimize regulatory fees. I break up with him like a week later and never think of it again. Until about three years ago when this guy finds me on Facebook to tell me he never forgot what I told him. He owned a food truck now and so on and so on. lol

William F. Buckley dedicated his life to promoting the red scare, reversing the new deal and stopping the civil rights movement. Incredible to me that he's regarded with anything but unmitigated contempt.
Michael Hobbes

Completely bonkers to me that the National Review still proudly uses this slogan:

nick (he/him)

TRENT REZNOR: and you could have it all, my empire of dirt
GARDENERS: oh fuck yes
born miserable

"what if an erratic unstable racist were in control of the world's communication infrastructure" is a question no one asked, and yet, somehow, here we are
Jeff Tiedrich

Man, one of my most favorite sounds is when you can hear laughter in a person's voice. Like, they're not quite laughing but you can hear it, and it's such a joyous sound and I need more of that in my life.

"What we call the Republican Party is barely a political party in any sense of the word, but a dangerous antisocial movement that has embraced many of the tenets of fascism, from calls for violence to its dehumanizing of 'others.'" –Will Bunch
Bill Lindeke

Incredible how nobody cares about pedestrian safety until the villainous cyclist or e-scooter rider shows up.
Tom Flood

We're not in a culture war because we stopped teaching Western Civ, for crying out loud. We're in a culture war because rich reactionaries are funding a massive culture war propaganda offensive to scare people into voting for their unpopular, plutocratic economic policies.
Seth Cotlar

cis people: why are trans people so obsessed with gender
also cis people:

Have to imagine it’s a huge coincidence that every white, wealthy moderate publishing an op-ed in the Times thinks the problem is that not enough schools are teaching classes extolling the virtues of the world serving the white, wealthy moderate.
Jared Yates Sexton

US federal urban policy would be so much better had Jefferson either had different beliefs or been  a less central founding father. That he thought cities were amoral is inhibiting.
David King

It's rather amazing how many people have a mindset of "terraforming Mars would be perfectly doable" combined with "not polluting Earth beyond our ability to survive is impossible."

Years ago I gave an ignite talk to tech people called Why Are You Still Shitting In Drinking Water, and I fantasise maybe the guy who screamed at me afterwards for 'fearmongering' about utilities breaking down when that 'couldn't possibly happen' is at Burning Man now having a rethink
Dr Brooke Magnanti

I love NYC because it’s inhabitants are like “ we live in the greatest city on earth! Everywhere else is backwards.” And then they elect a poodle in a business suit as mayor every 4 years
Wes Burdine

5 years ago we had the mayor bike to school with my 6-year-old. Within the first :30 seconds they were almost hit by a driver on live TV. Every leader should be required to ride a bike (if able) with a 6-year-old before they provide any insight/direction on bike infrastructure. #CommutingWithCouncil
Tom Flood

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