Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Tri-State Corners

David H. Montgomery, a data journalist, formerly with Minnesota Public Radio, shared an interesting map from a subreddit about maps...

...with this description:

There are 57 points in the U.S. where exactly three states' borders meet. Of those, only 7 are marked and accessibly via public road. 19 are marked but require trespassing, hiking, or backcountry roads. The rest are unmarked or underwater.

(Plus, of course, the famous Four Corners in the Southwest that everyone knows about.)

It's noted in the subreddit that the corners marked on the map are all ostensibly visible within land boundaries — they're not in the middle of a Great Lake or in the ocean.

I admit I've never thought about these spots before, so I checked into the map location of some of the ones I've probably been near without being aware.

  • Minnesota/Iowa/Wisconsin (northern) is in the middle of the Mississippi River, about halfway between La Crosse and Prairie du Chien, Wis.
  • Minnesota/Iowa/Wisconsin (southern) is in the middle of the Mississippi River between Dubuque, Iowa, and East Dubuque, Wis. That would make it not far from the Dickeyville Grotto.
  • New York/New Jersey/Pennsylvania has a marker called the Tri-States Monument, located in a public park on a peninsula in the middle of the Delaware River, just off I-84 in Port Jervis, N.Y. I must have gone right past it in September 2022 while driving to Connecticut. It's not far east of the Delaware Watergap.
  • The two at the New York/Massachusetts/Vermont or /Connecticut border are in what appears to be heavily forested private land, one on the edge of small mountain. That area has been getting a lot of rain this week.

You might think I've been near one of the two corners at the western edge of Minnesota, but I have not. 

I may have passed by the one at the corner of South Dakota/Nebraska/Iowa, which is in the Missouri River right next to Sioux City, Iowa, off of I-29, but I just can't remember if I ever traveled that way during one of my western trips.


The map was made by this web creator.

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