Monday, July 3, 2023

Seven Charts

At the very end of June, Assaad Razzouk posted a list of graphs to Twitter showing many of the climate stats showing how things are going off the rails.

North Atlantic temperatures:

Global oceans temperatures (four standard deviations above normal..."statistically impossible before human-caused warming"...):

Antarctic sea ice (remember: it's winter-time there):

Global sea ice:

Canadian wild fires:


"An area the size of Switzerland was cleared from Earth’s most pristine rainforests in 2022, despite promises by world leaders to halt their destruction..."

Heat domes:

Global extreme heating:

a. Hundreds of records broken in Siberia
b. Hundreds more broken in Japan
c. And hundreds more broken in China
d. Dozens of records broken in Spain, Portugal, Iran
e. New records across Oceania

Razzouk is the guy who shares a list of good climate news once a week, so it was startling to see this summary in his feed.

Let's all talk about the climate crisis with everyone we know, since the media does not. 

People need to hear that this is happening and know that other people care about it.


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