Thursday, June 22, 2023

Seen on the Street

There I was in my smug, lefty neighborhood, when what did I see but this, parked along one of the streets:

This is a close-up of the back window:

The words in the middle say, "Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you: JESUS CHRIST AND THE AMERICAN SOLDIER. One died for your soul and the other for your freedom." The round sticker, above the words, hold a yellow eagle that is encircled by the words "LAW ENFORCEMENT."

I'm not totally sure what the distressed, black American flag hanging sideways means, but it seems at least… unfriendly. 

Having three crosses and an automatic rifle in your back window doesn't seem exactly friendly either. 

It's sure nice that this vehicle owner thinks "all" lives matter, but I'm pretty sure that he (and I bet it's a he) doesn't really believe that. 

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