Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Also Seen on the Street

A few days ago, I posted a photo of a pickup truck I saw on the street in my neighborhood. I didn't mention that I think the truck belonged to a construction worker who was working in a nearby house.

Today on a different street, much closer to my house, I saw a second truck. This was a large GMC pickup with bullbars on the front and Wisconsin plates. I'm 100% sure it also belongs to a construction worker, this time for some street rebuilding that's going on during summer, since it was illegally parked on one of the side streets up against the "street closed" barricades. 

The contracting company for the street project is based in the northern Twin Cities exurbs and this worker lives in Wisconsin. Yet here they are commuting in from Wisconsin every day to work in Saint Paul, almost at the Minneapolis border.

And here's what's they have in their back window:

Obviously, the question of whether a country is "full" or not is far from simple, but here's one bit of proof that we are nowhere near full: The U.S. is 146th in population in density.

We are not full, and immigrants should be welcome.

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