Saturday, May 27, 2023

To Tell the Truth Logo

The other day when I wrote about the Tim Scott graphics, I mentioned the old television show To Tell the Truth because it included silhouetted figures a bit like the one in Scott's graphic.

As I was searching for videos from the show to confirm my memory of it, I was reminded of what the show's logo looked like as well:

This graphic dates from 1956, and was in use through the mid-1960s, so it's the one I remember. Though until I saw it, I couldn't have told you that.

Now I can see that it's part of the Cartoon Modern aesthetic, which was cutting-edge at the time. The typefaces are Clarendon and Latin Wide. 

I don't see any indication online of who the designer was. William Golden was the design director or creative director of CBS, the network it ran on, at the time; Lou Dorfsman, who succeed Golden in 1959, was a designer with the company in 1956. Those are two famous names in the field of graphic design. But it could have been done for the production company that produced the show instead of the network.

For all I know, the designer is identified in a book somewhere, but the interweb does not know about it.

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