Friday, September 16, 2022

Why I Buy Books

As a lover of libraries and a person committed to consuming less, I should not be a buyer of books. But I am. 

Why do I do it?

  • To fulfill my desire for immediateness when I want to read them.
  • Because I have the privilege to be able to afford to.
  • To support the authors. (Though requesting books at libraries also has this effect.)
  • So I won't forget about a book once I hear about it.
  • To have a book on hand after I've read it, in case I want to reread it (which I used to do a lot more than I do now) or check something.
  • And finally — because I hoard books, though I don't hoard much of anything else.

Aside from my wish to be able to reread or refer freely, I think my hoarding tendency is probably the most important reason. It goes back to my teenage and young adult years during the Cold War nuclear threat: I had the idea then that my library might be the only one that would survive, and so I felt a responsibility to collect books.

At some point I realized this was absurd, but the neuroticism lingers in my behavior.

I'm now reaching an age when I need to think about what we're going to do with the several thousand books in our house. Maybe I should start by getting rid of the ones I've owned a long time without reading them; but honestly, I always tell myself that.


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