Thursday, August 25, 2022

Paying Buckley the Big Bucks

Today I learned there's a member of the House of Representatives named Jim Banks. He's a Republican (of course, being from Indiana). He tweeted this about Joe Biden's student debt forgiveness decision, which is why I heard about him:

Student loan forgiveness undermines one of our military’s greatest recruitment tools at a time of dangerously low enlistments.

This is both an obvious side effect of lowering the cost of higher education, and a surprising thing to have someone in elected office admit in public writing. 

I also learned, via Iowa journalist Lyz Lenz, that Banks's communication director is Buckley Carlson, the 25-year-old son of Fox News personality Tucker Carlson.

Yes, his first name is Buckley.

At 25, with a fairly recent B.A. from the University of Virginia, Buckley is being paid $134,000 a year for brilliant communications like this.

I've heard that Capitol Hill staffers are increasingly not paid well, but clearly that doesn't apply to Buckley.

I wonder what else Buckley brings to the cause, since it seems unlikely it's his long resume and extensive experience in Washington politics and communication.

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