Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Happy Birthday, Howard Zinn

Haymarket Books' Twitter account reminded me that today is the 100th birthday of Howard Zinn, author of A People's History of the United States.

I can't remember what year it was when I first learned that there was organized push-back against Zinn's book. I'm not sure if it was after I started this blog in late 2007, which there means it was most likely during the Obama years, or before. I do remember that I was surprised, because the facts in the book seem so unassailable to me.

But given everything that has happened since, it now seems like a bellwether for the backlash we have been living through.

I recently finished Lies My Teacher Told Me by James Loewen, which is a good companion to A People's History. I hope to write a post about it soon.


I see I've only mentioned A People's History once before. Here's that post.


Elaine Fine said...

I never met Howard Zinn, but I had a long-term e-mail friendship with him while I was working on an opera based on his play EMMA, about Emma Goldman. He lived a few miles from my father, but he was always away when we were in Boston on our summer visits there.

Daughter Number Three said...

Wow, very cool!