Tuesday, July 12, 2022


Here's another set of April tweets I never got around to posting, this time from New York Times columnist Charles Blow:

During the summer of protests after the murder of George Floyd, millions of people — including incredible numbers of white kids — marched in defense of black lives. This shook the white conservative establishment to its core. In their minds their children had been indoctrinated.

All of the CRT panic, book banning and anti-protest laws are a direct response to this. They are trying to push white children’s exposure to — and sympathy for — racial issues back to the dark ages of Jim Crow ignorance. It is a simple as it is shocking.

Not only that, backlash against those same same protests has led to increases in police funding across the country, including in Minneapolis. Including in Uvalde, since the mass shooting there, where police showed that they are completely useless.

It makes me think of how the huge upwelling of obvious white nationalism in the past 10 to 15 years is backlash to the election of Barack Obama. 

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