Tuesday, April 12, 2022

There Is Enough, but We Use Four Times Too Much

A study from Stanford University has analyzed how much energy is needed to reach a good and happy human life: 75 gigajoules a year. Americans use almost four times that amount. 

An NPR story (reprinted on MPR here) gives a good summary. In addition to that top line, the story includes this important bit: "Researchers also found that there is already enough energy used to get everyone on the planet over that threshold, if it were shared equally."

The story offers personal and structural ways to decrease American energy use. Transportation is a big one, of course.

I'm glad I live in a place where there are people working to be part of the solution, both at the personal and structural level, and where our city and county government are part of it. Some parts of our state, too, though not enough.

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