Friday, September 6, 2019

Seven Minutes of Seeing Red

It's not uncommon for people who bike for a main part of their transportation to run a camera the whole time. That made it possible for Twitter user The Dependent Clause to make this seven-minute video of car-drivers running red lights.

Most of these intersections are in Saint Paul. (The shot in the freeze frame is Grand and Snelling, right next to Macalester College.) Some of the infractions are complete with cop cars as witnesses.

It's well-edited, so it's snappy, though depressing, of course.

By coincidence, there was an interesting post on StreetsMN about the legal questions involved in using cameras in traffic enforcement (primarily red-light-running and speed enforcement). Watching this video makes me think even more than I already do about why cameras aren't something we use to change the way we all drive in this culture.

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