Monday, January 20, 2025

Sherrilyn Ifill on MLK Day

For this Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which is also the awful day of Trump's second inauguration, the best thing to do is read Sherrilyn Ifill's post, It Is MLK Day. Do Not Despair. This Year Especially, We Have Work to Do.

Her perspective on the combination of King's vision and what could have been in a Harris administration vs. what we face in this Trump administration is bracing. 

Maybe this terrible thing that has befallen this country, this descent into fascism and oligarchy, invites us to a more honest confrontation with the truth about the state of our democracy. Dr. King warned us. He feared that Black Americans were seeking to “integrate into a burning house.” Had President Harris been inaugurated, we would we have been lulled into believing that the house of our democracy was safe? Would we have imagined that we could fix what ails our country without the painful process of confrontation and repair to which Dr. King called us?

....perhaps now and only now, this country can confront honestly the nature of its mythologies, and the depth of its pathologies. To love this country and to work to strengthen it requires first a proper diagnosis of the weaknesses that lie at its core. We cannot protect against that which we refuse to diagnose and name.

Much more worth the time than anything in the inauguration.

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