Sunday, September 1, 2024

Twitter, August 2024

Twitter in August 2024 covered the same topics as BlueSky for the most part, in different voices: the Tim Walz VP pick, the DNC, the trumpling of Arlington National Cemetery. There are still more journalists on Twitter than BlueSky, and probably more urbanists and climate people. 

It definitely takes a lot more time to wade through the dross on Twitter, though. There are irrelevant and repetitive (if not offensive) ads every four tweets or so, and the comments in response to tweets are generally not worth reading because blue checkmark accounts are promoted to the top, and they're almost always Trump supporters, climate change deniers, or similar. Plus there's the nagging guilt that I'm hanging out in a Nazi bar, even though the people I'm reading and occasionally talking with are the remnants of the same ones I've always been following.

Everything below the line is quoted from the attributed account and is in reverse chronological order that I saw it, except some of the images, which I move up or down to get better visual balance.


Periodic reminder that it is not the job of people of color to explain why racists are racist.
Nita Chaudhary @nitalovesmiles

It is very telling that JD Vance is waaaaaay more comfortable extemporaneously being a hateful misogynist than he is spontaneously ordering donuts.
W. Kamau Bell

The media are gonna blow up the Harris campaign for the next five news cycles with questions about Jeff Walz [brother of Tim Walz]. It is all they will talk about. Meanwhile, I don't recall a single mainstream outlet asking the GOP candidate about his niece Mary, who wrote a whole damn book about him.

Lay down a row of bollards, drop some commerce in the street, and bam! You’ve got a mini plaza.


Seems pretty clear that Fox coordinated in advance with the Trump campaign to perpetuate this false smear [about Biden missing a commemorative event at Arlington], and just went with their agreed upon line even after he got caught in the middle of the ratfuck.
Brian Beutler

We are getting to that point in the campaign where the candidate whose entire platform and persona is based on lies and personal slander starts making vague promises and statements on a wide variety of topics. Believe what you will, but you have been warned.
Robert Moffitt @justplainbob

7522 pedestrians died in the US in 2022, up 83% since 2009. I’m sensitive to cycling deaths because I ride a lot, but the roads are getting substantially more dangerous for all non-car users.

Daniel Brim

MAGA never apologizes. Ever.
Ron Filipkowski

the question everyone should be asking is, do we want people who don't know how to apologize raising our kids?
Dean Baker

Has anyone else noticed that Trump and the young, white registered Republican who tried to shoot him seem to have something in common? Both appear to be less motivated by political beliefs than by a desperate thirst for attention.
Alfie Kohn

Americans continue to flood into precisely the parts of the country that are going to be rendered uninsurable and eventually uninhabitable by climate change within a decade. Our national policy on this seems to be ... a shrug.
David Roberts @drvolts


All too often it seems that Netanyahu is doing everything he can to embarrass and undermine Biden (and Harris) and to help Trump win in November. ISRAEL STRIKES AID CONVOY ORGANIZED BY U.S., KILLING FIVE
Steven Greenhouse @greenhousenyt

No bullets in the doors, decent clusters. Chasing headshots on marked aid trucks. The most moral army in the world:


If journalists covered crime the way they cover traffic crashes:

Andy Boenau

It’s amazing how disciplined JD Vance is about staying on his message of hating women.
Adam Parkhomenko

Property taxes are disgusting because what do you mean you’re going to charge me for the roads, utilities, schools, police, firefighters, libraries and other services that enable property ownership and provide the entire defensibility of the value of my home in the first place
BuccoCapital Bloke

Will any of the army of factcheckers obsessed with Tim Walz’s dog or Kamala Harris’s McDonalds summer job be giving any attention to Donald Trump suggesting windmills cause high bacon prices?
Mehdi Hasan

I’ve finally made peace with it. We’re never going to get away from lazy op-eds claiming Trump is an aberration and the GOP was a respectable party before him and will suddenly wake up and reclaim its “principles.” Rest of our lives with this trash.
Jared Yates Sexton

BUILD SOIL; Plant Chestnuts!

The 2020 increase in murders has completely reversed, but the increase in traffic deaths that occurred at the same time for similar reasons has only been partially rolled back and is killing a larger absolute number of people.
Matthew Yglesias

I wonder how many of you are up for this challenge today: Bring your car to a complete stop at the stop sign.
Andy Boenau

I appreciate the sentiment. Point of fact, drivers coasting carefully through stop signs, looking for conflicts, are much less of a danger than drivers turning at green lights. The moral: stop signs are safer than signals, even if people break the rules.
Jeff Speck

Folks don’t want the government “paying off” student loans but they DO want American taxpayers paying for their kids to go to private school…Make it make sense…

Journalism is more than reading Republican talking points and asking Democrats to respond to them.
Simon Rosenberg

If Minneapolis burned down and “they never built it back” why do we all still live here?
Rachel Brougham

(From @DCcartoonist):

The Tennessee Holler

This Arlington thing is fascinating, in that it's a Trump offense that really seems to have broken through and disgusted everyone, across traditional lines ... but the mainstream political press *still* won't cover it that way. They refuse to hold Trump to any standard, at all.
David Roberts @drvolts

We have to transition beyond oil, and that will be difficult, disruptive and expensive. But it will be a lot simpler to do now, in societies that are rich and stable, than when more of our energy and money is focused on recovering from disasters.
Dr Charlie Gardner

Fun Fact: There have been five generations of Trump's family in the US. And not one person in five generations served in the military...
Alex Cole @acnewsitics

Trump Calls Out Arlington National Cemetery For Hazard-Filled Fairways:

The Onion

“Kroger Co. hiked prices on milk and eggs more than needed to account for inflation, the company’s top pricing executive testified.” The thing is, execs all over the economy were saying this stuff on their earning calls back in 2021. This was not a secret.
Rakeen Mabud

50 books banned in Dubuque, Iowa, schools in accordance with the new state law. These include Slaughterhouse 5 and I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.
Buttered Jorts @veronikellymars

It truly is amazing to me that Trump can have daily psychotic meltdowns on Truth Social replete with threats, misogyny, and fascistic fantasies, in between hawking overpriced trinkets depicting himself alternatively as Rambo and Superman, and media just yawns and ignores it all.
Ron Filipkowski

There’s no greater metaphor for the Trump presidency than literally WALKING ALL OVER the graves of two soldiers who died while you were president to take a smiling, thumbs up campaign photo clustered around the grave of a soldier whose death you’re blaming on the other guy:

Kendall Brown

Want happier, healthier kids? Offer them autonomy. Massive new meta-analysis makes it plain: In every culture, control leaves children worse off — but autonomy helps them people engage, learn, and grow.
Daniel Pink

Single-family zoning doesn't guarantee that a neighborhood will never change. It just guarantees that it can only get more expensive.
M. Nolan Gray

No tax on tips is THE dumbest policy. I get why they're both doing it, to win Nevada. But it's a stupid, stupid policy. I want my tips reported and taxed. So that I can get loans, rent apartments, buy a house and eventually get social security.

Just saw a reference to Yale Law School as "Julliard for Supervillains" and it made me LOL
Eric Muller @elmunc

Fun fact: Even a small car in Europe costs its user $650k over its lifetime, and society subsidizes that costs to the tune of $245k — and in America, all these numbers are almost certainly bigger. Climate aside, it would be *way* cheaper to put some money in non-drivers' pockets.

If there are going to be climate-justified subsidies for owning electric cars, there should be subsidies for not owning cars at all.
Jarrett Walker @humantransit

reforesting big urban streets idk could be the move:


A Democratic candidate running against the former mayor of Uvalde Texas was raided by the Texas police in her home. The reason the cops gave for the raid? She’d filled out a report saying older voters hadn’t been getting mail on ballots.
Briahna Joy Gray @briebriejoy

if i were running for president...or mayor...and i was serious about affordable housing...i'd probably try and figure out why the swiss can build cooperatives with 4 bedroom homes and a high quality of life that rent for less than a 350sf studio in seattle.
Mike Eliason @holz_bau

Being a feminist in this moment often feels like conducting a kind of remedial education. I’m newly aware of how fragile and conditional women’s gains are, how easily they can be lost. Some of them already have.
Moira Donegan

I really hope that these new reactionary attacks trigger a more militant evolution of mainstream feminism. There should be very little, if anything, truly off the table when it comes to defending the essential rights of half the world.
Chuck Finley

The Electoral College is actually more like affirmative action in that it's a weighted quota system of allocating additional voting influence to rural white folks.

Bruce D. Baker @SchlFinance101

If anger and hate can be political strategies, joy and hope can also be political strategies. Emotional connection = motivation. It's the marrow of persuasion -- what every brand/cause/campaign seeks to tap.
gil duran

The Heritage Foundations Project 1980 wasn’t written by Ronald Reagan either, it was written FOR Ronald Reagan who implemented 60% of it in the first year. The so-called Reagan Revolution came from Heritage.
Rachel Bitecofer

In 1989, the super-rich held $472 billion in unrealized capital gains. In 2022, that figure was $8.5 trillion. While these individuals can live off this wealth as if it were income, none of it is taxed. When I say our tax code is rigged for the rich, this is what I mean.
Robert Reich

One of the worst cases of scientific fraud ever:
>cardiologist fakes data showing better outcomes for patients who were given beta blockers before heart surgery
>Europe changes its medical guidelines based on this research
>turns out beta blockers increase risk of death by 27%
Alec Stapp

Guys we can’t even *talk* about price-gouging because, per The Economist, the mere suggestion that some firms exploited the pandemic by raising prices in excess of any cost increase “erodes the faith in open markets that makes America prosperous” and I’m not making this stuff up.
Hal Singer

Bollards: The Gathering


Still can’t wrap my head around the fact that a homeschooling mom who has never held a job in a real educational setting and who called for Obama to be executed on live pay-per-view television is the Republican candidate to be NC’s superintendent of k-12 schools.

Justin Parmenter

It’s weird that JD Vance won’t apologize for his “childless cat lady” comments, but it’s weirder that he continually refers to his own children as belonging solely to his wife: “My wife has three beautiful children.”
Shannon Watts

Black families whose ancestors were enslaved until the Civil War have considerably lower education, income and wealth today than Black families whose ancestors were free before the Civil War. Evidence in this new QJE paper
Philipp Heimberger

It's striking how many people here [on Twitter] apparently can't afford groceries but can afford to pay the richest man in the world $8 a month to amplify their tweets on this site.
Dean Baker

the one thing i am not looking forward to in a post-Trump world is the fact that every single conservative is going to pretend they weren't totally on board with the last ten years of batshit insanity

It's crazy how the 2020 public was more pro-immigration than ever before, and the 2024 public is more anti-immigrant than at any time in the last 2 decades

James Medlock

Because people freak out when there are a high amount of crossings and immigrants sleeping all over the streets in border states. This is not how a country should conduct asylum and immigration but our immigration system was broken by the GOP to win elections.
Darrell Owens @IDoTheThinking

Political education is a curse. The more informed you get, the more you care about things that the median voter doesn’t. That can make you worse at recognizing what makes good rhetoric and policy in the eyes of the less tuned in And most people won’t be tuned in. They have lives

RFK made a remarkable life journey, from the conspiracy fever swamp of Joe McCarthy to an openhearted embrace of the best in America. RFK Jr. traveled in reverse, from serious environmental lawyer to the conspiracy fever swamp of Don Trump. God what a sad story
Bill McKibben

I have SO many friends who have gone through fertility treatments. Some were very lucky and the IUI worked after a couple goes and some had to take out home equity loans to be able to pay for several rounds of IVF. The way people are speaking about this topic is vile.
Coco @cocokitty14

a billionaire real estate heir and a kennedy are “anti-establishment” now

Marlow Stern @MarlowNYC

If your Christianity causes you to mock people with disabilities.
If your Christianity causes you to mock the genuine expressions of emotion and love.
If your Christianity causes you to mock men who cry.
Your Christianity has nothing to do with Jesus.
Rev. Benjamin Cremer

The fact that Jan. 6th happened, and we all saw it with our own eyes, and still Donald Trump wasn’t shunned from society forever… it will never not be insane to me
Ben Wexler

Yeah, no, people do not have an unlimited right to inherit wealth. I flatly reject this idea. Taxing inheritance is one of the fairest forms of taxation alongside land taxes. Better to tax unearned wealth than tax earned wealth, like labor or realized capital gains.
Matthew Chapman @fawfulfan

“Everyone gets that oil pipelines are carbon infrastructure. But new highways are carbon infrastructure, too. Both lock in place 40 to 50 years of emissions.” –Brad Plumer
Hiroko Tabuchi

Tim Walz: We can sleep when we’re dead.
NYT fact check: We do not sleep after we die.
Miranda Yaver, PhD

Brett Kavanaugh is a grown-ass man currently sitting on the Supreme Court and he bawled like a baby while being asked simple questions, but sure, go off on 17-year-old Gus Walz for being proud of his father, you soulless ghouls.
The Volatile Mermaid @OhNoSheTwitnt

Reminder: MAGA loved this guy

Paul Thomas @plthomasEdD

It's unbelievable how many dynamic companies broke their streaks of engineer-CEOs for the first time in the 2000s, installing their first MBA/finance CEOs, who then promptly made fundamental strategic errors that nixed the company's future, that are now becoming obvious.
Marko Jukic @mmjukic

Jack Welch created the entire modern MBA playbook out of whole cloth and he had a PhD in chemical engineering. Let's not be too kind to engineers here.

I can't be the only one struck by the difference between Gus and Tim Walz's open, vulnerable, effusive love for each other and Donald Trump's despicable mockery of people with disabilities.
Robin Garwood

While Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan and Tim Walz are in Chicago, the state of Minnesota is technically being governed by the crop artists.
John Moe

I don’t think I’ve ever in my life seen kids so deeply and publicly show love for their father the way Tim Walz’s kids show love for him — and he for them. It’s so healing to see it, honestly. For people with complicated relationships with their fathers — it’s so powerful.

The Democratic Party can’t be the party of crypto — because crypto is a scam that aims to undermine American democracy. A career prosecutor would certainly “know the type.”
gil duran

We've seen enough. "Fact-checking" operations have become nit-pick/both-sides parodies of themselves. Time to disband. Just write about what's true and not.
James Fallows

"Fact checking" is dumb, just write about stuff and explain it like everyone else
Noah Smith @Noahpinion

The concept of “Projected 2042 Parking Demand” makes exactly as much sense as “Projected 2042 Popular Songs.”
Jarrett Walker @humantransit

Favorite sign of the day:

Rick Nelson @RickNelsonMN

For small-scale infill housing projects, there's no reason "time spent in the permitting process" shouldn't be measured in hours or days, not months. For *any* housing, a double-digit number of months and a likely lawsuit being the norm is obscene.
Daniel Herriges

So the Republican argument is that Kamala is bad because she wants to make groceries cheaper and she’s married to a guy whose daughter has tattoos?
Tyler Austin Harper

Ever notice how antivaxxers, election denalists, and their ilk pride themselves on hard-bitten skepticism, seeing through the conventional wisdom and doing their own "research" - yet they credulously lap up the most fanciful, preposterous conspiracy theories?
Alfie Kohn

Since 10/7 Israel has killed at least 3 hostages for every 1 it has rescued - the ratio is very likely higher. And Israel has certainly killed more than Hamas has. A truly shocking display of a state prioritizing the punishment of its enemies above the safety of its people.
Isi Breen @isaiah_bb

i don't think there could be any more relevant and stark contrast re: urban planning in the US v. EU right now, than this: focusing housing on loud, dangerous, polluted, unwalkable arterials v. quiet, car-light/free, compact, walkable, mixed use ecodistricts with ample open space
Mike Eliason @holz_bau

"The bicycle is the most efficient machine ever created. Converting calories into gas, a bicycle gets the equivalent of three thousand miles per gallon." — Bill Strickland
Taras Grescoe

U.S. District Judge Ada Brown of Texas, a Trump appointee, has blocked the FTC's ban on non-compete agreements in a nationwide order. "The Non-Compete Rule is hereby SET ASIDE and shall not be enforced or otherwise take effect on Sept. 4."  
Dave Jamieson

30 million workers who were trapped by these agreements will now stay trapped thanks to this ruling. The FTC estimated that banning noncompetes would empower workers and raise wages by nearly $200 billion over the next decade, which is why big business lobbyists fought it.
Bharat Ramamurti

How Doug met Kamala is an adorable romcom story.
How Donald met Melania is technically a felony.
Jack E. Smith @7Veritas4

This is what the electoral map would look like if young voters voted at the same rate as 65+. Let's be clear: Republicans are acting out because they know they are running out of time. Gen Z is coming for them.

Santiago Mayer

It shouldn’t feel this revolutionary to have men be this proud of the awesome women in their lives. and yet.

Anyhow, don't we all love analysts demanding that Harris have a plan for bringing down inflation (WHICH IS ALREADY BACK TO ITS PRE-PANDEMIC PACE), when her opponent only has a plan to raise inflation? Can you believe these people get paid for this?
Dean Baker

It's pretty simple, really. The ballot offers you two different versions of what being a man means. One is represented by the loving uplift of Doug Emhoff and Tim Walz. The other is the cruel, mean-spirited toxicity represented by Donald Trump and passed onto his sons.
Dante Atkins

Kamala’s husband’s ex-wife is supporting her more enthusiastically than Trump’s current wife is supporting him
Ben Wexler

one fun thing about democrats is that we can play good music without getting cease and desist orders
Leah Greenberg

look what the ICC took from you:

communicative and daylit stairways

ICC: winding stairs are dangerous
berlin building code: ---

ICC: lack of corridor separation between stairs and apartments is unsafe
berlin building code: ---

ICC: top of handrail shall be not less than 34" above nosing
berlin building code: ---
Mike Eliason @holz_bau

did it hurt? when you realised 2025 is just 4 months away and you are still processing 2019 which is about to be more than half a decade ago
Stutii @Sam0kayy

The Bible mentions abortion exactly once, and it’s not to condemn it. It’s to provide a recipe for an abortion potion.
God @almightygod

She’s literally a lifelong Native American activist and the daughter of another Native American activist. This is just racism


Why won't brands advertise on X, the everything app?

The people who hate immigrants and say they don’t want to be forced to learn another language for sure never respect one of the *actual* native tongues..

What the GOP is describing as “communism” and a “Soviet Union Playbook” is actually pretty in line with Republican policy under the GOP administrations of Eisenhower and Nixon. In terms of economic policy, the US moved far right under/after the Reagan and Bush administrations.
Leah McElrath

Study: More Americans Moving To Sun Belt To Get Head Start On Living In Scorched Hellscape
The Onion

When Kamala took the stage at the DNC convention. Ladies, find men that support you like this:

Rocky Mountain Views

Whether it's Donald Trump storming the Capitol or Nancy Pelosi convincing Joe Biden not to run for re-election, both parties have attempted coups.
New York Times Pitchbot @DougJBalloon

Democrats get called unrealistic for policies that would take crazy people’s guns away but Republicans think it’s realistic and reasonable to send armed agents to the doors of millions of families in the most heavily armed country on Earth and take moms, grandmas, dads, brothers, and sisters away without incident!?
Samuel Sinyangwe @samswey

Tim Walz is driving Republicans insane because over the past 1–2 decades they’ve morphed into a party primarily focused on being cruel to their perceived enemies and they genuinely don’t know what to do when their perceived enemy is Mr. Rogers
August J. Pollak

On the right, "communist" means the exact same thing as "unconstitutional" or "woke" or "globalist" or "unamerican" or "socialist" or ... name your epithet. It just means "Other." It just means "we don't like it." These are not smart people.
David Roberts @drvolts

Well, this is the only website where the owner, a guy who has received more government subsidies than anyone in human history, calls you a communist because you want parents to have childcare.

People vehemently believe that there are resources for people in poverty that are available and reliable. This is a huge part of the problem.

Watching Walz tear it up on the campaign trail, starting to wonder if maybe the Dems should have been running teachers all this time – instead of running against teachers
Jennifer Berkshire @BisforBerkshire

Friendly reminder…

Christina Greer @Dr_CMGreer

When GOP say “mass deportation,” media waves it off as political talk that would never actually happen but when Harris messages around “price gouging” with actual policy detail she is criticized for lacking specifics. If you’re a journalist, question your leadership on this.
Jamesetta Williams @jalexa1218

OH NO, the GOP are accusing Kamala of being a communist. The only time in my lifetime this has happened was when Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, Bill Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Obama, Hillary and Biden ran for President. How will she handle this unexpected accusation?
Kid Phantasm @cbbruuno

Imagine making billions of dollars off of technologies rooted in science and then being unable to answer a simple question about climate science. MAGA Brain Worms.
gil duran


kar nels

Have there been any news stories trying to put a price tag on Donald Trump's promise of iron dome for the whole country, or does Trump just get the usual crazy person exemption for having his ideas exposed to serious scrutiny?
Dean Baker

Its incredible how cool Republicans are making Walz look:

Joseph R Reagan

Trump just announced a Tuesday "crime and safety" rally in a Michigan town that has been heavily associated with the KKK for decades (Howell, Michigan). Just last month White Supremacists marched through town chanting ‘We love Hitler. We love Trump.’
Josh Marshall

Wait. A $7,500 tax credit for buying a Tesla is capitalism but a $6,000 tax credit for a newborn child is communism?
Mark Elliott @markmobility

The relative spiciness of tacos and hotdish in Minnesota is a really interesting and worthwhile topic but perhaps we could turn some focus, just a little, to the planet being on fire and what the ever-loving jumping hell we’re going to do about that situation.
John Moe

TRUMP: Gonna replace ACA with something literally perfect! Mexico will pay for a wall! Infrastructure!
CNN: I take you at your word, sir
HARRIS: With federal subsidies and in partnership with industry, we’ll construct 3 million new homes
CNN: What kinda rubes you take us for?!
Ben Wexler

Peter Thiel is dreadfully inarticulate. But his writing is clear: “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.” This sums up the anti-democracy extremism in today’s GOP. Power and privilege for the few, servitude and suffering for the many. Most of the deranged and extreme scariness in our politics today is directly connected to Thiel and his network.
gil duran

Deb Meier once remarked, “If we deliberately tried to come up with a way to widen the achievement gap, we might just invent homework.” In 2022, a qualitative study explored one mechanism by which the practice does in fact perpetuate inequities. Richer kids, whose advantages help them succeed with assignments, are then "seen by teachers as responsible, motivated, and capable." Conversely, kids who struggle with homework because of fewer resources at home are blamed for lacking responsibility or motivation.
Alfie Kohn

“Attention wandered” is an all time euphemism:

Aaron Rupar

The MAGA right's consuming hatred of Tim Walz is similar to their hatred of NeverTrump conservatives: the sort reserved for perceived traitors. Walz's identity means he should be theirs. Instead, he shows straight white men—everyone, really — that it's a choice. They have a choice.
Nicholas Grossman @NGrossman81

Please remember that the $7500 tax credit for buying a Tesla is capitalism, but the $25,000 tax credit for buying a house is communism
Michael Pachter

I got in touch with 10 school districts around Minnesota. All 10 said their schools do not provide tampons in boys' bathrooms, because the law signed by Gov. Tim Walz does not actually require schools to provide tampons in boys' bathrooms.
Daniel Dale @ddale8

It's going to be something like a Copernican Revolution in the US political press when they realize they can just *assume* that the latest RW thing is a lie, up front, instead of dancing the "questions are being raised --> oops turns out it's nothing" dance yet again.
David Roberts @drvolts

Politicians like Vance have an interest in provoking a "mommy war" between "childless cat ladies" and women with kids. Because if we're fighting with each other, we're less likely to come together demand the kind of social safety net that would better support us all.
Jess Calarco

Same energy:


Like, you really will never find a racial stereotype more harmless than "white people don't like spicy food." It's gentle. Affectionate, even. Leaping up to cry "racism!" at this just makes you look so desperately insecure and defensive. It's so *weak*. These guys are so weak.
David Roberts @drvolts

Planning and related professions have barely even started to think through the *obvious* unindented consequences of driverless cars. We’re certainly not ready for things like this. It will scale, almost at once, and we’ll all be caught flat-footed. As if we had no warning.
Rik Adamski

One reason it’s hard to make feminist writing narratively compelling is that people don’t want to hear it—there really is enormous epistemic resistance to the realities of patriarchy’s intimate and innovate brutality. But another reason is that true stories of women’s lives ruined by men have no narrative tension: the misogynist cruelty is relentless, the psychic burdens often total, and the available methods of resistance mostly impotent. A story of unremitting suffering is a story with no plot.
Moira Donegan

That resistance is amplified by the way we teach women to stifle their negative emotions. I talk to women who say: "I want to read your book, but I worry it'll make me too mad." And it makes me wonder--how much bigger could the resistance be if women were allowed to get mad?
Jess Calarco

the future of logistics is e-bikes, car-free pedestrian zones and low-traffic neighborhoods FTW:

Mike Eliason @holz_bau

Imagine the 24/7 news coverage there'd be if Kamala Harris had possibly taken a $10 million bribe from a foreign government.
gil duran

If someone chooses to live in a smaller home in the inner city to avoid a commute, they generally don’t pressure society to build them a bigger house with more stuff. So if you choose a bigger stuff-filled house in the suburbs, don’t expect society to build you a fast commute.
Brent Toderian

New: Companies whose futures depend on plastic production are trying to persuade the federal government to allow them to put the label “recyclable” on plastic shopping bags and other items virtually guaranteed to end up in landfills and incinerators.

I’ve been sitting here trying to build a punchline around this but you can’t improve on perfection


Trump, who has called for eliminating all early voting, announces that he voted early today in Florida
Kamala HQ

Never forget that climate change isn’t some abstract technical issue; it’s literally life or death and killing Americans in multiple ways as I type. Climate change deniers [as in Project 2025] like Covid deniers, have blood on their hands.
Mehdi Hasan

Parents thought the [state's tuition] tax credit would reduce what they pay. Instead, many schools raised tuition in a comparable amount to the tax credit.
The Oklahoman

Two rich guys laughing about firing workers for wanting better pay should play well in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Every list of progressive achievements during the Walz administration needs to be followed with a reminder that organizers worked for those wins, for years. You can do it in your state, too. It’s about people shifting power and pushing for change.
ashley fairbanks @ziibiing

Anyone using the term “government school” to describe YOUR neighborhood public school only wants a big, fat, government voucher handout to subsidize their private schools and their religion with YOUR tax dollars. It’s a total scam. Texans won’t have it.

Pastors for Children @pastors4txkids

France is spending $290M to make a 2,000-year-old city of 2 million people 100% bikeable by 2026. For comparison, this is slightly more than the cost of replacing two freeway interchanges in Berkeley, California.
Warren J. Wells, AICP

Republicans should definitely go with  "National Guardsmen who haven't fought in a war haven't earned their paychecks." That'll be very popular politically.
James Surowiecki

Did you know: The US Interstate Highway System has never been profitable in all the time it's been operating. It actually loses an enormous amount of money every year and can only exist because of massive government subsidy

Want to understand the double standard in political coverage? Just imagine the headlines today if Trump had barnstormed Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada this week while the Democratic nominee stayed home and didn’t visit a single swing state.
Matt McDermott @mattmfm

Idea: what if the Democrat climate message could be "build baby build" to counter "drill baby drill" since climate change is fundamentally an infrastructure challenge and we need to build solar, wind, batteries + transmission and storage at scale. Build stuff! Jobs! Growth!

build baby build:
& bike lanes.
& pedestrian zones.
& mobility hubs.
& bus lanes.
& light rail.
& intercity express rail.
& ecodistricts.
Mike Eliason @holz_bau

Arya Snark @USMCSoonerMooma

"Among states with access to online betting, the likelihood of filing for bankruptcy increases by 25-30% after three to four years."
Matthew Yglesias

Harris-Walz aren't "radically pro-abortion." They are radically pro-women should have control over their own darn bodies. The real evil is handing over the bodies of pregnant women to the state.

I've said it once, I'll say it again: If you like traffic caused by single-occupied vehicles, you're going to love the traffic caused by zero-occupied vehicles!

The Republican Presidential Candidate is calling a female New York Times reporter ‘Maggot’ and no one even blinks an eye. It will never cease to amaze or depress me how much we have normalized Trump and his rhetoric.
Mehdi Hasan


The Democratic party has GOT to break the hold of these joint corporate PR-slash-political strategy firms. Many D political strategy firms also take corporate clients, especially between elections.
But they help pull the Democratic party to be more pro-corporate. In my view, this revolving door blocked SCOTUS reform. The strategy/PR firms have corporate clients and friends that liked the Federalist Society SCOTUS. Let's push our consultants and strategists to not be the people who also work with big corporations.
Eric Blair @protecttruth_

While red states blow up their budgets with school vouchers and tax cuts for the wealthy, Massachusetts' new tax on millionaires, the product of years of grassroots organizing, brought in $2.2 billion this year, $ that must go to education and transportation
Jennifer Berkshire @BisforBerkshire

Come to think of it, denigrating the worth of a soldier’s service based on whether he deployed to a war zone is… kind of like denigrating the worth of a woman’s citizenship based on whether she happens to have children.
Pete Buttigieg

kinda hilarious that the "nobody can tell jokes anymore" crowd is super angry about a couch joke
Mike Drucker

Remember when John Kerry was Swiftboated by Chris LaCivita who is doing it to Tim Walz now? Guess who funded it? Harlan Crow, the billionaire who has been lavishing freebies on Clarence Thomas.
Jane Mayer

Single-payer healthcare is not radical, allowing people to go into debt because they got sick so billionaires can make more money is.
Nina Turner

I honestly think the couch thing is stupid, harmless fun... but the number of white (almost exclusive white) journalists who suddenly have a problem with this... WHEN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY SPREADS RACIST LIES ABOUT IMMIGRANTS MORE OFTEN THAN BREATHING, as got me annoyed.
Elie Mystal

Every fascist movement in history has been backed by plutocrats. But until recently, they tended to keep quiet about it.
George Monbiot

There are occasions when nuance is required and empathy has to be extended to both sides. Nazi riots isn’t one of them.
Frankie Boyle Updates

Samsung just debuted a solid-state battery with a 600-mile range and a 20-year lifespan. It charges in ... 9 minutes.
David Roberts @drvolts

This cottage home community takes up the same amount of space as a suburban McMansion.

Hayden @the_transit_guy

As I’ve reported JD Vance is a major backer of “menstrual surveillance” by local police departments and sheriffs depts. Turns out project 2025 wants CDC to compel abortion rights states to provide data for these projects.
Josh Marshall

We can and should stop [the British anti-Muslim] fascists. But fascism will rise again and again and again as long as austerity and neoliberalism is the rule. Neoliberalism is a fascist-breeding system.
Caio Almendra

Shapiro is saying he disavows the views he expressed when he was 20 and they shouldn’t be held against him, but he thinks 20-year-olds should be expelled from college and put in prison for the views they express now.
Marshall Steinbaum @Econ_Marshall

Twitter is fun again, at least briefly...

Charles Gaba

Every argument I've ever heard from people who hate cyclists boils down to "they force me to pay closer attention when I'm driving."
Molly @mollyfleck

John Roberts will go down in history on a par with Mitch McConnell. Both of them "knew better." Both of them prized being thought of as "institutionalist." Both of them will be remembered as shorthand references to Vichy Republican collapse.
James Fallows

If the six justices in the GOP majority tried to form a company, it would be in receivership by now. They’re deeply dysfunctional — although united by an extreme rightwing political agenda that is anything but a judicial philosophy. It’s just disgraceful.
Laurence Tribe

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