Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Patriarchal Theocracy Is the Goal

Before Tuesday's debate, I saw this 6-minute video compilation of men who support Trump and want to turn the U.S. into what they describe as a Christian Taliban-like nation, where women have no rights.

It's sickening, but important to know these people are "mask off." At least one is recognizable as a person who has had dinner with Trump at Mar-a-Lago:

Supreme Court justice Samuel Alito, it is clear from his writings, doesn't want to take us back to the 1950s, or even the 1850s; he has the 1650s or the 1450s in his sights. These guys are in agreement.

As a person who grew up in a Catholic household, I know that being Catholic does not equal being conservative. But there is a subset of people — usually including a good number of converts — who are hijacking the church for political purposes. This Vanity Fair article describes the recent conversions of right-wing influencers who make my skin crawl. They're joining up with ultra-traditional Catholics like Alito and Leonard Leo, who has literally a billion dollars to spend on the culture war.

All that is to say: winning the presidency in 2024 is important, but it's not the only thing.

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