Saturday, August 17, 2024

Where the Other Red Wave Stops

I've seen (and shown here) various election maps that compare the red/blue voting outcomes of the United States. When it's represented county by county, our country looks mostly red overall, but when done by population, with the counties enlarged to reflect their populations, the country's shape gets very distorted and it's clear that there are many more people living in the blue areas... where the votes are.

I've never seen the same information rendered this way before, though:

The person who retweeted the map commented,

one thing people don’t appreciate is the difference between rural areas in the west and in the east. rurals in the east can be pretty sparse but once you get west of like kansas city they start to become outright empty

This map makes that reality much more obvious than the distorted county map. Land doesn't vote, as it's said sometimes. 

But it's also just fascinating how the sea of humanity, whether red or blue, drops off so abruptly.

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