Thursday, August 1, 2024

Twitter, July 2024

Twitter in July 2024 was ditto for what I said yesterday about July on BlueSky, only longer. Whew. Plus it had tweets on the British elections (go Labour!) and a lot more outrage at the beginning of the month about the Supreme Court's presidential immunity decision, which had just happened at the end of June 2024.

Everything below the line is quoted from the attributed account and is in reverse chronological order, except some of the images, which I move up or down to get better visual balance. As with BlueSky, this is a particularly strange month to read in reverse order.


a fascinating thing about driving culture is that everyone thinks drivers from [nearby area] are bad. what if the truth is that a large portion of all drivers are bad because we don’t have sufficient training or enforcement to operate a two ton metal box that can go over 100mph

Do you notice how Katie Phang calls me Elie "Ying" Mystal? That's because my grandfather on my mother's side is Chinese. Ying, my middle name, was his surname. My grandmother, however, can trace her Black linage to a plantation in Mississippi. And my father is Haitian. So if you say that I'm an American of Chinese ancestry, you'd be correct. But if you say I'm "not Black"... you'd be dumb racist motherfucker.
Elie Mystal

The Silicon Valley billionaires backing Trump claim they don't support Trump's racism and assaults on women reproductive freedom and basic rights. They are just really greedy assholes.
The Daily Edge

Definitely the thing the MAGA movement was missing from 1933 Germany was *more eugenics.* Nice that Trump is now correcting that problem.
Elie Mystal

"We’re not weird":

Wu Tang is for the Children @WUTangKids

Republicans went from claiming they are colorblind to now claiming they can determine who is really Black.
Ibram X. Kendi

I literally worked in San Francisco politics and did not know Kamala Harris was half-Indian until she ran for President. This idea that Kamala did not present herself as Black until a few years ago is absolutely CRAZY
Armand Domalewski

"Fintech" is just a cynical synonym for "unregulated bank."
David J Eastman

Time to bring back the line from 2016: not every Trump voter is a racist, but everyone who votes for him has decided that his racism isn’t a deal-breaker. That’s the undeniable truth.
Mehdi Hasan

MAGAs be like we’re not weird. Ummmm yeah ok:

Wu Tang is for the Children

Until the pertussis vaccine, pertussis was the #1 killer of children worldwide. Trump says he'll cut all federal funds to any school that insists we vaccinate children against pertussis, diphtheria, mumps, measles, and polio. That is, basically, mass murder.
Dean Gloster

Trump suggests Harris would struggle with world leaders based on her appearance.
Salamishah Tillet (writing in the Washington Post)

Whether it's Kamala Harris helping to raise other people's children or Donald Trump going to Epstein Island to have sex with other people's children, both candidates have made a lifelong impact on other people's children.
New York Times Pitchbot @DougJBalloon

It's very weird that, without any real social discussion or consensus, we just decided that ... sports gambling is fine now. We'll put it on phones, advertise it on broadcasts, make it trivially easy to access. It's not going to end well.
David Roberts @drvolts

Stop calling Republicans weird:

Alex Cole @acnewsitics

The way Tim Walz and Kamala Harris are talking about freedom - to choose, to learn, to eat, to breathe and more — may become a generational shift in the Dem Party narrative. Freedom for all families and people means paid leave, school lunch, clean water, pre-K, fast trains...
Saul @saaaauuull

Even though Jesus himself says, “whatever you do for the least among you, you do for me.” It seems as though we prioritize our own offense towards others rather than actually loving others as Jesus called us to do. I’m so weary of this public reputation. Not just because of how it paints a picture of how we Christians are so easily offended, but more importantly how weak it makes the message of Jesus we claim to believe in look to the world. I just don’t think we Christians realize how we make it sound like Christianity or even the Bible itself cannot stand on the truth if its own merits by how frantic and outraged we become at the mere suggestion of opposing beliefs or criticism. I just don’t think we Christians realize how fragile we make ourselves look when we act like we need an authoritarian president and government to ensure and enforce our own interests over everyone else as if Jesus’ way of power isn’t enough for us. We Christians claim to have such a strong foundation in God, yet we consistently act so fearful and combative towards the world. Acting as if Jesus called us to conquer the world rather than love it as he did.
Rev. Benjamin Cremer @Brcremer

Old cities were the result of people shaping their environment organically over time, with a view to belonging there. Every street corner tells a little story about its origin:

Culture Critic

The basic strategy of the right, for years now, has been to paint Dems as weird — they want to groom kids to be trans! They want to open the border and give illegals free stuff! They want to radically change this status quo America that you love! That's been the core fight. Meanwhile, the right *used to* also be a coalition of the center (status quo) and the right (go backward, make America great again). But the center has completely fallen out. Trump squashed it under his weird platform shoe. It's dead. The reactionaries won, completely. What this means, as a simple factual matter, is that currently — defining "weird" as "distance from status quo" — the *GOP is much weirder than the Dems*. It is dominated by freaks who want to take basic rights from women & return them to the kitchen.
David Roberts @drvolts

5 of 6 conservative justices appointed by GOP presidents who initially lost popular vote & confirmed by senators elected by minority of Americans. Those undemocratic justices have gutted democracy in America. SCOTUS reform long overdue
Ari Berman

Made the mistake of tweeting about my pregnancy realities and now strangers on the internet are demanding I explain my body and my menstrual cycles. Y'all are such little weirdos. You wanna come with me to my next gynecological exam?
Lyz Lenz @lyzl

There's a difference between "pineapple on pizza" weird and "can't stop talking about sterilization and birth rates" weird.

Wow, you have to read it a few times to realize how truly nuts Trump's so called family is:

John Oberlin @OMGno2trump

The only true indicator of the infrastructure quality in a neighborhood is the number of kids on the loose.
Natalia Barbour

An end to democracy or uniting the nation? There's no difference. Democracy is disunity. Unity is quite literally the guiding metaphor of fascism. Of course, it's great if a degree of unity prevails within the scope of democracy.
Max Hailperin

when guys say they'd like to have a beer with a candidate everyone claps respectfully but when a woman says she'd like a margarita twenty thousand chuds come out to say women shouldn't vote
Seva @SevaUT

People who believe we're in the Rapture/end of days shouldn't be allowed to hold public office since they have no stake in the future of my cats
Leah Hampton @pludger

“and who is your primary care doctor” buddy it’s 2024. are you also gonna ask me who my butler is or where I’ve parked my lamborghini, be for real
katie @katefeetie

It is not "race essentialism" to self identify as belonging to a racial category (or several). Race essentialism is the belief that those categories are immutable, unchanging, biological and tied to personality or other characteristics.
Victor Ray @victorerikray

The "end game for the radical ideologues...working so diligently to privatize schooling...[is] to change the way we understand ourselves as a public, such that the very idea of a shared institution seems impossible." –Jennifer Berkshire and Jack Schneider
Alfie Kohn

Idaho is such a freedom-loving state. Libraries now have to card people to look at books. For the safety of children, of course. What a way to exclude young people from even more third spaces.
Serafina @SerafinaScheel

freedom is when they can tell other people what to do all the time!
Michael Rieley

One of JD Vance’s miserable childless cat ladies with no stake in America:

Ron Filipkowski

So many parents want their kids to have access to a good, or even great, education, and they all think there’s a shortcut other than investing in public education, access to educational programming, and PAID FAMILY LEAVE. News. Flash. There isn’t.
Ashley C. Ford @iSmashFizzle

Arizona, the model for voucher programs across the country, has spent so much money paying private schoolers' tuition that it's now facing hundreds of millions in budget cuts to critical state programs and projects
philip lewis

"Doomsayers breed and deepen despair. They apparently believe that the only way to avoid total collapse is by changing the whole system with one stroke—as if human beings were like a school of fish who all change direction at the same time." –Grace Lee Boggs
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein @IBJIYONGI

Sometimes bike twitter feels a little unhinged, but then I remember that they're facing daily attempts on their life for the crime of travelling from A to B using the most simple and affordable conveyance and like, fair play to them
Martha Lauren @NQRW

If you think the attacks on Kamala for not being qualified are bad now, imagine if her only credentials were “Host of The Apprentice” and “Three second cameo in Home Alone 2.”
The Volatile Mermaid @OhNoSheTwitnt

Across the spectrum, the American climate debate is outdated to the point of surreality. Its outdatedness will not be cured by more facts. There are structural incentives in most institutions to not deeply consider discontinuity or its implications.
Alex Steffen

Dem Strategists showed up with 25 bullet points on how to take down Vance and some stoned GenZ kid just said he fucked a couch and now he has to do his interviews standing up via zoom.

According to a new report by CBS News, more than 20 doctors working in Gaza confirm that Israeli snipers are systematically executing Palestinian children. But sure, let's condemn the people protesting this.
Max Granger

Many leftist men can't be trusted on women's issues, because they consider the subjugation of women to be a valuable and necessary balm to soothing men's own subjugation wounds, that can only be gotten rid of once lower class men are healed up and have all their own rights first.

If 55% of white women decided they were done being oppressed by the patriarchy, there would never again be a republican on a national ticket in this country.
Rebecca Fachner

JD Vance treats his objects like women.
Akilah Hughes @AkilahObviously

Sea level is now 10cm [4"] higher than in 1993, and the rise is accelerating. These are super-accurate satellite measurements.
Simon Oldridge

Strongly agree with this. The personal stories are good to air but as a matter of principle the only response needed to hectoring pro-natalists like Vance is, "in a free country you don't get to tell people how many kids they should have. Mind your own business."
Jeet Heer @HeerJeet

It's perfectly fine not to have kids. You don't need to have some tragic fertility/IVF story. You don't need tell us how you play with your nieces and nephews, or friends' kids. You can even not like kids at all! It's fine. It's your choice and nobody else's business.
David Roberts @drvolts

I want all the MN lawmakers looking to legalize sports betting to address the fact that it leads to a 28% increase in bankruptcies
Wes Burdine @MnNiceFC

Honestly one of the most frustrating things about the last four years: Biden and the Dems achieved a full-employment economy — a long-time progressive goal — and no one gave a shit. He got nothing for it. What signal is that going to send future Dem policymakers? Biden had to push to make this recovery so good for the working class. Lots of VSPs pushed back. He took risks and spent down political capital. Who's going to push like that next time? Why would they?
David Roberts @drvolts

OLD, but more importantly:


I’m driving across the US for the second time in two weeks, and I’m really noticing how I’m not seeing much visible Trump support compared to four years ago.
ashley fairbanks @ziibiing

The best part is, contempt for women who aren’t mothers does not imply genuine respect for women who are. It’s just blanket contempt for women, period, that you can dodge by falling in line
Shannon Sanders @ShandersWrites

The Republican Party is running an old man who wants a dictatorship and a young man who thinks women are baby factories. It’s the dystopia ticket. Vote against all Republicans if you want a free country.

Not even a full week and they've already called her colored lol. The confederacy is about to lose again

Trump has been telling the same weak joke about Lecter for months now at his rallies. In a perfect world an obsession with a fictional cannibal serial killer and some apparent confusion about whether or not he's real would disqualify you for higher office. I mean coup attempts are worse, but.....
Rebecca Solnit

Gilead Sciences has a tool that could change the trajectory of the HIV epidemic. They have the chance to make history — if they ensure all who need this drug can access it affordably.
Winnie Byanyima

An Arctic fox in the process of changing from her summer coat to a winter one. (Photo Kevin Morgans):

Weird Animals

Over 20% of the world’s mature giant sequoias have been killed since 2015. The reason? High-intensity wildfires that the trees have never dealt with before.
Inside Climate News

The biggest change I've noticed is that for the last three days, people are treating Trump appropriately: as an old, tired, racist and sexist man who is basically a failing comic with no new material trying to gin up a laugh by repeating his greatest hits.
Elie Mystal

The focus groups show veterans think Trump is a crap leader and disrespectful to military families and American service members killed and wounded, especially John Kelly, who Trump disrespected over Kelly’s son’s literal grave. Trump is losing veterans. It’s happening.
Dan Barkhuff

tradlife is rooted in gender norms that are contradictory to feminism (because, newsflash, feminism isn't about personal choice; it's about collective liberation). it is also rooted in the American conception of white femininity, which are both sexist AND racist.
Seyward Darby

Really amazing that Chuck Schumer participated in giving Netanyahu the platform to deliver this speech that pushes at every fault line in the Democratic Party and advances a succession of Republican talking points about the Gaza war and the region more generally
Ronald Brownstein

It's hard to overstate how pathetic it is: a movement of dudes who want to make it illegal for women to divorce them.
David Roberts @drvolts

It's wild how Starbucks went from classic "third place" to the cutting edge of hostile architecture in a span of like a decade.
M. Nolan Gray

How is "Trump voters refuse to support Trump's opponent" a story
Ragnarok Lobster @eclecticbrotha

This is insane. The Taiwanese government is paying farmers to NOT grow rice because they need the water for AI chip manufacturing instead. We're prioritizing AI over feeding people during a drought.
Reid Southen @Rahll

U.S. Urban planners: Single Stair is a fire hazard cause I say so.
U.S. Urban planners: Actually building endless suburbs on the wildland urban interface is a great idea, you fucking idiot, you ignoramus.
Dood Patrol @Knifey_Spoonee

"A second Trump administration seems likely to bring what the Hungarian sociologist Balint Magyar has termed an 'autocratic breakthrough' - structural political change that is impossible to reverse by electoral means." –M. Gessen
Alfie Kohn

As far as I know, no president has given birth, so Kamala Harris fits right in. Fuck your patriarchy and your gender essentialism.
Imani Gandy @AngryBlackLady

The Trump campaign is trying to have it both ways! To White Americans they are screaming that VP Harris is “soft on crime” a racist trope based on Fear of Blacks as purveyors of crime. But the Trump campaign argues to Black Americans that she is “heartless” too “tough on crime”
Barbara Arnwine, Esq.

When a white man suggests a former DA of a major city, AG of the most populous State, US Senator and sitting VP isn’t “qualified” BECAUSE she is a woman of color, that is sexism & racism. It’s an attack on #civilrights protections we won 60 yrs ago. It’s #Project2025. It’s wrong.
Maya Wiley

Scientists say we basically have an HIV vaccine, but Gilead is charging over $40,000 a year for it and won’t yet allow a generic version that could be made for as little as $40 (which still includes a 30% profit).
Paris Marx

I don’t really believe polls, but I do believe vibes, and Democrats no longer wanting to commit mass suicide means a lot
drew @ImNotOwned

here’s a thing about those who believe that people can’t possibly give a shit about the future unless they have kids: clearly no one really matters to these self-obsessed jackasses except themselves & their own kids, a lot of us care about the future of the uh earth regardless

That woman watching James Inhofe hold a snowball on the floor of Congress to “disprove” global warming? That’s the lead author of Project 2025’s section on destroying the EPA. Great catch by Amy Westervelt:

Jamie Henn @jamieclimate

I want to make something clear. When you suggest that childless people have no "stakes" in the future of this country, you are telling on yourself. Some people have the ability to care about things that don't affect them directly. I know this a hard concept for some on the right.
Max Weiss @maxthegirl

Is it really a "scoop" that the racist man is planning to do some racism against the Black lady?
Elie Mystal

Memo to JD Vance: maybe if you had a cat you wouldn’t be such a miserable jerk?
Signe Johansen

I was in the car for about 10 hours today and heard a number of pieces on the radio about ‘is America ready for a Black woman president?’ But none about ‘is America ready for a racist, convict, lying, psychopath as a president?’ Weird.

There are only 2 reasons why a woman doesn’t have children. Either she can’t, or she doesn’t want to. And either way it’s none of your god damn business.
The Volatile Mermaid @OhNoSheTwitnt

Sonya Massey should be alive. She was killed by cops holding a teapot of water. #SayHerName
Judith Browne Dianis

They spent years claiming that Asians were victims of “reverse discrimination” to get rid of affirmative action. Now an Indian woman is running for President and she’s a “DEI hire.” Which is it?
Asha Rangappa

Republicans: “she’s not qualified.” She was DA of a Top 10 city, AG of the 2nd largest justice department in the land, a U.S. Senator from the largest state, and the sitting VPOTUS. Last time you elected a president he was a game show host and Twitter troll so STFU.

One big reason Trump has proven so resilient is that there's *too much* to attack him for, more every day. Nothing sticks; nothing has time to root and grow. In the name of solving that problem, I propose that every Dem starts referring to him consistently as "the rapist. It's factually true, as vouchsafed by a judge in a courtroom. It fits a consistent pattern of behavior. It reflects character. It's repulsive. And best of all, it will solicit cries of "it was only sexual assault!"
David Roberts @drvolts

Once again, I’m going to paraphrase Gloria Steinem for all you assholes: If women could “sleep their way to the top,” there’d be more women at the top. STFU, y’all.
Kelli Bruer

When men tell you they don’t like Vice President Harris’s laugh, they’re telling you women - all women - don’t deserve joy. I promise, we do.
Shannon Watts

She's too happy and laughs to much but she is also miserable & sad because she didn't birth children.
Fly Sistah

With candidate switch, worth remembering that JD Vance is a major advocate of menstrual surveillance, local cops having the right to pull obgyn records to see who and who isn’t menstruating and who might be planning a trip to an abortion rights state
Josh Marshall

“There is only one basis on which real fascism could come to the United States, and that basis is racism.” –Anne Braden, white anti-racist Civil Rights leader from Kentucky
Showing Up for Racial Justice

Any time a Black person achieves something or advances, it's DEI. Any time a woman advances, she "slept her way to the top." Do you all hear yourselves? Is that how you rationalize your lack of achievement and mediocrity?
Rev. Mrs. Mommy @revlaurelj

I can't fathom why Harris, an experienced politician, is "out of her depth" but with Trump--real estate mogul, grifter, reality TV star--the media was like, "let's just wait and see what he does.." & breathless coverage of his insanity. I guess I do but it's pretty depressing.
Meg Reid

If she had biological children (she has step children) he’d say she shouldn’t be president because it’ll take her away from motherhood. Women can’t win

Plan a peaceful protest that would inconvenience motorists: five years in prison. Motorist drives without insurance, hits seven-year-old boy, leaves him to die at the scene. Fourteen weeks suspended. I have no words.
Tim Cycles The Coast @TimMcKenna01

Find of the Day:

Heidi Tandy @travelingheidi

We're only a few hours in, but the evidence for "Kamala's candidacy is going to render the GOP completely unhinged in a way ordinary Americans will find repellent" is already mounting.
Angus Johnston @studentactivism

Whether it’s Democrats putting a woman at the top of the ticket, or Republicans nominating a rapist sexual predator who will strip women of health care, both sides have seized on gender issues this presidential election.
New York Times Pitchbot @DougJBalloon

"Step-parents aren't real parents" is a hell of a campaign pitch.
Angus Johnston @studentactivism

One way to make sure they teach black history is to keep making it!! #KamalaHarris2024
DL Hughley @RealDLHughley

Everything else aside, I just want to live long enough to see a black woman force this asshole to pay his taxes.
David Roberts @drvolts

Harris is such a good candidate because she can credibly claim the accomplishments of the administration without being held responsible for any of Biden's specific mistakes. She literally exists in the context of what came before but is also unburdened by what has been
Finnegans Take @LittleMammith


Willie Ross Jr. Knee Deep @RossKneeDeep

It would be poetic justice to end this guys career by having him lose to a Black woman.
Mike Madrid

Multiple European and South American democracies have elected female leaders. The idea that America ‘isn’t ready for a woman president’ is dumb and is in danger of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Mehdi Hasan

Before the media gets rolling, let me be clear: The Democratic nominee for president will be on all 50 state ballots. There is no basis for any legal challenge. Period.
Marc E. Elias

I'm seeing such a rush of excitement from across the ideological spectrum right now. It's not about policy alignment or ideological affinity. It's about getting the fuck up and fighting fascism. We can win this fight.
Angus Johnston @studentactivism

If Ronald Reagan had followed through on the promise to build community mental health residences American cities would be unrecognizable today.
Mary Morse Marti

Republicans don’t want a President, they want a mob boss.
Joseph Anderson

I'm so confused. How do they know which immigrants they want to condemn to mass deportation and which ones they want to keep by marrying them?

Alfons López Tena

At 55% voter turnout, Republicans win.
At 60% voter turnout, Democrats win.
At 65% voter turnout, there's an Obama-like rout.
At 70% voter turnout, there's no longer a Republican party.
THIS is the message, not, "Joe's old." Stop the handwringing and let the man get to work.

Spanish crochet teacher Eva Pacheco and her students created a huge, colourful street canopy in crochet and knitting, making welcome shade for the community of Alhaurín de la Torre, Malaga:


Hillbilly Elegy is so funny — writing a book dripping with empathetic language where you’re ostensibly trying to get to the bottom of why everyone in your hometown including your mom is an unemployed drug addict but arriving at the conclusion “it’s because they’re lazy”

In other news, peaceful environmental defenders are being sentenced to years in prison in the UK while the destruction of our climate continues unabated
Assaad Razzouk

One of the transformations I have experienced as a teacher has come in higher ed where students taught me to honor a diversity of how students are engaged during class. I no longer badger about speaking aloud in class, no participation mandates/requirements
Paul Thomas @plthomasEdD

The foundation of Trump's campaign, that the economy is down and crime is up, is 100% false. The opposite is true. And add to that "drill, baby, drill"—only under Biden has the US become a net exporter of oil and gas. Under Trump we were still a net importer. Facts matter.
Richard Stengel

Cheri Jacobus

Traditionalists use "feel-good" and “touchy-feely” as all-purpose epithets to disparage whatever seems suspiciously pleasurable. In education, that includes authentic assessments (vs. tests and grades) and discovery-based learning (vs. memorizing facts). Evidence of the remarkable effectiveness of such practices is waved away: If something is enjoyable, that’s reason enough to deem it insufficiently rigorous. Make a case for a more engaging curriculum, or for bringing kids in on making decisions, and the huffy response is that Life isn’t always going to be interesting (or responsive to kids’ preferences) — and students had better learn to deal with that fact. Apparently the goal isn't to promote critical thinking or excitement about learning; it's to prepare kids for later unpleasantness.
Alfie Kohn

I won't miss coal, and you won't either. Ash wastewater spill at northern Minnesota coal plant more than five times larger than first reported.
Robert Moffitt @justplainbob

When historians talk of a king having a lisp or going bald and all the courtiers proudly adopting it as 'fashion', we think them quite daft and archaic and yet here we are. Quite mad:

Mitten d'Amour

The 40-year consumer welfare standard consensus was basically fragility by design. We are finally rebuilding resilient systems ,thanks to Khan and Kanter and Wu and Chopra and a wholesale rethinking. If you build for efficiency alone, you build for collapse and instability.
Zephyr Teachout

Just for fun, I looked back to the 2020 RNC acceptance speech to see what terrible things would happen (according to him) if he wasn't reelected. Not surprisingly, it was all BS.
Robert Moffitt @justplainbob

I must say that JD Vance attacking Hunter Biden’s addiction when his own mother is an addict is a different level of gross.
Art Candee

Sweet Honey in the Rock was the soundtrack to Black feminism’s growth, the sonic equivalent of bell hooks, Alice Walker and Toni Morrison. Songs coming out like their books and essays. Teachers. Sisters. Mothers. Sages. Bernice Johnson Reagon Rest in Power:

P. Gabrielle Foreman

Appalachia has been historically scapegoated and disenfranchised. Our resources have been stripped, and our people exploited for cheap labor. These systemic injustices, perpetuated by big corporations and wealthy outsiders, lead to poverty and addiction. Vance blames our people for these problems instead of addressing their root causes. He’ll do the same if we make the mistake of putting him a heartbeat away from the most powerful position in the world.

You know how people are worried about foreign investors buying up US farmland? There's a company that helps them do that! It's like Uber for buying US farmland. And who's one of its key investors, profiting off of every sale? J.D. Vance.
Dr Sarah Taber @SarahTaber_bww

“I hate immigrants” is like 80% of Trump’s campaign and it’s an indictment on Biden/Dems that they can’t counter with anything legible to their supposed base. Dems are afraid to embrace immigrants bc they think moderate whites will punish them for it — self-fulfilling prophecy
Carlos Ballesteros @ballesteros_312

We all saw the “mass deportation now!” signs being hopefully waved front and center at the convention, so I would ask that no outlet insults the intelligence (or eyesight) of its readers / listeners / viewers by talking about “unity” and “toning down the rhetoric”
Jon Reinish

Patrick Orlando, the former chief executive of the SPAC that took Trump Media public, has been charged with securities fraud over the deal
Hugo Lowell

Sick stuff:

Mehdi Hasan

Here's the only JD Vance sentence you need to understand him: "We want to promote the types of virtues that exist in Kyle Rittenhouse."
Jeff Sharlet

Had the [Butler, Pennsylvania] shooter been a registered Democrat with Biden signs in his family’s yard, how many front-page stories, editorials, op-eds and back-to-back coverage do you think we’d STILL be seeing? This is why I have long pushed back against the contention that our field is an objective
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

Pretty wild to hear clips from the RNC about how crime is rampant (it's way down), our borders are open (crossing are down by half), LGBTQ rights are endangering our society (they don't), and guns keep us safe just literal days after their nominee was shot by a cis white dude
Robert Maguire

a lot of wellness culture in general is white supremacy by way of eugenics

If you complain to a taxpayer-funded city traffic engineer that their road designs kill people, usually they'll tell you, that's OK because, driver speed was maintained. But sometimes they'll go extra mile -- and close a crosswalk to humans altogether.
Matthew Lewis @mateosfo

Today is World Emoji Day, so here's a reminder that we have emojis for [no bikes] and [no pedestrians] but not:

David Zipper

One thing we can learn from the 30% of people who can't drive* is that it's fair to invest 30% of our transportation money + space into streets for people, not car owners.
*this 30% doesn't include children or people who are super-burdened with car costs.
Cathy Tuttle

And remember, the MAGA SCOTUS ruled that it would be completely legal for the president to reduce certain tariffs in exchange for bribes.
Dean Baker

Trump's tariff ideas have been discussed extensively from the standpoint of economics, but the larger issue is political economy and corruption — every company with a supply chain will be relying on presidential favor to do business. His approach to trade is the ultimate example of this. Working people don't benefit from a system of high tariffs and total presidential discretion. The people who benefit are well-connected business owners who can score exemptions and favor.
Matthew Yglesias

Buried in this article: the Secret Service has warned the Trump campaign repeatedly against holding outdoor rallies because they're a security risk. The ENTIRE reason they do this is to avoid paying arenas, at the expense of heat and security issues!
Chris OIIey

His ear got grazed
He's fine
He's golfing today
Let's focus on the real issues
He's on board with Project 2025. He will make himself a dictator. Every one of our rights will be stripped. Every single one. Focus
GingerSpice @thedesertginger

I know term limits and ethics sounds "less radical" to a lot of people than court expansion. But, as I keep trying to tell you all, the Supreme Court gets to decide if term limits and ethics are constitutional. And so if you don't expand the court, these other plans will fail.
Elie Mystal

A new study on gender affirming surgeries for people under 18 in the US reveals that of the 150 (not a typo — it really is that small) 146 of them were for cisgender males getting gynecomastia surgery — breast reductions for excess tissue on otherwise male patients.
Mx. D. E. Anderson @diannaeanderson

They’re not even trying to hide it:

Republicans Against Trump

Fun fact about Judge Aileen Cannon: She was confirmed by the Senate on Nov. 12, 2020, after Donald Trump had lost the election. McConnell, then the majority leader, confirmed a series of judges in lame duck session, which hadn't happened for an outgoing president in generations.
Sahil Kapur

Never forget — these 9 current Dem senators voted to confirm Aileen Cannon.
Murphy (CT)
Carper (DE)
Coons (DE)
Hassan (NH)
Masto (NV)
Rosen (NV)
Kaine (VA)
Warner (VA)
Manchin (WV)
Also voted yes, these former D senators:
Jones (AL)
Leahy (VT)
Feinstein (CA)
Murshed Zaheed

Project 2025 (page 737) will get rid of the FDIC so your bank accounts are no longer insured, while also deregulating banks so they can take risks that make them more likely to fail.

I would like to thank my colleagues for the most unvarnished headline of the day. From "Trump Allies Try to Bully Dems, Media to Shut Up About His Fascist Plans."
Brian Hiatt

vance hasn't changed his mind about trump, really. it's more that he's changed his mind about hitler.

Apparently when we thought we saved democracy in 2020, what we really did was restore the status quo, so the Democrats could wallow in bipartisanship and “chair” their committees until the next coup.
Jayne Dough

Domestic abuse spikes 26% when England plays, 38% if they lose, and 11% the day after, win or lose. Women's safety is at the mercy of men who can’t control themselves over a football game. Yet women are labelled emotional and crazy.
Dr Charlotte Proudman

It rules how liberals are apologizing and self-flagellating because a registered Republican on Trump’s political turf shot at Trump with a weapon Republicans think should be legal to carry everywhere.
David Klion

For years to come, we will be studying the iconography of this image and the consequences of it. Despite what one believes of how Trump should’ve reacted to the shooting, Trump understands the power of iconographic imagery and he took his chance:


"The country is lucky Trump survived. And now we must protect the system from him." Political violence *must* be rejected, but we must also reject the idea that these terrible actions mean no one can warn against the threat Trump still poses to democracy.
Brendan Nyhan

Every enlightened centrist editorial this week is gonna be: "Right wing nut jobs are shooting right wing nutjobs, and this is why liberals share half the blame."
Darrell Owens @IDoTheThinking

Trump orchestrated a violent attack on our Capitol and tried to overturn an election.
Trump warned of a “bloodbath” if he loses again.
Trump argued for immunity for killing political opponents.
Trump stated he’ll be a “dictator” if he regains office.
None of that has changed.
Leah McElrath

I'm not going to refrain from my message that it's really stupid that so many people without any need for them own AR-15s and similar guns. This guy's dad randomly owned one in suburban Pittsburgh. And he stole it from his dad to do this. Bethel Park isn't a warzone.
Sir Humphrey @bdquinn

Imagine going golfing while one of your supporters was just killed and 2 more are still in the hospital:

Alex Cole @acnewsitics

We don't yet know the motivation of Thomas Matthew Crooks. What we do know is that well over 60% of domestic extremist-related killings in the US over the last few years have been perpetrated by right-wing extremists. There has been precious little outrage over this.

Many of these folks talking about some "leave America" plan to bring their American ways to someone's else country. Or, like some expats do, live in American bubbles overseas. I hate to break it to you, but that's not how any of this works. We need to face and fix our chaos HERE. It is such an American attitude. And it frustrates me. People all over the world are fleeing political violence, economic instability, and climate change... and we're supposed to jump ship here *where many are trying to flee* after wrecking the planet. What's wrong with y'all?!
Ebony Elizabeth Thomas @Ebonyteach

I have to admit it took me a few to realize that people were talking about the Secret Service (SS) and weren’t talking about Trump supporters as the SS.

"That 20-year-old shooter was inspired by Joe Biden's fiery rhetoric" is like the least believable string of words in the human language.

In case people were wondering, Donald Trump’s Project 2025 would make it easier for dangerous people to get and keep guns, and continue to allow gun makers to write our gun laws for the politicians they pay.
Melanie D'Arrigo

Out of genuine curiosity: why is TSA so African American?

13% of TSA employees are Black, which is exactly how many Black people there are in the U.S. So the question becomes why do you have the impression there are more of us than there actually are?
chris evans @notcapnamerica

I see every major Democratic leader in the country resolutely condemning political violence, and I see Republican Members of Congress wasting no time in politicizing an act of violence and blaming President Biden. Those Republicans, of course, will be given a pass, as always.
Charlotte Clymer

The American right's goal is creating a system of hereditary aristocrats, who govern without "limits", so that their power to extract wealth is checked only by rivalries with other aristocrats. The true, tactical significance of Project 2025, by Cory Doctorow
Patrick Vera @iiradned

Why does a 20-year-old need an AR-15 type semiautomatic rifle? Why do we even let 20-year-olds buy semiautomatic rifles? I don't think the framers of the Constitution would think it's a great idea to let everyone run around buying semiautomatic rifles.
Steven Greenhouse

I’m begging yall to care like this when it’s a third grade classroom instead of an ear
Colin Robinson @fermiparasocks

"Repelling fascism is what workers' movements do. The business community will always sell you out to the Nazis in exchange for low taxes, cheap labor and loose regulation": The true, tactical significance of Project 2025" –Cory Doctorow
Christine Hall @BrideOfLinux

When right-wing scum tried to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer, Republicans made excuses.
When a lunatic beat Paul Pelosi with a hammer, they made jokes.
And when Trump sent a mob to attack the Capitol, they made up lies.
Don’t lecture us about condemning violence.
Adam Parkhomenko

Reminder that Republicans wore these AR-15 pins to Congress:

Jack Cocchiarella

No shooting with an AR-15-type rifle is an isolated incident in America.
Ernie Tedeschi

It’s remarkable how many people suddenly believe that stochastic terrorism is real and violent rhetoric has consequences:

Teddy Wilson @reportbywilson

Securing rooftops during a presidential nominee's rally falls under the category of "you had one job"
Jeet Heer @HeerJeet

If you don’t want people saying Trump becoming president would end democracy, you’ll have to get Trump to stop declaring, in both word and deed, his project to end democracy. I don’t think lying about what Trump has said, done, and vows to do would address political violence.
Nicholas Grossman @NGrossman81

The incitement of violence against Trump and the GOP by claiming "democracy" will end if Biden loses the election must stop. This isn't a joke anymore. When you constantly compare someone to Hitler, you are giving the green light for people to do *anything* to stop them.

Suddenly these people understand the concept of stochastic terror.
Alejandra Caraballo @Esqueer_

i hate living in interesting times. this shit sucks!
molly conger @socialistdogmom

Imagine if Republicans were this concerned and angry when it's a school shooting.
Alex Cole @acnewsitics

Worried for us all. Political violence is real and destabilizing. The polarization we are experiencing should not result in a bloodbath on either side.
Judith Browne Dianis

A sympathy bump is very unlikely to last until e day and probably wouldn't be that much in these polarized times, it's not October. HOWEVER. The real danger is if this incites other acts of political violence and starts an escalation spiral
Reconstructionist @un_a_valeable

I'd be well in favour of bringing in some sort of "road tax" for bicycles if it was based on the actual road wear caused by the vehicle. £10 per year for the heaviest e-bikes and £4,000,000 for an SUV is definitely a good starting point, with an emissions-based multiplier too.
Yeah But Cyclists

A trial will begin Monday in Colorado to determine whether a right-wing group violated the Voting Rights Act and the Ku Klux Klan Act when it went door-to-door, sometimes armed, and falsely accused people of voter fraud.
Democracy Docket

Whether it's Biden being a few years older than Trump or it's Trump consorting with women who are a few years below the age of consent, both sides have an age problem.
New York Times Pitchbot @DougJBalloon

A friendly reminder that Project 2025 targets Head Start.
Preston Green

They never seem to consider autistic trans people just being more likely to transition because we're less concerned about the social stigma/punishment.
The American Crisis @PaineOfCrisis

Real question: is there any institution dominated by conservatives in which sexual harassment isn't endemic?
David Roberts @drvolts

New York City has about 3 million free on-street parking spots. If they were charged a median market rate of $62 per day, the annual revenue would be about $67.89 billion.
Phil Walkability

A 2000-year-old Roman blue glass bowl was unearthed in immaculate condition at an archaeological dig in Nijmegen in 2021:


Project 2025 will get rid of the FDIC so your bank accounts are no longer insured, while also deregulating banks so they can take risks that make them more likely to fail. How do you feel about the safety of your life savings being up to banks?

In more hopeful news
1 China's solar power output surged an incredible 78% year-on-year in May
2 China coal and gas fell to new record lows
3 US wind overtakes coal for 1st time, with 28% more MWh in April
4 100,000 Irish households connected their rooftop solar to the grid
Assaad Razzouk

When people complain that TV is "too woke" now, but you remember The Twilight Zone exists because Serling was so sickened by what happened to Emmett Till and the acquittal of those involved in the child's murder that he created the show to get around the censors to talk about it.

Supply goes up, rents come down. It doesn't solve everything, but it does make everything else easier to solve.
M. Nolan Gray

Republicans don’t want Felons or Immigrants to vote…but they’re going to vote for a convicted felon married to an immigrant. America 2024
Ryan Shead

know what else should be eligible for $7,500 in federal tax credits? the only vehicles that simultaneously reduce operational *AND* embodied carbon. e-cargo bikes reduce CO2 emissions over EVs by over 95% (and also don't emit other hazardous and deadly pollutants). plus - fun!
Mike Eliason @holz_bau

Pretty much captures the world today: climate breakdown and profiteers:

Assaad Razzouk

Today the IRS announced that they've collected over $1 billion in overdue taxes from millionaires this past year. After beefing up the agency's funding they've been able to go after wealthy tax cheats and get the money the rich owe.
More Perfect Union

Trump meeting Orban opposite NATO Summit immediately following Orban mtg w Putin and Xi is the sort of betrayal of the US that would’ve led to Congressional investigations or worse in the past.
David Rothkopf

My local fire department argues against bollards because “what if our trucks need to mount the curb!?” They see no problems when people die whenever a vehicle leaves the road at the speed limit.
Alex McColl

if fire marshals were 1/100th as concerned about vehicle and road design as they are about single stair buildings — literally the most common multifamily building the world over — we'd actually make headway in how dangerous and deadly traffic violence in this country is.
Mike Eliason @holz_bau

Drivers who start rolling when there's people in the crosswalk, why? Is it your aggressive way of reminding us of your presence? Your way of telling us to move faster? Can you literally not stay still for more than 10 seconds, like your car might die if it's not in motion?

It pains me as an OG blogger to say this, but every day, I find myself thinking social media is not good for us. It's the modern-day cigarette habit. Except it's taking down society.
Shay Stewart Bouley @blackgirlinmain

The price for batteries is down 51% in 1-year to an average of $53/ KWh. This “means the technology to decarbonize most of road transport globally is already here” In case you were still waiting: the future of electrifying everything is already here
Assaad Razzouk

A white friend helped Trump get into college. White bankers gave him billions in loans he didn't qualify for. He had the lowest % of primary votes for a GOP nominee in 50 years. Besides white voters, he lost every racial, ethnic and religious demographic in EVERY race he ever
Michael Harriot

This sums it up perfectly:

Seth Abramson

As Liz Cheney says courageously and eloquently, we cannot survive the destruction of democracy and fundamental freedoms, which is openly in the game plan of Donald Trump. Trump talks about creating military tribunals to punish his enemies in an administration built around retribution. It is dereliction of journalistic responsibility beyond imagining that this gets shrugged off and not covered as if it were a four alarm fire.
Norman Ornstein

That our discourse about a presidential candidate dropping out so quickly turns to: "well, what do the donors want"? is to me a reminder of how little say we have in who governs us.

Trump doesn’t know the people behind Project 2025 the same way he didn’t know Jeffrey Epstein.
Ron Filipkowski

Here we are watching a tropical storm, probable soon-to-be hurricane, in the Gulf. Meanwhile the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 is urging the abolishment of the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, which is responsible for hurricane watches, daily weather forecasts
Poppy Northcutt

Fair to say the Germans have some expertise in this matter?

Michael Ian Black

It REALLY is not anti scientific to be concerned about waste and to ask for a centering of the Precautionary Principle
BUILD SOIL; Plant Chestnuts!

Most people seem to be focused on AI these days. While I believe AI will undoubtedly be significant, in my view clean energy will ultimately prove to yield greater societal impact. (even AI itself is underpinned by ravenous demand for energy) Every major shift in human society has been driven by energy innovation. Why should this one be any different? One could even argue how this will be the most impactful of them all given the practically unlimited energy that the sun can provide.

Wisconsin Republicans spent like 15 years talking about how no one would ride a train in the Midwest and it would be an expensive boondoggle...and then a new route was added and it turned a profit in less than two weeks:

Dan Shafer

Kids in Florida can no longer learn about climate change for the same reason they can no longer do hands-on civics projects aimed at *furthering the public good*: this kind of stuff might turn them into socialists
Jennifer Berkshire

You have to sort of love that Trump says that some of the Project 2025 ideas are "absolutely ridiculous" but he wishes them well. And people are questioning Joe Biden's cognitive abilities.
Dean Baker

Speaking of British elections, it's crazy they have 650 seats for 65 million people, and we have 435 seats for 330 million people
Stylianos Karolidis

i think low prices and sustainability are inherently at odds with each other because when things are cheap people buy 12 of them and don't take care of the items. they treat them as disposable, like kleenex
derek guy @dieworkwear

He looks like he’s being haunted by the woman he ran over:

Moniza Hossain

This election is not a choice between two individuals, it's a choice between worldviews, between futures. Do we want to continue down the path to multiethnic democracy or do we want to impose a white patriarchal Christian autocracy? You cannot look at this extraordinary media freakout this last week and not psychologize, not see all kinds of displacement. They can't or won't be serious about Trump and so they are fucking *giddy* at having permission to scold Dems again. Their safe place.
David Roberts @drvolts

It’s very funny to watch Republicans get mad that the Supreme Court of Wisconsin reversed an earlier decision on ballot drop boxes after a personnel change on the court, as though that’s not exactly what happened with Dobbs overturning Roe. LOL. Law isn’t real. It’s all vibes.
Brooke Bikes MKE

I'm not gonna rant. [breathes deeply] Just gonna make my one point, which is this: the idea that that the process of jettisoning Biden and choosing someone else will go well -- will be *allowed* to go well -- is a deeply deranged fantasy. The idea that Dems will do this and will end up feeling unified, that Harris will come out popular, that "the dynamics of the race will shift," all of that ... fucking deranged. Deranged in such a perfectly characteristic Dem way.
David Roberts @drvolts

One definite advantage to political processes in Great Britain is that there’s no lag period between when a party loses an election and its leader leaves power.
Leah McElrath

I was curious just how many stories the New York Times has done on Biden's debate performance so I counted.  Between the end of the debate and 8am this morning, it was a staggering 192 pieces. 192. That is mind boggling.  
142 news stories
50 opinion pieces
13 non-debate news
Jennifer Schulze @NewsJennifer

My most basic hope is that Labour can return some measure of competence to the task of governing the UK.

“Let’s hold Biden to ridiculous standards because we can’t hold Trump to any.” –Mainstream Media

It’s weird that the media is running with “Joe Biden should drop out” 24/7, but mute on the Heritage Foundation saying if Trump is elected, they’ll only let the lefties live if we’ll just lay back and be quiet.
Jess Piper @piper4missouri

Hey look, yet another actual democracy having yet another election where the votes are rapidly counted, the results are rapidly reported, everyone accepts them, we don't have litigation about nonexistent voter fraud, and no one tries to steal the election. Happy July 4th, Britain.
Mark Copelovitch

When you see the way the press is treating Joe Biden for aging in public, you see how they could treat Donald Trump for committing fraud, rape, espionage, and insurrection and never, ever will.

Today’s New York Times has 11 stories about Biden and one about Trump laying low. I’ve seen no stories about the many negatives about DJT or the harrowing Project 2025 for weeks, if ever. It’s an appalling disservice to this country.

After hitting a 10-year high in 2020, violent crime is now at a 15-year low in the US, and falling rapidly. What is the best explanation for the sharp decline in crime rates recently?

Erik Brynjolfsson

Never in human history have so many lived in such safe material prosperity and yet somehow hysterically think themselves on the brink of apocalyptic turmoil.

The two are connected. Apocalyptcism adds a bit of thrill to comfortable lives.
Andrew Stuttaford

“Amtrak's new Twin Cities-Chicago route through Milwaukee turns a profit in first 11 days”
MN Rail Notes

TBH, this seems worse than having the road blocked by climate activists for a few minutes, much less talk about doing so on a Zoom call:

David Ho

Anyway, as I wrote in October of 2016, Donald Trump is a psychopath. But the threat is bigger than Trump. Trump is a tool who has been enabled by—and now twice selected by—the Republican Party to enact a psychopathic fascistic agenda.
Leah McElrath

So much art has been killed by the increase in the cost of living

Having spent first ~ 15 years of my career in utility/energy efficiency/appliance standards policy, it’s been fascinating to watch “technology innovation solves everything” community studiously avoid the biggest carbon prize of all: Cutting energy use by half. With urbanism.
Matthew Lewis @mateosfo

The world is so strange. Natural disasters on one side, genocide and war crimes on the next and we're just expected to carry on.

White Americans want a King who hates Black people. That much is clear from this week
Allison Wiltz Psy.M. @queenie4rmnola

The Dems need to make it part of their platform that they will appoint justices who will make it illegal for the president to order the military to shoot you
Dean Baker

But wind turbines are ugly and spoil the view:

Jeff Goodell

If he were white he wouldn't be a Supreme Court justice, they'd have found a different token to replace Thurgood mf Marshall
Oh, The Freemanity

WTF??? The leader of Trump’s project 2025 plan just made a chilling threat “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.” WHAT!? This is insane. We cannot allow Trump to win.
Harry Sisson

Every California heat wave warning map is like: deadly temperatures rising in areas where California is adding all its population growth, while temperatures remain cool on the coast where apartments are banned and the population is capped. Be careful.
Darrell Owens @IDoTheThinking

New from me: Google's emissions shot up *almost 50%* since 2019 due to its massive focus on AI. This makes it the second huge tech company (see Microsoft in May) that has said AI is threatening its ability to meet key environmental goals. Who'll be next?
Rachel Metz

Fascinating there’s a whole parallel US media world where the US is promoting an Israeli “ceasefire proposal” and here, in reality, Israeli leaders repeatedly, every day, insist this is false and they will not stop until they “destroy Hamas.” Just two totally different universes

Idaho: where a 13-year-old is forced to carry out pregnancy but can’t go to the library

'Enhancing natural carbon sinks is vastly cheaper and easier than carbon capture and sequestration. It just doesn’t benefit the fossil fuel industry. That’s why the nations pushing CCS hard are the ones that extract, process, refine' this this this
Mike Eliason @holz_bau

I know people don’t want to confront this. But children should not be the intellectual and ideological prisoners of the parents they didn’t choose. Children should have access to books and ideas sans parent oversight
Paul Thomas @plthomasEdD

The biggest threat to world security is the focus on useless climate solutions at the expense of the obvious ones. Useless: carbon capture; direct air capture; blue H2; electrofuels; new small+large nuclear; bioenergy Real solution: #WindWaterSolar
Mark Z. Jacobson

Alito, Thomas, Barrett, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are the only five of the 116 justices to serve on the Supreme Court to have been confirmed by senators representing less than one half of the US population. The panel on the left shows how dramatically different that was just 24 years ago:

Michael Podhorzer

biden ending his speech with "i dissent" is a perfect encapsulation of his approach to the court — he sees himself as akin to a dissenting justice who only has the power to complain, rather than a politician with the ability to do—or even try to do—something about the court
Jack Mirkinson

When one side declares war, the war has started. Your refusal to fight back doesn't mean there's no war, it just means you're going to get fucking destroyed.

Do people seriously not understand that “official acts” is a construction so the Court can subjectively cut down anything a president they don’t support and protect a president they do support? I mean. Cmon. They didn’t do this haphazardly. Stop pretending otherwise.
Jared Yates Sexton

This SCOTUS has overturned 40 years of environmental protection precedent, 50 years of abortion precedent, 60 years of Affirmative Action precedent, and now 248 years of limited POTUS power precedent— and Dems still refuse to even try to expand SCOTUS or impeach the Justices. Come On!
Qasim Rashid, Esq.

The USA’s descent into fascism would be one helluva ratings/audience bonanza for the first few years. But after that it drops into terminal decline. Not much work for journalists in an authoritarian regime where the leader can silence critics with impunity. Plan accordingly.
gil duran

"Be careful, when a democracy is sick, fascism comes to its bedside, but it is not to inquire about its health." –Albert Camus
Gyll King

The Constitution explicitly says president can be impeached AND prosecuted. It mentions bribery. How can a POTUS be bribed except for official acts?
Mona Charen

We are now at a civilization-defining moment. If democracy keeps on collapsing this fast, all hope of a peaceful world evaporates, and then we’re headed towards what the 1930s ended in, only on a boiling planet

The most terrifying spectacle to me is not the utter and across-the-board corruption of officialdom, but the inability of many (most?) Americans to even imagine forms of collective action that don’t involve courts or voting booths.
Ben Ehrenreich

A slow train that takes 6 hours longer than flying is already taking 15% of the market share, and I'm supposed to believe this country has no demand for actually fast and frequent trains?
Hayden Clarkin @the_transit_guy

When college admins start expelling frat boy rapists from campus as fast and furiously as they did anti-genocide protestors sitting in tents, then maybe it’d be easier to pretend that it was somehow about campus safety.
holly @girlziplocked

If you think you hated liberal hegemony, you’d better buckle up for fascist hegemony.
Leah McElrath

So Biden can’t forgive student loans but he can order a drone strike on the loan collectors?
Sam Youngman

Quite a headline from Elie Mystal:

Thor Benson

Many people are fine jettisoning democracy if it has to be a multi-racial democracy. Once you understand that, everything else makes sense.
Erika K Wilson

I say this as someone who loathes overstating the gravity of constitutional decisions in historical terms: This has been the worst Supreme Court term for American democracy since Reconstruction.
Anthony Michael Kreis

Look, I appreciate that people still want to find *some way* to think that Trump is going to be brought to justice for January 6. But he WILL NOT be brought to justice. That part of the conversation is OVER. Trump won. People need to deal with that in their own way, but he WON.
Elie Mystal

Maybe it's because I'm Black. Maybe it's because I'm a Mets fan. But, like, SOMETIMES WE LOSE. Often, even. MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, THE BAD GUYS WIN. They won today. Now, what are you prepared to do?
Elie Mystal

Alfie Kohn

Supreme Court Overturns 'Right v. Wrong'
The Onion

So SCOTUS answered the Seal Team Six hypo with....yeah that's fine?
Chris Hayes

I just hope that all the people who have spent the last eight years - no, 24 years since the Court stole an election and help birth an illegal world war - will finally open their eyes and see what’s going on here But since their financial fates depend on not doing so, I doubt it
Jared Yates Sexton

Welp, that's all folks. The President is immune from prosecution so long as he says he committed crimes as part of his "official" duties. So ends the part of the American experience where our leaders were bound by the rule of law. Thanks for playing.
Elie Mystal

The thing about policing, at the very least: if a person is given the authority to carry and use a lethal weapon in your neighborhood, you and your neighbors should  have the authority to vet them. Assure that they love and care about people in your neighborhood. The current police system, even your so-called reformed police departments, would NEVER concede to that common sense, not one inch. What does that say to you that they would fight against your ability to vet police who operate with lethal force in your neighborhood?
D.A. Bullock @BullyCreative

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