Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Red Light Runners

It's no secret that drivers are behaving more recklessly since the pandemic. Red-light- and stop-sign-running appear to be things I see routinely now, for instance. I get passed on double yellow lines on city streets if I go the speed limit, only to pull up behind the driver at the next red light.

This came to mind this morning when I saw a story in the Star Tribune (gift link) about a driver who was just sentenced for criminal vehicular homicide. He was going 71 in a 55mph zone as he ran a red light, killing a woman who had the green light.

However, I wouldn't be noting this here because stories like this appear almost every day, sometimes more than once. The reason I'm writing is this additional detail in the story: the dead woman's vehicle "initially hit the rear corner of a trailer being pulled by a pickup truck that also ran the red light before she continued driving" and then she was hit by the guy who was just sentenced.

So two different people ran the red light, causing this woman's death. And it's barely remarked upon in the story.

The other red light runner is expected to be charged with criminal vehicular homicide in September.

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