Monday, July 1, 2024

Twitter, June 2025

There was more action on Twitter in June than on BlueSky. It also ended with the debate and the close of the Supreme Court term, but there's more detail on both. While it also includes the New York City congestion pricing decision, there's a wider range of topics, including what was happening in Palestine, Republicans' attempts to force Christianity into public schools, and a few about policing. And it wouldn't be 2024 without multiple tweets related to our ongoing descent into fascism.

Everything below the line is from the attributed account, and is in reverse chronological order, except the images, which I shift up and down in the order for better visual balance.


A party that's won the popular vote once since 1988 is running a convicted felon for president? And it's the other guys who are in trouble?
Charles P. Pierce

Malcolm X: "I have no mercy or compassion in me for a society that will crush people, and then penalize them for not being able to stand up under the weight." [A comment on the Supreme Court's Grants Pass decision.]

Overruling Chevron means that the Supreme Court has given itself the power to second-guess the decisions the rest of the federal government makes to keep us safe. This isn't democracy. This is rule by an imperial SCOTUS.
Tom "T.M." Wolf

With Chevron, SCOTUS has decided it's best to let MAGA-infused law clerks decide how we maintain a habitable planet.
Jeff Goodell

The decimation of our administrative state and its even just limited environmental governance, the plan to adopt fascist immigration policies, the embrace of petrostate dictators,  the total commitment to fossil energy, all of this is about climate change denial. All of it. People, Climate Change is not a sideshow to the destruction of American democracy; American democracy is being destroyed so that fossil-fuel interests can maintain their power.
Dr. Genevieve Guenther @DoctorVive

The Chevron decision is going to go down as one of the most consequential in American history. Like Plessy bad man. We really take for granted how many lives are saved by the regulatory state. From cancer in your food to shit in the water, this decision might kill millions.
Jason Coupet @ProfessaJay

No kid remembers their best day in front of the TV:

Natalia Barbour

i don't know how to explain to people that politics never stops, reactionaries will always exist and you will never secure a permanent victory where your ideas are unchallenged

Finding common cause with people and groups that are centered on different issues is a good thing and how we actually get things done
BUILD SOIL; Plant Chestnuts!

The whole Black jobs thing is funny until you realize Trump actually believes Black people should fight undocumented immigrants for who gets to form a permanent underclass in the U.S. Glad my Black job is making sure this year is the last time we see him on a debate stage.
Maurice Moe Mitchell @MauriceWFP

“Let’s repeat that: The World Meteorological Organisation says there is a one-in-two chance the current five-year period will exceed 1.5°C.”
David Wallace-Wells

London Pride Parade today, group after group after group, thousands of people from every part of gay life, EVERY SINGLE GROUP with trans flags and trans rights signs. The pathetic so-called “LGB Only” groups speak for almost no one but homophobic straight people.

Friendly reminder that the Supreme Court declined to hear McKesson v. Doe, leaving in place a ruling that a BLM protest organizer might be found liable for the actions of unrelated protesters. But, today showed leniency to actual rioters and J6 insurrectionists in Fischer v. U.S.
Janai Nelson @JNelsonLDF

Number of case citations to Chevron, according to the Westlaw ALLFEDS database: 7,659.
Orin Kerr

what we choose to protect with bollards vs. what we don’t says a lot about our society:

Isaac Rowlett

This case, Chevron, is the reason so many rich people gave all those millions to Leonard Leo's Federalist Society for all those years. Most of the rich donors didn't really cared about abortion. They cared about not being subject to environmental regs.
S.V. Dáte

LOL... Roberts on overruling Chevron: "because agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities. Courts do." This is one of the dumbest collections of words in judicial history
Joe Patrice

This week a bribed Supreme Court legalized political bribery, then criminalized homelessness, then took away federal agencies power over their own regulations and handed it to corporations. Illegitimate is too kind a word for that institution. They're an enemy of the people.
Read Let This Radicalize You @JoshuaPHilll

I wonder how long it will take before Americans wake up to the brutal reality that the US Supreme Court has staged a coup, brazenly seizing power from the other two branches in a way that is utterly contrary to the framers vision of the role of a court and a judiciary. And it is crystal clear that if Donald Trump wins, the Supreme Court will be much closer to the Russian or Hungarian courts than  the one in our constitution
Norman Ornstein

The Supreme Court made its biggest power grab since 1803 today, giving itself unchallenged power to make rules for the rest of society. Calling ourselves a democracy after this is a joke. Unelected judges are the rulers now.
Elie Mystal

So just to be clear, the Supreme Court wants nothing to be regulated except women’s bodies?
Jena Friedman

Listening to white folks blithely talk about pushing Biden off a cliff, skipping over Harris, and trotting out some white person like ain’t nobody gonna notice that is some *hilarious* shit. Some of y’all need to phone a friend. A black one.
Elie Mystal

Chevron was the Roe v. Wade of environmental protection. The Supreme Court just accelerated the climate doomsday clock.
Tristan Snell

It's like it was designed this way or something. Reform was never an option:

Mellon-ated Scholar!! @KishonnaGray

Joe Biden has one subpar debate, and the New York Times calls for him to drop out. Donald Trump got convicted of 34 felonies, and the New York Times said nothing.
Tristan Snell

By the way the Supreme Court did not say the abortion pill is ok. (Trump said they did.) SCOTUS said the doctors who brought the case challenging it had no standing (right) to bring the case.
Judith Browne Dianis

"He's losing his voice so vote for the felon." Y'all stupid as a June day is long.

Biden uses his closing statement on the tax code. No mention of January 6th. Abortion. Felonies. Threats to democracy. Pitiful and sad. The people in the crosshairs of the authoritarian machine deserve better.
Jared Yates Sexton

“He gets paid by China,” says Trump, the man who literally had a Chinese bank account while he was in the White House.
Mehdi Hasan

So it’s guy lying super loud versus guy telling the truth super soft.
Akilah Hughes @AkilahObviously

It's wild that CNN obviously made a decision to spend the first half hour discussing Biden's presidency and problems and then pivot to Trump and January 6th and felonies. An incredible decision that someone, anyone really, should have objected to.
Jared Yates Sexton

Justice Gorsuch's opinion refers five times to "nitrous oxide" (aka laughing gas) rather than the entirely different chemical compound — smog-causing "nitrogen oxides" — actually at issue in the case.
Sean Donahue @seantankerous

Remember folks, Neil Gorsuch thinks that he should have the final say on environmental regulations, not the experts at the EPA.
Elie Mystal

Saw a pregnant squirrel for the first time today. I’m not sure what I expected but this exceeds all of it:


Just paid almost $6 to go into and out of the congestion zone on the subway — like I have every day for years — because I’m not a ridiculous spoiled little baby like drivers who cry to their mommy Governor Kathy Hochul about how unfair it is to pay for their transportation choices
Travis R. Eby @travis_robert

If we just restricted the vote to Trump's former cabinet members, he would lose in a landslide.
Dean Baker

If you design cities around car traffic, don't be surprised if children no longer play outside. If you design cities around active transport, don't be surprised if children ask you to go cycling after dinner.
De Filmende Fietser

Ok here's a concept: Wife Swap but with municipal budgets. Librarians get cop budgets for a year and we see what can be done
library militant @imaniems_

Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1k/month. A year later, nearly half had housing. They also had fewer ER visits, nights spent in a hospital, and jail stays. The report estimates that this reduction in public service use SAVED the city $589k.
Brent Toderian

Maybe it’s not such a good thing that the three most powerful theological forces in the world are the Abrahamic religions with apocalyptic eschatologies.
Leah McElrath

amazing to see claims that socialism would destroy american cities, when cities run by actual socialists and similar left-leaning parties have:
a. functioning, affordable transit – even using it for flu shots
b. increasing public space
c. affordable housing
d. safe streets and bike lanes
nearly every mayor and council doing the things to make their cities more livable, more family-friendly, with better public health outcomes, and safer streets — are *well* to the left of even US democrats
Mike Eliason @holz_bau

Given the [climate] path we're on, charging drivers $15 to access the densest, most transit-rich city in North America is the moderate, compromise solution. Hochul's choice to cancel congestion pricing makes her indistinguishable from a garden variety climate villain.
Doug Gordon @BrooklynSpoke

150 yrs ago, state constitutional conventions banned aid to private schools because they worried religious and other factions would hound legislators for $ and public ed — vital to democracy — wouldn’t get off the ground. Their nightmare — slightly altered — is upon us.
Derek W. Black

If only Anita Hill was believed, we wouldn't have Justice Clarence Thomas. If only Christine Blasey Ford was believed, we wouldn't have Justice Brett Kavanagh. If only Hillary Clinton was believed we wouldn't have Trump.

If you widen that highway you won’t reduce emissions or congestion. What you WILL do is spend a lot of public money
Brent Toderian

I don't know who needs to hear this, but you are allowed to read the 10 Commandments anywhere you want. Nobody can stop you. You are not, however, allowed to force others to read them or listen to you recite them. That's how freedom works.
Jax Persists @LadyJayPersists

The accuracy:

Elie Mystal

The patriarchy is directly responsible for the feminism it complains about.
Christiana @WomnOfValor

Say it with me: the clean-energy transition will pay for itself ten times over through reduction in air pollution alone.
David Roberts @drvolts

Always the Ten Commandments, never the Beatitudes.
Sujit Thomas @ThomasSujit

We used to make fun of old people for saying shit like "in my day, soda cost a nickel!" but now that basic sentiment is going to bring fascism to America.
David Roberts @drvolts

The original meaning of ‘parasite’ is "a person who exploits the hospitality of the rich and earns welcome by flattery.” (1539) The biological meaning of ‘parasite’ didn’t occur until 1728.

Research is very clear that young, poor children in neighborhoods exposed to constant gunfire are traumatized and then desensitized to gun violence and carry it out. The normalization of gun fire in certain East [Oakland] neighborhoods is just raising the next generation of shooters.
Darrell Owens @IDoTheThinking

Imagine not wanting the government to infringe on your freedoms as a Christian while simultaneously working to have the government infringe on the freedoms of others in the name of Christianity and refusing to see this as a contradiction.
Rev. Benjamin Cremer

Imagine you were told that in another country, a president who had been defeated in a free and fair election attempted a coup, for which he was indicted — but four years later, the very judges he had appointed have helped protect him from standing trial so he could return to office.
Michael Podhorzer

It's funny, you look around at graduation and everyone is just beaming, thrilled to be there to convey their pride and hopes and love. And I think, "we could all just be this kind every day, couldn't we?" But we can't for some reason. We need the structure.
David Roberts @drvolts

Usually we are hearing about jobs, jobs, jobs in an election year ...

Bill McBride @calculatedrisk

Approximately 1% of all Atlantans applied for an e-bike in the first 12 hours the program went live. Atlanta is a cycling city forced to drive due to racist highway segregation, disinvestment, and corruption. Political will + infrastructure must catch up.

My salary in Frankfurt is 60% of what it was in DC, but my rent is 40% of what it was and I only spend 25€/month on unlimited local and regional transit anywhere in the country. Abundant housing and car-free lifestyles would make Americans astronomically wealthier.
DC Urbanist

It is amazing that we can give hundreds of billions a year to the drug companies through government-granted patent monopolies, and our intellectuals call this "free-market fundamentalism."
Dean Baker

The Ethicist | Our nanny is a Dreamer who would be deported in a second Trump administration. What’s the best way to gently explain to her just how big a tax cut Trump is going to give us?
New York Times Pitchbot @DougJBalloon

If you live in states with abortion bans and didn’t expand Medicaid then maternal mortality can be up to 80/100K. And this is only the “deadly” part. Morbidity, every other complication that doesn’t kill someone, is astronomically higher for pregnancy than for any medical abortion.
Ryan Marino, MD

[Organizations that claim Mifepristone is a dangerous drug] are liars.
Mortality rates:
• Mifepristone: 0.65/100,000
• Pregnancy in the US: 33/100,000
For comparison:
• Penicillin 2/100K
• Viagra 4/100K
Meaning mifepristone is 51x less “dangerous and deadly” than being pregnant is, and 3x less “deadly” than even just penicillin.
Ryan Marino, MD

American car bloat, in one picture:

Marcel Moran

Clarence Thomas’ SCOTUS opinion on bump stocks includes copy and pasted illustrations from a gun extremist group that sells t-shirts on its website that say, “Abolish the ATF” and “Stack Up or Fuck Off.”
Shannon Watts

Science at its best is both bold (because it's "the belief in the ignorance of authority" –Feynman) and humble (because it's not about discovering Truth but "an erratic stumble toward gradually diminished uncertainty" –Ed Yong). Paradoxically, both features trigger religious authoritarians.
Alfie Kohn

Trump is running on a multi-trillion dollar tax hike for working people that would jack up prices way past the inflation of the last few years.
Chris Hayes

Beware of any Christian movement that demands the government be an instrument of God's wrath but never a source of God's mercy, generosity, or compassion.
Rev. Benjamin Cremer

You're probably too young to remember, but Trump used executive privilege to refuse to even be interviewed by a special prosecutor. Biden agreed to be interviewed and made the transcript public. Please tell us again who is political? I've had people challenge me on this. Please look it up, Trump claimed executive privilege and refused to meet with Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. As a compromise he agreed to answer written questions in consultation with his lawyers. By contrast, Biden agreed to a meeting with a special prosecutor and allowed the transcripts to be released. Now the Republicans are holding Garland in contempt for not also releasing the audio recordings. On what planet does that make sense?
Dean Baker

Women are expected to finish their education, figure out their career goals, and start a family before 30 but when you talk to men over 30, they talk about their 20s as their “idiot years” where they didn’t know what they were doing and don’t remember who they hurt along the way.
holly @girlziplocked

Separation of church and state isn’t enough. We need a full-on divorce with a restraining order against church.
The Volatile Mermaid @OhNoSheTwitnt

Survived Normandy but not Mississippi:

Glenn Thrush

Amazing how homework defenders get away with saying “Maybe there's no achievement benefit, but homework teaches self-discipline, responsibility, time management...” In 20 years I've been unable to find a single study that supports this folk wisdom about homework's supposed nonacademic advantages.
Alfie Kohn

Merrick Garland's years-long effort to appear scrupulously nonpartisan and unimpeachably proper has certainly paid off [in Republicans finding him in contempt of Congress].
David Roberts @drvolts

"The prevalence of Black-owned businesses has plummeted. In 1972, there were 52 Black-owned retail businesses for every 100,000 Black Americans. Today there are just 22 — a decline of nearly 60 percent." –Institute for Local Self Reliance report
Stacy Mitchell

We just allowed open monetization of the presidency by the president’s children for years and yawned. And now the media is hysterically engaged in breathless nonstop Hunter Biden coverage. We’re not a serious country.
Mark Copelovitch

A reminder that emergency sirens are loud enough to cause permanent hearing loss. And the only reason they’re that loud is because private vehicles are (a) insulated from outside noise and (b) blocking the way of emergency vehicles.

Two independent journalism outlets — ProPublica and Lauren Windsor — have now done more to uncover the misconduct and extremism of Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito than the ENTIRE mainstream media.
Tristan Snell

If Justice Alito is making comments like this to a random person at a get-together, what is he saying to his close confidants? How is this impartial justice, especially when his votes/rationale on cases are considered?
Joyce Alene @JoyceWhiteVance

The more Black people support a policy in the U.S., the *lower* the likelihood that U.S. institutions write that policy into law:

Samuel Sinyangwe @samswey

The reality of being Black in America in one graph.
Elie Mystal

Opinion | My sincerely held religious beliefs involve changing laws to force others to live according to my sincerely held religious beliefs. If the Left has a problem with that, it's because they're religiously intolerant.
New York Times Pitchbot @DougJBalloon

The Republican running for superintendent of NC schools is a MAGA homeschool mom who attended the Jan 6 insurrection, thinks Muslims should be banned from office, wants Obama executed on pay per view tv, and calls kids with learning disabilities the R word.
Justin Parmenter

The shipping industry faces $600b in losses from assets stranded by renewables:
• 45% of shipping demand is just for carrying oil, gas and coal to burn, then doing it again and again
• That's 13,000 oil tankers, 3,000 LNG or LPG tankers and 2,500 bulk carriers transporting coal
Assaad Razzouk

On my way to Broadway Junction:

Doug Gordon @BrooklynSpoke

To celebrate an operation that kills hundreds of Palestinians to save 4 Israelis is to openly say Palestinian lives are worth less than Israeli ones. If Hamas killed 200 Israelis to rescue 4 Palestinians from Israeli dungeons, our government would be condemning, not celebrating.
Omar Baddar

We’ve officially seen “Trump convicted of 34 felonies” disappear from the front pages about 100 times faster than “Hillary had a private email server”
Ben Wexler

One of my favorite things about the Trump era is that any invocation of civic virtue [Biden commemorating D-Day] is implicitly understood by his supporters as a direct attack on him and them.
Nathan Goldwag

"I don't think they have politics," says Kara Swisher of Trump-supporting tech billionaires. She says they're just interested in buying influence. But that *IS* politics! Oligarchy, plutocracy, crony capitalism, authoritarianism, etc. These *are* ideological/political worldviews.

Air pollution is the transportation elephant in the room, and beyond the bitter fights to curb motor traffic in Paris, one essential fact remains: Nitrogen dioxide levels have been steadily declining across the city; reducing rates of premature mortality and respiratory disease:

Melissa & Chris Bruntlett @modacitylife

Like, what’s the point of cities being so expensive if the people who own property there don’t use their power to stop DOTs (and governors) from doing idiotic things? It isn’t 1980 anymore. We don’t live in the Warriors/Escape from NY/Pelham 1-2-3 universe. Why does convenience for suburbanites outweigh the health and well-being of city dwellers? This isn’t even a subtweet of NYC congestion pricing, It’s a subtweet of…everything
Ray Delahanty | CityNerd @Nerd4Cities

It's so wild that conservative suburbanites are the unassailable protagonists of US politics who must be coddled and catered to even in New York City
Matthew Haugen

This isn’t exactly why congestion pricing failed but it is very hard to do any big or effective policy if it has to meet the standard that no sympathetic person or group can be worse off because of it
Matthew Zeitlin

Fox host: You just voted against a woman’s right to contraception
Trump VP contender Tim Scott: Yes, I did
Fox host: Why?
Scott: It’s a shame that Democrats are trying to politicize this issue
Biden-Harris HQ

The congestion pricing saga is really everything wrong with American planning and political power over development. It takes two decades to build or improve anything but only a second to veto all that work into oblivion.
Darrell Owens @IDoTheThinking

There will never, and I mean never, be a time, in American politics where the interests of people who live in cities are considered over those who live in the suburbs.
Hayden Clarkin @the_transit_guy

Political art:

David Cay Johnston

Last century, US DOTs demolished American cities to make it convenient for suburban motorists to drive through them. Mid-century freeways and parking lots, divided and destroyed communities and filled cities with noise and air pollution, injuries and deaths.
Bella Chu

It's funny how often I see "but that might give pedestrians a false sense of security" used to deny literally any safety intervention. I'd rather see empirical data than speculate about 2nd-order effects.
Adam Goodman @akgood

Atlanta spending over $100 million on cop city, while the people don't have water.
Read Let This Radicalize You @JoshuaPHilll

Cops instead of water. Cops instead of support for schools. Cops instead of housing. Cops instead of health care for all. Cops instead of free public transportation. Cops instead of the environment. How can this make sense to anyone?
Jean Halley @jeanomalleyhall

I know I should expect this by now, but it is mind-blowing to me that Trump's utterly deranged, monstrous, horrific response to the pandemic is getting memory-holed. Rs are pretending it never happened. Voters seem to have forgotten entirely. Ho hum. Oh well. He *literally said out loud* that he would only help states get protective equipment if their governors flattered him! I mean fuck, that alone should have put him in the history books as a monster. But instead, ho hum, oh well.
David Roberts @drvolts

The House GOP government funding bill makes it harder to file your taxes, enables auto dealers to cheat consumers, raises credit card late fees, and facilitates money laundering and tax evasion. Wheeee!  
Matt Stoller

Treating a human head the way a globe is treated by the commonly used Mercator projection:

Epic Maps @Locati0ns

The best way to green public transit is to run more of it (operational expenditures), not to force operators to buy new fleets of new tech (capital expenditures). But state and federal government finance is designed to focus on capital funding, leading to perverse priorities.
Cyrus Hall

Cannot tell you how many times when reporting on the Epoch Times over the years I’ve asked “how the hell are they making all this money??” Looks like the answer may be a global money laundering scheme!
Brandy Zadrozny

Our cities do not need driverless cars. They desperately need more carless drivers [of bikes]!
Cycling Professor @fietsprofessor

Eric Adams proposing a new $225 million training center for his ultra violent, bloated NYPD in Queens is the most Eric Adams thing Eric Adams could do. Meanwhile public libraries still remain closed on Sundays due to budget shortages.
Scott Hechinger

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