Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Sadly Unreliable

While there are many sad legacies of the Trump administration, one that sticks out is the continuing devastation of quality at the United States Postal Service. I was reminded of this today by a Tom Tomorrow post on BlueSky:

My recent USPS experiences: certified letter went awol. Also two attempts to mail something to a definitely correct address returned as undeliverable. Finally gave up on the latter and sent by fedex, got there no problem.

Right now I'm in the midst of a federal jury summons period. I got the initial notification in spring and returned the profile survey. The next step is that they could send me — by USPS — a two-week notice to appear at the federal court house on a particular date within a two-month period.

How are they so confident that anyone will get their notice? What happens to me if I don't receive it and therefore don't show up when I'm supposed to?

There have been multiple news stories about people in big swaths of the Twin Cities not getting any mail for weeks, and their Congress member intervening to try to fix it. At my house, we have gone for days with no mail delivery at all because our regular carrier is out sick or on vacation, and there is no substitute.

Maybe we get all of the mail when he's back, or maybe we don't. Who can tell?

It's bad living in a country where the people running an agency don't believe in government.

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