Sometimes you can't believe what comes out of that guy's mouth.
At a rally today in Charlotte, North Carolina, Trump just said we should replace military generals with NASCAR drivers or football coaches. Really; he said that.*
And I noted that in the video where he says that, there's a built-in ad that tells viewers to VOTE TRUMP AND BUY GOLD!
Maybe I'm dreaming all of this. If I wake up tomorrow and this is posted on the blog, I'll know it was true.
* If this astounding suggestion gets any attention, he'll probably say he was joking, but of course he wasn't… any more than he was when he ruminated on using bleach or UV light in the human body to kill the coronavirus.
And this stuff goes unreported in, say, The New York Times.
Have you seen the documentary Bad Faith yet? This kind of rally talk makes me think that many of the people voting for Trump are voting for an entertainer-in-chief, with no very clear sense of the Christian nationalist agenda the minds around him are looking to implement.
I just saw the Bad Faith link on Kottke yesterday - will try to watch it this weekend.
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