Thursday, July 11, 2024

Avoiding Life with the Queen's Thief

When the going gets tough, the tough read fantasy novels. Or something like that.

I'm not that big a fan of fantasy writing these days, compared to some people. Once in a while I take a detour when I find a writer I like, such as Naomi Novik. 

In the past month or so, Daughter Number Three-Point-One told me about the Queen's Thief books by Megan Whalen Turner. They count as fantasy, though in a sense they're more imaginary world history and mythology. 

(That's four of the six books... there's also a collection of short stories that came out recently.)

DN3.1 told me several friends of hers had all read them when they were teens without knowing the other ones were reading them, and they were favorite books, reread multiple times. She had only recently started reading them, so I could borrow them.

I've passed her by now and am lending her my copies of the last books. She told me they were good because each book is from a different character's point of view, and they keep revealing new things you didn't expect. That sounded intriguing.

I saw this quote on a fan wiki, and I agree with it:

Try explaining to a friend why they should read this series without somehow spoiling them. You can't.

So that's my endorsement! Worth the week or so it would take to read them all, if you read fast.

But then you might want to reread at least a few of them to understand the interconnections better.

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