Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Goose Egg

A few days ago, the Star Tribune's business section had a groaner of an illustration on its front page:

Here's a close-up of the relevant portion:

The article is about how retirement funds are invested in thousands of different places, so you (the reader) don't know what's in them. 

The Strib's staff illustrator chose to mash together the concept of Russian nesting dolls with nest egg with, I guess, the golden egg (laid by a goose, perhaps?). And since that was all such a muddle, it required an arrow pointing at the egg to make it clear.

The visual message of the illustration is that, at core, your investment is gold, and in some ways it even implies that it's protected by all those layers. That's not what the story says. 

It would have been better off with an illustration of mystery meat, or a black box. Not terribly visual but more accurate conceptually.

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