Friday, May 17, 2024

One More Thought on Originalism

It's not like this is news, but when Elie Mystal wrote that he had no patience for originalism because of who the originalists were, I didn't relay the details. It goes without saying that they were all men, of course. 

But like Mystal, Ari Melber brings the information. He recently appeared on Why Is This Happening, and among other things pointed out that

10 of the first 12 US presidents were slaveholders, 18 of first 31 Supreme Court justices and most House speakers for the country’s first four decades. Minority rule and reactionary white power were built into our political system...

I just picked up a copy of Melber's new book, Minority Rule: The Right-Wing Attack on the Will of the People—and the Fight to Resist It. Now I have to find time to read it.

The originalist-in-chief made it clear where he stands on January 17, 2021.

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