Saturday, May 25, 2024

A Bad Anniversary, Compounded Tragedy

It's a bad anniversary today, notable particularly in Minneapolis and the Twin Cities more broadly.

As Radley Balko put it on BlueSky and Twitter,

George Floyd was murdered four years ago today. Don’t let the revisionists tell you otherwise. 

Balko spent a whole lot of time earlier this year debunking a pseudo-documentary about the killing of George Floyd, which purported to show he wasn't killed by Derek Chauvin. It was created by people in cahoots with Minneapolis cops and former cops, not surprisingly. 

This is part 3 of Balko's series.

As someone else said somewhere, we all owe thanks to Darnella Frazier, whose video made Floyd's death and Chauvin's acts knowable to everyone. 

People outside the Twin Cities probably don't know that her uncle was killed about a year later by a cop who ran a red light while pursuing a suspect. 

In 2023 the cop pleaded guilty to criminal vehicular homicide and was sentenced to nine months in the county workhouse. He had an egregious history of pursuits, with "12 pursuits in six months— 1/10th of all pursuits for the entire [police] department that year." 

He was going 78 mph at night on a city street — and driving against a red light, as I said  — when he hit Darnella's uncle, Leneal Frazier.

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