Monday, April 29, 2024

Another Dark Horse

Have you heard of aphantasia? If not by that name, you may have heard discussion of whether or not people can visualize things (or people) that are not present. When you can't do it, that's called aphantasia.

It's not either/or, though: it's more of a continuum. 

I know what that means, since I can sort of visualize things that are not in my presence. They're kind of vague and lack detail, but they're not like a cartoon — they're more like a rounded-off 3D object. It's kind of hard to describe.

But they're definitely not just getting darker and darker. 

This person on BlueSky, who says he has aphantasia, gave this as an illustration of the condition:

I'm not sure if he was being literal, that this is how he thinks aphantasia works, or if he's using the image metaphorically. It's hard to tell. But he did ask people to respond:

Where do you fall on this spectrum? Picture a horse, then say what number reflects your experience.

If it's this is what he thinks aphantasia is, it's kind of funny, but I guess it's sad, too.

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