My list of February Twitter likes was substantially longer than the one on BlueSky, though there weren't particularly more images this month. There are definitely more posts about Gaza and the U.S. election/Trumpism, too, including the Nazi rally at CPAC and reaction to the Alabama IVF decision. Plus Black History Month.
Everything below the line is quoted from the attributed account. Tweets are in reverse chronological order, except the images which I sometimes move up or down in order for better visual balance.
"We didn't shoot the starving people, they trampled each other because of the desperation and anarchy in a region we ostensibly control" is not really the defense Israel thinks it is
Gregg Carlstrom
The US is about to spend $3 billion cleaning up and decarbonizing ports. This will disproportionately benefit the low-income families who tend to live near these things. Big deal! Wouldn't have happened without Democrats in charge!
David Roberts @drvolts
Just to be clear, Clarence Thomas will be deciding if Donald Trump has presidential immunity for attempting a coup that his wife, Ginni Thomas, helped plan. Clarence Thomas is compromised.
The Lincoln Project
The same place, before and after Israel’s ongoing genocide of Gaza:
Maha Hussaini @MahaGaza
The main ingredient in PVC plastic is a carcinogen, and its additives can interfere with hormones. The EPA is now evaluating the safety of PVC, used in everything from flooring to medical supplies, and a global plastics treaty may limit its use.
Yale Environment 360
The St. Louis suburb where Michael Brown was fatally shot by a police officer has agreed to pay $4.5 million to settle a class-action lawsuit that accused it of operating a so-called debtors’ prison.
NBC News
Remember when the central figure in the Republicans' Hunter Biden show trial was exposed as a conduit for Russian agitprop? Vanished from the media with barely a blip. Got about 1/50 the coverage of the Harvard nonsense. Anybody want to defend that news judgment?
David Roberts @drvolts
I've long believed that UBER is an acronym for Unethical Business Evading Responsibility.
Alan T Perry
It is an undeniable *fact* that geometry hates cars. But geometry *loathes* Uber. Because Ubers have all the problems of single-occupancy vehicles, and then they have the separate problem that they just end up circling idly around the city's streets, waiting for a rider.
Cory Doctorow
how would designing streets to allow fewer car crashes affect emergency response times? well, maybe fire departments won't spend up to and over 90% of their calls on car crashes
Mike Eliason @holz_bau
U.S. automakers sold 15.5 million cars in 2023. here are the top 10. and
then someone explain how this is compatible with either climate
mitigation or adaptation. or instead why we must brace for impact:
Prof. Steve Austin @postcarbonsteve
The top-down approach treats people like *subjects* whose communities are provided for them. A more bottom-up approach helps empower people to act like *citizens* who play pivotal roles in creating their own communities.
Rik Adamski
I'm realizing that things like cleaning and chores are not distractions keeping you from the important stuff, the are the basis and material of the important stuff. taking care of the body, the home, the family and community, the earth, the water, making sure to listen, making sure to see
BUILD SOIL; Plant Chestnuts!
I write about a formative moment in Mitch McConnell’s life, his bout with polio, and how he and FDR derived opposite lessons from that virus. For FDR, it was a spur to solidarity. For McConnell, it was proof that he was a winner in a sea of losers.
Anand Giridharadas @AnandWrites
Having a Supreme Court that’s sympathetic to overthrowing democracy seems suboptimal to me.
Jean-Michel Connard @torriangray
Never leaving the West Coast. Never:
Bradly Mason @AlsoACarpenter
Remember when people were saying it was worth it for the DC Circuit to take its time because that made it less likely that SCOTUS would hear the case at all? It didn’t. People really have to stop treating the Republican SCOTUS as a good faith actor. There is *nothing* you care about that survives a 6-3 Republican court for a generation. Nothing. I don’t know how many times the Court has to prove that to people before liberals unify and act.
Elie Mystal
Why aren’t pundits talking about shy anti-Trump voters? Cause they can’t imagine places where people are uncomfortable expressing opposition to Trump?
Joe Weisenthal @TheStalwart
In other news, Trump substantially underperformed his polls yet again, although this race saw far fewer surveys than IA/NH/SC
I wonder if people really hate developers or they’re just a socially acceptable punching bag. Maybe what they really hate is the prospect of new people; particularly people who may be the very slightest bit different than they are. But that sounds bad so it’s “greedy developers.”
Bella Chu
Never trust a politician who tells you how to pray or a religious leader who tells you how to vote.
Rep. Mickey Dollens
Nazis mingle openly at CPAC, spreading antisemitic conspiracy theories and finding allies
Catherine Rampell
The pastor at Obama's church once said something bad about America (Obama was not there when it happened) and we never heard the end of it. Almost like the media applies different rules to Democrats
scary lawyerguy
The political press could decide to make the fact that nazis are freely mingling with the crowd at CPAC into a thing, a narrative, by banging on it day after day and coordinating a whole slate of op-eds about it, like they did on the Harvard stuff. They just won't. This — the agenda-setting capacity of the press — is what they will never acknowledge or defend. They act like they're just reacting, just "covering" something that they found. But they *decide* what's news, what matters. And they make shitty decisions.
David Roberts @drvolts
Rep. Elise Stefanik, the purported scourge of antisemitism on campus, spoke at this conference of Nazis, as did the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.
Almost every problem of urbanism today is a problem of scale. Too fast.
Too far. Too loud. Too long. When a Walmart Supercenter is nearly the
size of downtown but produces only a fraction of the taxes of downtown
per acre, it’s obvious someone isn’t thinking things through:
Steve Mouzon
sometimes I talk to people who really believe IVF + birth control could not go the way of abortion access, because they're more "mainstream" and "uncontroversial." this really misses the long public popularity of Roe + how the effort to overturn it was waged intently despite that. the people who warned of Roe's risk were often dismissed as hysterics, often for simply just amplifying the anti-abortion movement's stated plans and goals
Rachel Cohen @rmc031
REALITY: Undocumented Immigrants Are Half as Likely to Be Arrested for Violent Crimes as U.S.-Born Citizens
Trenton Sperry
That should be a front-page headline every day, since it would be news to most readers.
Dean Baker
An analysis of 130 studies on the impact of public financing of sports venues found that, almost without exception, the benefits were minor or non-existent and did not justify the public expenditures.
The Salt Lake Tribune
Frozen embryos have more rights than women.
Guns have more rights than women.
Corpses have more rights than women.
Jess Piper @piper4missouri
- "The enthusiasm that community leaders show for an educational innovation is inversely related to its significance to learning." (Related: Ed tech just does "all the old school stuff better.")
- "All authorities get nervous when learning is conducted without a syllabus." Quotes from Postman & Weingartner's classic book Teaching as a Subversive Activity.
Alfie Kohn
Guess which one is street legal and which one isn’t:
Spokane Rising
CNN exit polls in South Carolina primary:
White evangelical Christians:
75% Trump, 24% Haley
Everyone else:
51% Haley, 49% Trump
Ryan Struyk
When you are a Republican, and you get away with lying ALL THE TIME, why stop now? It is a proven strategy.
Dean Baker
It might not be politically correct to say, but I think it's time we started asking whether the contemporary right is capable of assimilating into American culture.
Osita Nwanevu
Here's a law that can easily be changed. If I were to sell my [name] stock, I would pay taxes on $28,500. But if I die and my kids inherit the stock, that capital gain resets to zero and all that profit is tax free. That's ridiculous.
That Guy on Twltter @TGOT_msp
I'd like someone, anyone, to quit pussyfooting around and just make the case that you should vote for Trump because Biden is old. Quit implying and suggesting and hinting and just lay it out. And if no one can make that case, then what are we doing here?
David Roberts @drvolts
Lara Trump at #CPAC today said she tells her daughter "in the United States that we get ahead by merit and merit alone." and then said without irony, "I had the great honor of being endorsed by my father-in-law Donald Trump to co chair the RNC."
Stephanie Mencimer
How do American women feel about the loss of many of their reproductive rights? Josh Barro and Ross Douthat drop by to explain.
New York Times Pitchbot @DougJBalloon
Over the last decade, the average credit card annual percentage rate (APR) has nearly doubled. Today, the CFPB released an analysis finding that interest rate margins are at an all-time high, costing consumers an extra $25 billion each year.
Rohit Chopra @chopracfpb
I think it’d be good for more people to know that the exact same private equity executives responsible for destroying hundreds of jobs at Vice — Fortress Investment Group — are also responsible for destroying thousands of jobs at Gannett newspapers.
Megan Greenwell
It's wild to me when people justify doubling down on cars with "well the infrastructure is already built." The federal government already supplements the $50 billion per year from highway taxes with $50 in general funds alongside the $206 billion a year from state and local on roads.
Steve B. Holt
State usury laws used to be a tool for reigning in credit card rates. For example Minnesota capped rates at 12%. Now the AVERAGE rate is nearly double that!
Justin Stofferahn @justinformn
What changed here was a bad 1978 Supreme Court decision in which the justices stretched federal banking law to mean that banks did not have to comply with the usury laws of states where their borrowers resided.
Stacy Mitchell
Magical solution needed:
Dr. William J. Ripple
Just so we’re all clear on the GOP’s position, if you are inside of a uterus, you are a person, and if you have a uterus, you are not.
The Volatile Mermaid @OhNoSheTwitnt
Everyone should try this. Saves lots of electricity plus time. Heat-pump washer-dryer combo that requires one push of the button to both wash and dry clothes without moving the clothes to the dryer.
Mark Z. Jacobson
One bad thing about driving and cars is if someone does something anti social with one, it’s difficult to initiate a negative feedback loop for them like you would in a normal social interaction.
Angie Schmitt @schmangee
People are always trying to ascribe fiscal reasons to this stuff and, like, mostly no. Anti-abortion people are just fixated and irrational about this stuff for religious reasons. They want control over their kids and their neighbors. My mom was talking about IVF and sterm cells like they were an afront against God 30 years ago. These people are, like, neurodivergent about fertilized eggs. They NEED there to be a moment God creates a soul, so that there can be order in the world. It's like an anxiety disorder.
Republicans want a Supreme Court ban on IVF because one of the most significant sources of income for Christian (and most pointedly, Catholic) religious groups is adoption agencies they run, and IVF cuts into their potential revenue. Unrelated: 3 SC Justices are adoptive parents!
Chris OIIey
"A failing educational system benefits those who currently have wealth and power. They don’t want to share either of those things, nor do they want their children to have to compete with others who may have much more talent, creativity, and ambition."
Ira Socol
Just contemplating my life in a state where frozen embryos have more rights than I do...
Joyce Alene @JoyceWhiteVance
White people are afraid that if their children learn black history, they will not grow up to support policies that maintain the racial hierarchy. There's literally no other reason.
Allison Wiltz Psy.M. @queenie4rmnola
Millennials outnumber baby boomers for first time. (Statistics Canada)
CTV News
Alberta declares an early start to wildfire season:
Edmonton Journal
keep driving everybody. it'll be fine
Mike Eliason @holz_bau
"Cars and automobility have killed 60–80 million people since their invention. 1 in 34 deaths are caused by cars and automobility, with 1,670,000 deaths per year."
David Roberts @drvolts
Fun Fact: Do you know why embryos can be frozen and babies can’t ? Because an embryo isn’t a living human.
Marlene Robertson @marlene4719
Astonished to learn that Mississippi has a 7% sales tax on groceries. My god! 37 states don’t tax food whatsoever, and yet food in the state with the highest poverty rate is almost 10% more expensive.
Arlen Parsa
Imagine taking a few Bible verses on human sexuality and demanding they be legislated over our entire country, yet reducing the +3,000 Bible verses calling for a generous use of wealth that prioritizes the poor, the vulnerable, and the refugee to a private, personal choice.
Rev. Benjamin Cremer
People in Trump's orbit want to end No Fault Divorce. What would the likely impact be?
• More suicide
• More domestic violence
• Little change to actual divorce rates
James Medlock @jdcmedlock
weird that i haven't seen a single 53' truck or massive cement mixer in Tokyo despite a ton of construction sites. safer, right-sized urban vehicles FTW:
Mike Eliason @holz_bau
LOL that this call [in the Washington Post] to raise the base pay of teachers to $100K acknowledges that complicated pay-for-performance models that tie pay to test scores have been an expensive waste. Then calls for one of these so that only the good teachers get the money
Jennifer Berkshire @BisforBerkshire
Climate change-driven wildfires are going to wipe out the air-quality improvements that the US has spent a half-century of regulatory effort achieving.
David Roberts @drvolts
To me, the problem with the education system in the US is *precisely* the fact it depends so much on who a child's parents are.
Cognoscente of Cognomens @ShimminyKricket
It's not just that it was clear Israel had gone "too far" from the very start. Within *5 days* of 7th October, Israeli forces had killed more Palestinians than Israelis killed that day. It's that it was clear from countless genocidal statements how far Israel would go.
Here in this Ohio diner where people are wearing the $400 Trump shoes, the number one issue is that the cost of eggs has gone up by 10 cents since last year
Aaron Rupar
“Only 1% of the land in America’s 35 largest cities is walkable. But those areas generate a whopping 20% of the US GDP.”
Jonathan Berk @berkie1
It’s too bad Biden is so old because if he were younger, there’s no way people would just say they wouldn’t vote for him because he looks French or sighs too much or looks funny in a tank or is friends with Bill Ayres or uses a private email server.
New York Times Pitchbot @DougJBalloon
Navalny wasn’t the only Putin opponent to die suspiciously last week.
Three days earlier, the body of Maksim Kuzminov was found in Spain,
riddled with bullets and run over by a car. He had defected from the
Russian Airforce to Ukraine last August:
Liz Sly
The sight of Russian police beating up Navalny mourners doesn’t look so far off from what Trump has been winking/promising to his American police/sheriff devotees. 4 more years of a wise elder potus, more Dem wins, and the people demanding decency, maybe we can contain it.
Barbara @realcavewoman
What Putin did to Navalny, Trump says an American president should be free to do to his rivals — and be forever immune from accountability for doing. Yes, that’s the man the GOP plans to nominate to lead the United States!
Laurence Tribe
The Right doesn’t oppose communism or socialism at all. They want a robust government overseeing all manner of things and supporting their efforts. The truth is what they oppose is anything that helps others because they see them as lazy, unworthy, and ultimately disposable.
Jared Yates Sexton
If the Green Party (1 MP) got the same level of media coverage as Reform / UKIP / the Brexit Party (no elected MPs ever) we would be more likely to have effective environmental controls and less likely to be pumping our rivers full of sewage.
Matthew Hodson
Trump was just fined more than the *inflation-adjusted* cost of the Louisiana Purchase.
Josh Chafetz
It is mortifyingly irresponsible how Dems has been with this. An insurrectionist is the Speaker of the House, Donald Trump is not in prison, and the Republican party is celebrating and encouraging violence nationwide. This isn't an election about anything other than that.
Gabe @senategabe
This is what global warming looks like if you remove the effect of El
Niño, volcanic eruptions and solar activity (the author is a
professional statistician with much experience in climate data analysis.
The method is linked in the original):
Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf
Rate of background warming is increasing — it’s more than just El Niño.
Paul Douglas @pdouglasweather
Remember UNRWA is the agency which documents Palestinian refugees and holds exhaustive records of their homes and landholdings now occupied by Israelis. That is why Israel and the western powers want UNRWA destroyed.
Crypto is a *bezzle*, defined by John Kenneth Galbraith as "The magic interval when a confidence trickster knows he has the money he has appropriated but the victim does not yet understand that he has lost it." We are living through a golden age of scams, and crypto, which has elevated caveat emptor to a moral virtue ("not your wallet, not your coins"), is a scammer's paradise. Stein's Law tells us that "anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop," but the purpose of a bezzle isn't to keep the scam going forever — just until the scammer can cash out and blow town. The longer the bezzle goes on for, the richer the scammer gets.
Cory Doctorow
It’s time for the GOP to go the way of the Whigs and Federalists. This terminally fascist party is historically unpopular and increasingly vulnerable. We won’t beat it, though, by appeasing or becoming more like them. This moment requires real change.
Jared Yates Sexton
I love when people are like “I don’t want to pay for other people’s healthcare via taxes, I’d rather send my insurance company money, which I assume they keep in an cubby with my name on it and only spend it on me”
James Medlock @jdcmedlock
"From 2003-2022, American men reduced their average hours of face-to-face socializing by 30%. For unmarried Americans, the decline was even bigger. For teens, it was >45%....There is no record of any other period when people have spent more time on their own."
Alec MacGillis
I see that the line that many people don't expect to see their Social Security benefits is getting popular again. I've been around long enough that many of the people who were saying this 30 years ago are now getting their Social Security benefits.
Dean Baker
Tech bros like Garry Tan think they are reinventing whole systems, conjuring terms like “effective accelerationism” to describe their philosophy. But the ancient Greeks already named their core ideas over 2,000 years ago: plutocracy and autocracy.
The New Republic
Climate-friendly electric heat pumps outsold gas furnaces in the U.S. last year.
Sammy Roth
The only way I can understand the national horse race media in regards to Trump is they're the weather news and Trump is a hurricane. They're cheering for the leaning-into-the-high-wind shots and damage videos. Except weather people at least warn you to get ready for the storm.
kar nels
Linda Darling-Hammond: "If we taught babies to talk the way that most skills are taught in school, they would memorize lists of sounds in a predetermined order and practice them alone in a closet."
Alfie Kohn
I can’t compete with this:
New York Times Pitchbot @DougJBalloon
Imagine if in 130 days over 12,000 children were violently killed in the city of Philadelphia (or city with population of that approximate size), imagine the loss and despair.
D.A. Bullock @BullyCreative
If you told me in 2014 how much of the US right would be, by 2024, enthusiastically pro-Putin, declaring Russia better than America, aping Kremlin propaganda, and doing what they can to help Russia violently conquer a US-partnered European democracy, I wouldn't have believed it.
Nicholas Grossman
Please please please can we stop equating individual climate action with changing our shopping habits? Individual action also means
- talking about it
- making changes in the organizaions you're part of
- transforming your community
- joining social movements and taking collective action
Dr Charlie Gardner
Every book you read for pleasure is a victory. You are fighting the idea that education is only worthwhile if it benefits your career, that all your free time should be monetised, and that you should be too busy hustling to nurture your curiosity. Keep reading.
Trump spoke of abandoning NATO for the first time in Sept 1987, two months after his first visit to Moscow on the invitation of Intourist, the Soviet cover for intelligence operations. He bought full-page ads in the NYT, WaPo, Boston Globe for $94,801.
Zarina Zabrisky
Driving gets better the fewer people who drive, biking gets better the more people who bike.
Sam Balto @CoachBalto
By far the most underreported US weather / climate story of 2023 was the intensity of the nation's drought. Crop insurance indemnity payouts now up to $7.5B -- and rising. This makes 2023 the third-costliest year for the program since 1990.
Steve Bowen
Wait I just did some math
There’s 1.4 million people in Rafah being bombed by Israel right now
The US is likely about to send Israel $14 billion in weapons
That’s $10,000 for each Palestinian in Rafah
Imagine how much good that $10k could do. And what it will do instead
Ben Caswell
If your church can afford a foot washing commercial for the Superbowl it should be pay taxes. Like a lot of taxes.
I’m just a girl who takes public transit and lives in multifamily housing, standing in front of her tax forms, asking for the same tax credits that electric vehicle and homeowners get
Amy Plitt
“Electric cars are much better at converting energy into motion. For
every $ of electricity spent, you get 67 cents of driving motion plus
another 22 cents of energy recovered from regenerative braking. You get
89 cents worth." Petroleum cars? Just 20 cents (80% waste):
Eric Feigl-Ding
Biden doing the special counsel interview & getting crushed for it is the latest in a long line of Trump opponents getting punished for following norms he would never abide to. Trump skipped Mueller after-all, imagine the lies and memory lapses had that interview happened. Sigh
Tim Miller @Timodc
it's still so wild that the once disciplined political party that fought a cold war against the soviets for DECADES would mutate into an emotionally sloppy anti-american hate club that absolutely worships an aging KGB agent
John DeVore
People keep comparing the "scandal" over Biden's age to Hillary's emails but it's actually worse. In 2016 you could at least *pretend* to think Trump would be better on information security. In 2024 does anyone actually believe Trump is mentally sharper than Biden?
Michael Hobbes @RottenInDenmark
They would find a "her emails" for any Dem candidate.
David Roberts @drvolts
The story is always the 1/3 of voters that are like "lol Trump rules." Beavis and Butthead were not a 4 sigma outlier, but the left third of the bellcurve.
Trump told the NRA Friday his mass deportation program would begin "within moments" of taking office. To do at scale, that would likely require 150-200k law enforcement officers, including a private army of red state National Guard he'd deploy into blue states. To round up migrants, Miller said, Trump would dispatch forces to “go around the country arresting illegal immigrants in large-scale raids.” Then, it would build “large-scale staging grounds near the border, most likely in TX,” to serve as internment camps for migrants
Ronald Brownstein
It is now crystal clear that not a single one of the countries that cut aid to UNRWA has anything amounting to evidence against one single UNRWA employee. They just wanted a counter narrative to the ICJ ruling and to speed up the genocide by starvation.
Craig Murray
Teacher Fired For Breaking State’s Critical Race Theory Laws After Telling Students She’s Black [The Onion]:
Brooklyn Era Eb @ebonyabsolutely
Yes, you might think it’d be of some interest to Democrats that Trump is a criminal who raped people.
Brian Beutler
We've got to stop treating a single line in a gratuitously long, heavily editorialized special counsel's report—in which no crime was found by the way—by a partisan Republican investigator like it's a bigger liability than Trump's 91 criminal charges and being found liable for rape.
Jim Messina
1.5°C is so dead. But remember: every extra bit of fossil fuel bunt makes the planet a little irreversibly hotter making all impacts worse. Arbitrary thresholds are not as important as ending the cause of this nightmare: the fossil fuel industry
Peter Kalmus @ClimateHuman
Once again, I’d like to point out the Merrick Garland is the worst appointment in two successive Democratic administrations.
Elie Mystal
it's funny/sad/astonishing that we're in a situation where trump's multiple indictments were political advantageous to him, and biden's exoneration is politically terrible for him
Derek Thompson
This is honestly criminal. We’re in the middle of an ecological emergency and this is happening:
Jason Hickel
"If you're worried that it's too late to do anything about climate change and we should all just give up, I have great news for you: that day is not coming in your lifetime. As long as you have breath in your body, you will have work to do" –Mary Annaise Heglar
Dr Charlie Gardner
AZ taxpayers face a $400 million shortfall for a voucher program they were told would only cost $65 million. Gap will be bigger next year. These programs aren’t targeting the needy either. More than half of voucher recipients are already in private school.
Derek W. Black
It’s fascinating to see some of the same people decrying universal breakfast and lunch in schools because they believe feeding children is the parents’ responsibility, but they don’t believe it’s the parents’ responsibility if their child accesses their unsecured gun and shoots.
Mallory McMorrow
Among other things, Project 2025 proposes to dismantle NOAA and the National Weather Service. Cuz, you know, they’re part of the ‘deep state’. ‘Reversed and scrubbed.' How a second Trump term could gut climate research.
John Morales
Defeating authoritarianism is about way more than winning elections. It’s going to take a cultural sea change. Massive reinvestment in social programs, a resurrection of our educational system, a huge shift in consensus, and a whole lot of healing from this traumatic period.
Jared Yates Sexton
Sometimes I think about how any rich person who has $10 million can put it into a savings account and make $400K-$500K a year of interest doing nothing and yet American politics is organized around portraying poor people as lazy and making their lives as difficult as possible.
David Sirota
The Dutch don't cycle because they're morally superior to the rest of the world. They bike because it's comfortable:
Melissa & Chris Bruntlett @modacitylife
Ukraine is going to fall to fascism because Republicans actively love Putin and hate America.
Galen Metzger
What ever happened to the extremely urgent crisis of critical race theory being taught in schools?
David Roberts @drvolts
It’s not the weakest, poorest, or the most subjugated groups who tend to start civil wars. Instead, it’s the groups that were once politically dominant in a territory but have lost dominance or are in the process of losing it.
The New Republic
"But the USSR supported decolonization!" The USSR supported decolonizing the West's colonies and the USA supported decolonizing the USSR's colonies. They're both hypocrites, welcome to geopolitics. That doesn't make the USSR (or the USA) not an empire or truly anti-colonial.
Bret Devereaux
Texas can't even get rid of Ken Paxton, and we're supposed to count on them for border security?
Robert Moffitt @justplainbob
The most important, least understood story in American politics is that when Dems are in the White House we have growth, lower deficits, progress; and when Rs are in power we get recession, higher deficits, decline.
Simon Rosenberg @SimonWDC
Georgia is considering legislation that would disallow groups (like bail funds and other nonprofits) from bailing out more than three people PER YEAR from jail. this follows the wrongful arrest of three bail fund organizers in Atlanta last year. It’s obvious that this is a reaction to protest movements, particularly Cop City. this legislation would mean that if you get arrested protesting, bail funds/ nonprofits can no longer bail you out. a foundational way we keep each other safe is being threatened here
Hannah Riley
“‘We found that trees in warmer, drier climates are essentially coughing instead of breathing,’ said Max Lloyd, lead author on the study. ‘They are sending CO2 right back into the atmosphere far more than trees in cooler, wetter conditions.’”
David Wallace-Wells
We should probably just build row houses because those tiny house side-yards are absolutely worthless:
Nathaniel Hood
NYPD overtime pay in the subway went from $4M in 2022 to $155M in 2023 and we only saw a 2% drop in major crimes in the subway — a smaller drop than above ground. All those officers playing Candy Crush and ticketing kids for fare evasion did nothing.
BPM @bri_guy_ny
I assume someone is working on a think piece about the irony that here
in Black History Month it is illegal to honestly discuss black history
in a growing number of U.S. states.
David Roberts @drvolts
Sunday, March 3, 2024
Twitter, February 2024
Posted at
9:35 PM
Categories: Words in My Mouth
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