Saturday, February 10, 2024

I Just Can't

I'm doing my best to not be caught up in the day-to-day welter of presidential election coverage and Trump blitherings at any moment. This ongoing thing about Biden's age (never Trump's age), the latest round with the Special Council's report full of partisan asides, and the rush to media coverage about it is hard to avoid. 

The press is either letting itself be played for fools or they're in on it. Economist Dean Baker keeps saying the people who own the press will all benefit from Trump/Republican tax cuts. Media critic Jay Rosen and others have a more complex, institutional read on it, but it ends up in the same place, as illustrated by Georgetown professor Don Moynihan on BlueSky today:

It is 2016: a Republican official lacking enough evidence to prosecute a Dem Presidential candidate instead casts vague aspersions, which the media treats as a bigger issue than the clearly authoritarian tendencies of the GOP candidate.

It is 2024:...

Meanwhile, Trump spouts multiple incoherent things every day, and usually at least one thing that isn't incoherent but is instead fascist policy thuggery. Today he threatened allied NATO nations and it was reported he's putting together a plan to invade blue states to deport immigrants. 

Yet somehow those things are not newsworthy.

1 comment:

Jean said...

It's nightmarish. I can't either.