Monday, January 1, 2024

Twitter, December 2023

I'm finally getting close to giving up on Twitter. It looks like the thing that will finally get me out of there is repetitive ads from multiple accounts, which means I can't block them (though I do futilely block each one). And when I say "repetitive," I mean the ads show up as often as every fourth tweet. 

The most common ad tells me about a bra supposedly designed by a 70-year-old woman, and it includes a photo of a woman's torso (wearing a bra, of course). It's not pornographic, but it is a bit prurient, and I just don't need to see a bra photo every 10 seconds while scrolling…you know?

Other than that, December 2023 had serious stuff about the ongoing Israeli devastation of Gaza, Republicans running amok in multiple ways, and COP28. (It was sometimes hard to pay attention among the ads for bras.)

As usual, everything below the line is a quote from the attributed Twitter account and is in reverse order of when I saw it, except some of the images, which I move up or down for better visual balance.


As we enter a new year, it’s worth remembering the many reasons why this is a special place to be alive.
Bats can hear shapes.
Plants can eat light.
Bees can dance maps.
We can hold all these ideas at once and feel both heavy and weightless with the absurd beauty of it all.
The CryptoNaturalist

"I don't identify as a cyclist in the cultural sense of the word, any more than I would consider myself a toothbrushing enthusiast, simply because it's something I do a couple times a day." - Melissa Kostelecky at council testimony last week
Jonathan Maus

Finding a tasteful way to illustrate a story about Johnson & Johnson losing a court case after it spent a generation tricking women into dusting their vulvas with asbestos-tainted talcum was a challenge:

Cory Doctorow

Mapping Police Violence finds more than 1,200 people have been killed by police so far in 2023, surpassing last year’s record for deadly police violence. Police killed more people in America this year than any other year in recent history.
Samuel Sinyangwe @samswey

Right-wingers have been saying for years that their campaigns to gerrymander and disenfranchise don't matter because Hollywood and Harvard are where the "real"power lies. It's just another way of excusing their radicalization and casting themselves as victims.
Michael Hobbes @RottenInDenmark

Further evidence that parking makes people crazy: In DC, a man with $3k in unpaid fines threatened a parking attendant with a gun when his car got booted. He now faces up to $62k in fines and 25 years in jail.
David Zipper

There's a certain kind of person who will use rising crime stats as proof of how horrible cities are. But when crime is falling, like it is now, they'll say that the data are fake or wrong. Why did you believe it only when it confirmed your priors?
Brandon wants 1 million more neighbors @BRuddTweets

it’s genuinely depressing seeing how much of the modern internet is useless bot activity filling social media with pure garbage content. it’s all becoming a landfill that seems to be accelerating at an exponential rate
beer person @CantEverDie

Goad Gatsby

If it were up to me, Cory Doctorow's term "enshittification" would be 2023's word of the year. It's an indispensable term for what tech's corporate giants do, over and over.
Rebecca Solnit

The point is that people who say "modest is hottest" shame women for being sexy while simultaneously sexualizing them.
James Matichuk

Ellen Hopkins @EllenHopkinsLit

The WORST thing about Nikki Haley is how easily she throws her lot in with the anti Blackness of the GOP when her whole family depended on Black people for their livelihoods. Her dad taught at an HBCU, her mom’s boutique was dependent on Black customers.

It is funny that the side that is always threatening to start a new civil war can't say what started the last one.
Robert Moffitt @justplainbob

Look, folks overthink what’s going on in rural America. The GOP doesn’t have to campaign hard in rural areas…many evangelical churches do the legwork. Combine that with the absence of the Democratic Party and candidates, and you’ve got a recipe for GOP dominance. I know folks like to blame racism and a lack of education, but many of us literally can’t vote in our self interest. We don’t have Dem nominees on our ballots.
Jess Piper @piper4missouri

If you don’t think industrial carbon capture is mostly a scam, intended to keep oil companies in business, just listen to a leading Big Oil CEO who just says it out loud: “…there's no reason not to produce oil and gas forever," Hollub told NPR.
Dr. Jonathan Foley @GlobalEcoGuy

Never forget, the electric car is here to save the car industry, not the planet.
Brent Toderian

While there were definitely shifts in culture that affected business, American newspapers have been deliberately killed off for cash by hedge funds.
Maggie Koerth @maggiekb1

Whether it’s liberals wishing shoppers “happy holidays” or conservatives telling  Americans to “rot in hell,” there’s plenty of divisive holiday rhetoric on both sides of the partisan divide.
New York Times Pitchbot @DougJBalloon

"Texans actually pay more in taxes than Californians do, unless those Texans are in the top one percent of all earners":

Julie Chang

Every time I read something abhorrent or racist or ignorant from Sarah Huckabee Sanders, I remember that Arkansans elected her over a literal Rocket Scientist…
Jess Piper @piper4missouri

I still think frequently about the fact that a pandemic came and created an undeniable moral imperative for solidarity — for acting together, on one another's behalf — and it caused an eruption of fury among conservatives that is still raging.
David Roberts @drvolts

orange cats are great, but it is important that we all recognize that every one of them would gleefully recline their seat on an airplane all the way back if they could, without feeling bad about it at all
Dave Wagner @Dbwagner104

Bad air forces Pakistan to shut schools and markets and seed the clouds. "...the current crisis follows years of disregard for the environment, including the bulldozing of the city’s lush parks to make space for shopping malls and highways."
Beth Osborne @BethOsborneT4A

ok so the evil hospital we destroyed turned out to be a normal hospital? Uh oh!! hope we dont make the same mistake 100 more times
wint @dril

This is the simplest example of the double standard hypocrisy of Western media:


I use the term “genocide” because it captures the racist obsession with genetic purity — a thing which exists only in the racist imagination — and which motivates the wholesale slaughter of ethnic groups

"Is the President of the United States an 'officer' of the United States under the Constitution?" is only a hard question if you have a motivated interest in pretending that it is.
Alex Schieferdecker

This isn’t nice to say, but it needs to be said…if you think indoctrination is happening in public schools, or think librarians and teachers are groomers, you’re a simple person. You have no ability to separate fact from fiction and you’re gullible.
Jess Piper @piper4missouri

Human rights and nature’s rights are the enemies of profit. As long as profit and growth are the focus of all investment, there will never be, and there has never been, any “good” capitalism.
George Tsakraklides @99blackbaloons

Claudine Gay, who I just heard about for the first time last week, should be publicly defenestrated for plagiarism. But invoking the 14th amendment on Trump for attempting to shred the constitution and obstruct the peaceful transfer of power is simply a bridge too far.
JRN @obijohnkenobi11

This country would just be a joke if it wasn’t so deadly. We’re the one force stopping the world from cracking down on Israel—the one force allowing a genocide. We’re also funding and arming the genocide. But Congress is a month deep into investigating college presidents.

NYT investigation: Israel used one-ton bombs in 'safe zones' in south Gaza Strip. “Israel has used one of its most destructive and largest bombs over 200 times in areas in southern Gaza it designated as safe for civilians”
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein @IBJIYONGI

The Onion 2014 vs. New York Times 2023:

Jairo I FĂșnez-Flores

Whether Trump committed insurrection under the Constitution, and what to do about it, is obviously a legitimately contested question. Ironically, the real evasion here is declaring he self-evidently didn’t commit insurrection and then handwaving this away as a settled matter.
Greg Sargent

Looking at the “year in pictures” from news orgs is maybe the most painful, masochistic thing I have ever done. Mass shootings. Climate crisis. Gaza. Genocide. Fascism. War. The images packaged up this way feels like being at a funeral for hope. I can’t stop crying.

In 2015, the projected number of EVs that would be sold in 2023 was: 19,100. Actual EVs sold in 2023: more than 1 million. Innovation and policy have driven costs down, and POTUS' agenda is making EVs cheaper and building a nationwide charging network:

Costa Samaras

Kinda wild that “the president of Harvard may have plagiarized some stuff in the 90s” is front page news but “the President of the United States may have stolen a binder full of intelligence about Russia helping him win the election” isn’t
Ben Wexler

Car-free school streets don't just improve traffic safety for students and parents, they also offer less toxic air for them to breathe, with NO2 levels down 25%.
Henk Swarttouw @copenhenken

Experts quoted by the AP:
“Gaza is now a different color from space. It’s a different texture.”
“Gaza is one of the most intense civilian punishment campaigns in history.”
“The vast majority of bombs dropped on the besieged enclave are U.S.-made.”
Megan K. Stack

Policy makers continue to struggle with regulation of technology in part because they are asking the wrong questions. One question they should ask: is it legitimate for corporations to run uncontrolled experiments on the entire population? The answer is obvious. No.
Roger McNamee @Moonalice

it’s fucking insane to me that the western world lost its shit over notre dame and now some of the oldest churches in the world are being destroyed in the birth place of christ and no one gives a fuck.

A 1991 Honda Accord wagon would satisfy the hauling needs of 90% of American families 90% of the time. In 1991 the Honda Accord was the bestselling car in the U.S. The proliferation of SUVs in America isn’t about practicality, it’s about carmaker profit and regulatory capture:

Thomas @ugathom

Grocery prices seem like a good thing to be angry about — also worth mentioning that Trump’s plan to spend tons of money on deporting over 10% of the agricultural workforce is going to make this worse.
Matthew Yglesias

It’s funny hearing old folks blame TikTok for young people’s support for Palestinian rights, as if their own views weren’t shaped by decades of pro-Israel messaging. The young have access to a far greater range of views than you ever did, they can see what you refused to see.
Matt Duss

Resilience is a useful capability to have, sure, but efforts to promote it in kids often distract from efforts to identify and challenge harmful practices (or policies) that *require* resilience.
Alfie Kohn

I percent of Gazans have been killed in this war. That’s the equivalent of 3.3 million Americans. (A total of 1. 3 million Americans have been killed in all the wars we’ve fought.)
David Rothkopf

Since October, the IDF has killed more journalists than were killed in the entire Vietnam war
Jake Flores @feraljokes

On this day in 1865 [December 19], following the emancipation of Black people, South Carolina passed a law requiring labor contracts to refer to white people as "masters" and Black people as "servants":

Equal Justice Initiative @eji_org

The 2nd Amendment is the nepobaby of all the Amendments on the job. The 14th is the Black woman who does all the work, gets none of the credit, and gets told she has a "bad attitude" or is "angry" when she demands equal pay and opportunities.
Elie Mystal

It is disingenuous to claim that the person who refused to accept the voice of the voters, and led an insurrection to prevent the voice of the voters from being heard, should have his candidacy preserved so that the voters can have their say
Joshua B. Hoe

The only judges in the US who can accept hundreds of thousands of dollars of free stuff from billionaires without being removed for misconduct are US Supreme Court Justices. State court judges can’t accept a free car wash. Makes a lot of sense.
Ron Filipkowski

Cory Doctorow
[from Wil Wheaton's blog]

“Car bloat” describes the shift in new car sales toward increasingly massive SUVs and trucks. In 1977, SUVs and trucks comprised 23% of US car sales. Now they are over 80% -- and individual models keep adding weight and height.
David Zipper

BREAKING: Florida man, 4 of whose 5 children were born of immigrant mothers, says immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country.”
Tristan Snell

It seems likely conservative (and neo-liberal) politicians are receptive to the Science of Reading because it promises to teach children to read without teaching them to think. And that can produce exactly the kind of future voters they need, people who can read their BS but not see through it.
Allison Gentle

The world needs less software being built, and more housing being built
Sahil Lavingia @shl

Any event where a black person is present is "woke".

We could, at any point, build a thriving economy around investment in a universal healthcare system and free public universities. The idea we have no choice but to build an economy around selling weapons and expanding the police state — totally false.

Clever depiction of global climate warming for each month of each year since 1940 from Copernicus:

Jeff Berardelli @WeatherProf

It says a lot about how much better Japan is at housing than we are that the WORST option is paying like $20 a night to sleep overnight in an Internet cafe with showers, laundry, etc. in America you’re on the street
Armand Domalewski

"Using the Lord's name in vain" means erroneously using Him as a reason to hold unjust power over another person. Technically [a doctor who tells a birthing mother not to swear] did this to the birthing mother, not the other way round.
sarah radz

The Arkansas Senate just confirmed Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders' appointment of far-right extremist Jason Rapert to the state library board even though Rapert once said Jesus Christ would be a book burner.

I still don’t get how a 16-year-old is mature enough to drive on their own, but a 20-year-old isn’t mature enough to drink alcohol. It makes more sense once you realize we decided to place near-mandatory driving as one of our top priorities as a nation.
Rik Adamski

I hope Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss take every last dime of that slimeball [Rudy Giuliani]. 150 million still isn't enough for how he ruined these women's lives.
ProfB @AntheaButler

Earliest known image of Keith Richards, c 1180:

Tim Howles @AimeTim

If you're on the center-left and your irritation with college students leads you to amplify and join in RW attacks on academia, you are a bad person and should feel bad about yourself.
David Roberts @drvolts

"In 2017, Americans used to average more than three trips a day. Going to work and back and then going somewhere else — that’s three trips... Now, people are taking just a little over 2 trips a day." An important trend to know about — thanks Angie Schmitt.

All year, we've revealed that Justice Clarence Thomas secretly took $100Ks in undisclosed gifts from conservative billionaires. Defenders have said: Nothing to see here! The judiciary's ethics complaints body investigated and cleared him! That's not true.
Jesse Eisinger (of ProPublica)

Southern governors calling for private school vouchers so students can escape indoctrination/find freedom reminds me of southern leaders in 1840s telling parents to stop sending their kids to northern schools that were teaching them to hate the South.
Derek W. Black

We need to think long and hard about what it means Texas stopped a white woman from getting health care she needed for a doomed pregnancy and Ohio is prosecuting a black woman after a miscarriage, and “pro-lifers” want these laws for the entire nation.


Every few hours, the world is spending the same amount subsidising the fossil fuels that are causing loss and damage as it promised in total to the new COP28 loss and damage fund for the world's most vulnerable countries.
The Real Prof. Katharine Hayhoe

Reminder to self: any time someone uses the word thug to describe another person, they don't actually care about the issue you're talking about. (Why can't I remember this?)

It took 28 years of UN climate talks to recognise for the first time that there is a need to transition away from fossil fuels. That’s the power of Big Oil: no phase-out, no deadline, no commitment, dodgy “transition fuels,” even after 28 years of talks
Assaad Razzouk

They used to throw women in the water to see if they were witches. If they drowned, they were innocent. Now they're saying the only abortion exception is if the woman's life is at risk. If she dies, she was at risk. You can see the recurring flaw in the methodology.
Jane of the North

The penalty for abortion due to rape is much more harsh than the penalty for rape.
Jess Piper @piper4missouri

Stunning how much time, money, and analysis we put into standardized tests *and* how badly they are designed, implemented, and understood
Paul Thomas @plthomasEdD

"We need to implement solutions to climate change, but only if they don't inconvenience anyone" is a) utterly bonkers and b) the tacitly-but-universally acknowledged political principle limiting our speed.
David Roberts @drvolts

Look I’m all for equal rights and an end to apartheid and military occupation, but activists should only use the language that I, the antisemitism decider, deem perfectly acceptable.
Matt Lieb

Sheet music cover from 1903, Union Labor: Eight Hour March, produced by Balmer & Weber Music House Co.:

People’s Graphic Design Archive

84% of the people of Gaza have now been displaced and 3x the number of children murdered as all deaths in 9/11.
Alec Karakatsanis @equalityAlec

The latest statistics from Gaza. Over 24,000 killed by Israeli regime bombs. Over 9,000 of which are children. 1.8 million displaced out of a population of 2.2 million. This is a horror story.
Dr. Yara Hawari

Bill Gates bought MS-DOS in 1981 and as a result I have to hear what this clown thinks about climate change for the rest of my life for some reason
Matthew Haugen

Texas is showing the future that anti-choice folks want in every state in this country. They will never allow women to make their own health decisions no matter what.
Nate Pentz

In 2021 Americans spent an average of 61.3 mins driving per day. Across a year, that’s 372 hours of driving, or 15.5 days per year. An average American who starts driving at age 16 and stops at age 80, will spend 2.7 years behind the wheel.

The college presidents were correct, the questions were stupid, and the whole hearing was a bad-faith culture-war trap that the left walked into with its chin out, like always.
David Roberts @drvolts

Nextdoor shouldn't be allowed to have its HQ in a city. They should be out in some suburban cul-de-sac, discreetly operating as an illeg home-based business, before being reported and shuttered by their users.

M. Nolan Gray

If you think Elise Stefanik — or any other major figure in today’s Republican Party — is leading an honest fight against antisemitism, if you actually think that’s the Right’s political project, I must assume you are either incredibly uninformed and naive or simply full of shit.
Thomas Zimmer @tzimmer_history

Civilians make up 61% of Gaza deaths from airstrikes, Israeli study finds. Civilian proportion of deaths is higher than that in all world conflicts in 20th century, data suggests.
Lara Friedman

Did you know? If a patient goes into the hospital and is diagnosed with a twisted and dying ovary (ovarian torsion) there is no surgical billing code for the procedure to untwist it? But there sure is for testicular torsion.
Jocelyn J. Fitzgerald MD

Cars make it easier to visit places that are no longer worth visiting:


I really hate the word "ambition" in the climate context. "Ambition" is a motivation to do something great, but unnecessary. Nothing is more necessary than phasing out fossil fuels. #COP28
Dr. Genevieve Guenther @DoctorVive

Look at fascistic messaging in the U.S. It is a sewer system of conspiracy theories and scapegoating. It doesn’t overcome facts so much as overwhelm them, creating a climate where many people lack a shared reality.
Puff the Magic Hater @MsKellyMHayes

Texas is banning Kate Cox from getting an abortion—claiming her fetus has rights. Simultaneously Texas is fighting a lawsuit by a prison guard who was 7 mo pregnant, had pains, was denied a break, and the fetus was still born—arguing a fetus has no rights. It was never about life
Qasim Rashid, Esq.

Since 1989, and a new age of globalization began, 50 million jobs have been created in America. 48 million of those jobs, 96%, have been created under Democratic Presidents.  2 million, 4%, were created under Republicans:

Simon Rosenberg @SimonWDC

This is so striking. I bet 0.000001% of the population knows this, and that includes highly engaged politically minded people.
David Roberts @drvolts

Israel has now killed more than 17,000 Palestinians in 61 days.
Abdallah Fayyad

First Texas leaders said K-12 students were too young to talk about race and racism. Then college students were too radical and should only be allowed to learn state-sponsored ideas. And now adults visiting a plantation aren’t allowed to buy books about slavery.

The NYT is committed to treating the trial of President Biden's son with a drug problem as being comparable to Trump's trial for trying to overthrow the government.

Paul Thomas @plthomasEdD

Radical idea: Maybe we stop holding climate talks — the most important international negotiations in history — in oil-producing nations with abysmal human rights records?
Alex Steffen

Property tax appeals would be wildly different if the law said you can't sell your house for more than 5% above your last property tax assessment lmao
Stephen Hoskins @GeorgistSteve

It remains supremely odd that David Wallace Wells is virtually the only high-profile journalist taking the aftermath of the pandemic seriously. Here he suggests it as a rather obvious source of the current national bad mood. It's just wild in retrospect how desperate we all were top stop thinking/talking about Covid. This giant plague struck us, disrupted everything, shook us all to the core, still persists ... and yet it has utterly vanished as a subject of discourse.
David Roberts @drvolts

“At the abyss of German history and burdened by millions of murdered humans, I acted in the way of those whom language fails." –West German Chancellor Willy Brandt on why he fell to his knees at the memorial to the Warsaw Ghetto on December 7, 1970. According to a Der Spiegel survey at the time – exactly 25 years after the end of the war – 48% of West Germans thought Brandt going to his knees in atonement for Nazi crimes was excessive, 41% said it was appropriate, 11% had no opinion. Half thought kneeling was too much:

Christian Christensen

The biggest threat to New York's de-congestion pricing at this point is delay. The longer the system takes to launch, the more time you give to its opponents to generate false narratives about its impact. The sooner the pricing starts, and the sky doesn't fall, the noise ebbs
Marcel Moran

I just want to go on the record saying it is so dumb that we currently allow people to drive into midtown Manhattan at rush hour for free. Exerting tremendous public costs. We price all kinds of other scarce commodities including all the other space in Manhattan
Angie Schmitt @schmangee

Benefit cost ratios aren't everything, but it's interesting to see what the most efficient interventions are: narrower lanes, automated speed enforcement and intelligent speed adapters (this is from a World Bank/WHO report):

Evan Roberts

Debating the indigeneity of Israeli settlers is honestly irrelevant. You have no right to murder people and steal their homes. Period. And no one asks if Black and Indigenous people are entitled to murder white people and take back stolen land because rules of whiteness say “never.”

3rd and Central Streets, Cincinnati, Ohio. 25,000 people were displaced to build I-75 and the surrounding parking lots:


If you think this was torn down for good reason, realize that most of our beloved historic cities today - Charleston, Annapolis, Alexandria - barely survived urban renewal. What we call a "historic city" today is just a city that survived this enormously destructive revolution.
Addison Del Mastro @ad_mastro

We really did return from WWII only to bomb our own cities, huh?
M. Nolan Gray

Attendees at #COP28 are breathing in the pollution from fossil fuels that kills millions around the world each year. May it highlight the urgency of action not only for climate targets but also for the lives of real people today:

The Real Prof. Katharine Hayhoe

The fact that using renewable energy to replace a coal or fossil gas source eliminates 3-7x the CO2 as using the same RE to suck CO2 from air indicates those pushing direct air capture are not serious about addressing global warming. Eliminate 1 tonne CO2 emissions has same effect as taking 1 tonne from air
Mark Z. Jacobson

In practice, “closing the achievement gap” rhetoric has become a conservative force, intensifying the least ambitious kinds of teaching for the have-nots, says Jal Mehta. He argues instead for equity as liberation: David Gribble, a UK educator, once observed that the kind of education that honors kids’ interests and helps them to think deeply about questions that matter is of course appropriate for affluent children. For disadvantaged children, on the other hand, it is....essential.
Alfie Kohn

More than 7 times the number of fossil fuel lobbyists permitted to climate talks than official Indigenous representatives! A clear sign that #COP28 is being used by Big Polluters to advance a fossil-fuelled agenda at the expense of frontline communities.
Indigenous Environmental Network

Hating Jews is like the lowest IQ shit in the world. Like a big cult of losers waking up every morning thinking they can't make it cause of some random people.
Darrell Owens @IDoTheThinking

"Over and over, the people referring to condos as luxury often live in houses they own that are far bigger, have more outdoor space and are more expensive than those 'luxury' condos. They believe they personally don’t live in luxury, but other people do."
Melissa Bowman

Reuters, not the Onion:

Zachary Al-Khatib

New study of Rome finds that people living in neighborhoods with significant pollution from traffic (NO₂ and ultrafine particles) are more likely to have mental issues, especially depression. Add it to the pile of evidence showing that cars damage human health.
David Zipper

“White” is a legal construct that has always been fluid in its application. Best indicator of one’s proximity to whiteness is whether the US government enables you to steal other people’s land.

94% of Parisians live within a 5-minute walk of a bakery.
Jonathan Berk @berkie1

90% of seattle residents live within a 5 minute walk of a truck route or highway.
Mike Eliason @holz_bau

It puzzles me when people agree that we shouldn't cage people for possessing drugs, not having shelter, or driving on a license suspended because they owe debts--but then don't support reducing police budgets. These three activities alone comprise a huge chunk of police budgets.
Alec Karakatsanis @equalityAlec

Botanically accurate knitted sculptures of flowers by artist Tatyana Yanishevsky:


2023 will be the last time we ever got to experience a semantically lossless internet. From now on we face a creeping tide of machine hallucinations, collapsing all human knowledge toward common patterns like a gradually oncoming digital Mandela effect
Matt Popovich @mpopv

I will never forget how there was more of an international outrage about 40 fake babies than +7,000 real ones.
Karim Wafa Al-Hussaini

Simple message for COP climate meetings:

Dr. William J. Ripple

If the goal of your civics curriculum is to instill patriotism, then it isn't education - it's indoctrination. Critical thinking isn't merely slighted; it's actively discouraged.
Alfie Kohn

When you think about it, that project reflects insecurity about what's being sold. Whitewashing - denying the foundational racism, ignoring the worldwide human cost of our empire - wouldn't be necessary if we thought kids would love their country even after knowing all the facts.
Alfie Kohn

congress had 4 years to make this thing illegal before it hit the streets and still failed us. no crumple zone steel body 3 ton truck with tesla's autopilot, the ultimate pedestrian disintegrator:

Anita Hill was attacked for warning us about Clarence Thomas. Hillary Clinton was attacked for warning us about Samuel Alito. Christine Blasey Ford was attacked for warning us about Brett Kavanaugh. E. Jean Carroll was attacked for warning us about Trump. I’m sensing a pattern.

It’s insane to think about how Buffalo NY had a beautiful downtown that was almost completely leveled for parking lots and repetitive boxes:


It’s still wild to me how the US government went all-in in dismantling all of its cities in the name of cars, racism, and classism. Just remarkable

If went back to year 2000, and told 1L-me "In two decades you'd take Sandra Day O'Connor over every single Republican on the bench," 1L me would have laughed at you, thought about it some more, and then started crying. :)
Elie Mystal

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