Saturday, January 20, 2024

Saint Paul Plat Map Books

If you ever want to know what buildings were present in Saint Paul, Minnesota, by 1928, the plat book is available online from the University of Minnesota library.

Here it is — this is the key page for the different parts of the city that existed at that time. 

It's fun to find parts where they pasted over big parts of the map to indicate major changes (urban renewal? highways?), as on this part of Cathedral Hill. The spot where it says "Hwy 392" is the location of I-94 now; that wasn't built until the 1960s. The "vocational school" indicated is what we now know as St. Paul College — a community college. 

Those paste-ins show ghosts of the streets that lie beneath in the book, but if that's not enough information about what used to be there, you can check out the 1916 plat book, which doesn't have the paste-ins. This is the index page for that book.

Both of these books show what buildings were built by their respective times. Yellow indicates buildings made of wood and pink indicates brick. Less commonly, there is gray for stucco and white is stone or cement. (The visual key is on the left side of the overall map key page.)

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