Topics on Bluesky got a bit more serious in November, as more people made the change in platforms. I notice that I favorited fewer images this month than in previous months, also.
Everything below the line is quoted from the attributed account.
Wild that this thing is clearly a threat to anyone walking, biking, or inside a smaller car — and the feds still offer a $7,500 subsidy:
David Zipper
Still getting over the news that the border crossing at Niagara Falls is called the Rainbow Bridge, because from now on, whenever someone posts on Facebook about their pet dying, I'm inevitably going to picture their dead dog traipsing off to Canada.
Tim Carvell
Every time I see a Ridwell sign I think about how hard it is for us to come up with collective solutions to problems vs relying on a patchwork of individual ones.
Alex @mplsalex
There isn't yet a perfect solution set to tackling misinformation and it may forever be a cat-and-mouse game. But one solution that has to always be a part of the solution set is good journalism. Seeing good journalists lose their jobs right now worries me about the future.
Akshat Rathi
Imagine squandering wealth (the temporarily captured energy of a nearby star, transmuted into human and ecological effort) on destruction instead of nurturance.
Dr. Elizabeth Sawin @bethsawin
Oh thank God, Jimmy Carter won.
@itsthebrandi [That's a reference to the death of Henry Kissinger.]
Feels increasingly inflammatory to say but it is good to keep in mind that people in general are bad at math, emotional about money, and extremely susceptible to propaganda. These facts routinely power conservative political wins, see: Republicans not understanding how progressive taxation works.
Charm City Slicker @sprawlhater
Love when people conclude kids don’t play outside anymore because Phones Too Much and not the fact that every exurb is a protected F350 habitat
Zack Budryk
oh god it has one big shitty windshield wiper doesnt it. i just noticed...
I ... was not aware we were in need of robots to write things. The AI stuff I've seen is like they have attitude but no brain
Chris Steller
The difference [between media coverage of Hilary Clinton's deplorables comment and Trump's vermin] is that the media thinks of Clinton as a person who should know better. They think of Trump as a fascinating monster. This has the odd effect of making Clinton's very human expression of exasperation seem monstrous, while humanizing Trump's monstrosity.
Kevin Buist
It's always worth pointing out that Bork was not qualified to be a dog catcher, let alone SCOTUS judge.
Publius Maximus
If guys are suddenly very lonely it's probably worth asking what they expected by following the advice of influencers who tell them to be maximally selfish, and who sneer at thoughtfulness, kindness, generosity, and genuine courtesy as weakness and wokeness
Ian Boudreau
A cool thing about these days is you can see two guys in camo fatigues carrying powerful automatic assault rifles and have no idea if they're soldiers, police or patriots.
Eric Roston
What if we made every federal and state highway into light rail, and every county road into aBRT? No, not alongside cars; instead of cars. Make MNDOT into a Department of Trains. Wouldn’t even have to change the acronym!
Lou Miranda @newlou
When the question is "what's wrong with men" the answer is always that society is failing them; when the question is "what's wrong with women" the answer is always that they're failing society.
Gillian Branstetter
According to the Washington Post editorial board, young men are consuming media about hating women (and others), but straight marriage is so important that young women should ignore that and marry them anyway. It's opinion like this, much more than the sorry state of men, that make me petrified for young women.
Stephanie Kollmann
The trolley problem but the problem is the United States ripped out nearly all of its trolleys.
The War on Cars
Sure it "may" seem to be easier to regulate/tax the fewer people who create most of the carbon, logically speaking, but *politically* it's virtually impossible. Imagine getting taxes raised on the top 1% in the US. Laughable
Lou Miranda @newlou
I don’t understand people being so incredibly proud of the prompts they use for AI art. It’s like proudly proclaiming that you have found the optimal settings for microwaving a burrito.
Matt Ringel
Flower Power in Reykjavik, Iceland today. Cabbages in the snow. Some fabulous cabbages around!
"At the time of writing [atmospheric CO2] is 422.36 parts per million. That is 5.06ppm more than the same day last year. That rise in 12 months is probably the largest ever recorded – more than double the last decade’s annual average." #EndFossilFuels
Dr. Genevieve Guenther @doctorvive
lmao whenever critics of 'cancel culture' try to define or analyze it they always end up back at "speech I like is fine but speech I don't like is not fine."
Michael Hobbes
So I can’t sue if my personal voting rights were violated but I can sue a woman I suspect of getting an abortion?
Josh @jobesh
It's not just you, it's ecological overshoot, brittle systems, governance capture, and wealth consolidation all driven by underlying worldviews of domination and separation.
Dr. Elizabeth Sawin @bethsawin
I don't doubt that AI will proliferate and be important in the future, but has there ever been more hype around something that has produced nothing except bad art?
Wes Burdine
just remembered something I saw somewhere, no idea where, so paraphrasing: twitter is now like when libertarians move somewhere to start their own self-sufficient city and before long there's no garbage collection and it gets overrun by bears.
Tom Tomorrow
It's wise to try to discern the difference between the end of a worldview and the end of the world.
Dr. Elizabeth Sawin @bethsawin
Nickel Plate Restaurant
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Image: Everett Kroeger, photographer, via Ramsey Co. (Minn.) Historical Society;
Gary Hornseth
The irony of every panic that TikTok is turning the kids into transsexuals/CCP agents/terrorists is that everything we know about who is susceptible to misinformation and propaganda online suggests the kids are not, in fact, the problem
Gillian Branstetter
12 trains a day between Albuquerque (metro pop 900k) and Santa Fe (150k) — 60 miles apart.
0 trains a day between Denver (3 million) and Boulder (350k) — 25 miles apart.
Make it make sense
Ray Delahanty @nerd4cities
Much of the economic growth in the US since 1990 has not improved human development; by this measure it's been "wasted GDP." Without this wasted GDP, US emissions would have been at least a gigaton lower every year.
Dr. Genevieve Guenther @doctorvive (linking to a study published in Nature)
"This means that the US economy could in theory be scaled down by a staggering 65% from its present size while at the same time improving the lives of ordinary Americans, if income was distributed more fairly and invested in public goods.“
"Roads with 12-foot lanes and speed limits of 30 or 35 miles per hour... had 1 1/2 times more crashes than roads with just 9-foot lanes and the same speed limit."
The War on Cars (quoting a study reported on NPR)
every single election the dems have lost in my lifetime has resulted in a huge, generational setback to human welfare and democracy in the united states.
Michael Tae Sweeney @mtsw
Can we all agree that it shouldn’t really count as a bike lane if the
bike lane symbol doesn’t even fit in the designated space for bikes?
I know people get pissy at politicians for continuously messaging that the next presidential election is the “most important election of our lifetime,” but I mean, I’m sorry, it does feel like a lot of recent history has been building to 2024, I dunno what to tell you
Asawin Suebsaeng @swin24
Stephen Miller is telling everyone who’ll listen that he and other neofascists are using Trump as a disgusting puppet to carry out explicitly fascist plans and there are still people who are still like, I’m sure it’ll all work, just quit overreacting.
Jared Yates Sexton
Being a journalist in the post-2016 era means spending like 90% of your time figuring out ways to articulate incredibly obvious things: "Racism, sexism and homophobia, um, exist and addressing them requires acknowledging the forces driving them."
Michael Hobbes
If the US was a democracy, we'd all have healthcare, at least a $15 minimum wage, paid maternity leave, free college, free childcare, abortion rights, and Congress would be pushing for a ceasefire. That's how far away we are from being an actual democracy.
Living in a recessionary dystopian hellscape @breakify
I don’t have student debt but I believe in student debt forgiveness.
I can’t get pregnant but I believe abortion should be legal.
I’m straight and cis but I am pro same-sex marriage and trans rights.
Welcome to It’s Not Always About You 101.
The Volatile Mermaid @ohnoshetwitnt
From Rebecca Solnit on climate doomerism: “People assume you can’t be hopeful and heartbroken at the same time, and of course you can… Hope is not happiness or confidence or inner peace; it’s a commitment to search for possibilities.”
Sarah @sarahoestreich
Same page:
A lot of people sure that gender is binary and biological will also stare in abject horror at the sight of an adult woman without makeup
Gillian Branstetter
"...passenger cars were the striking vehicle in 62% of accidents involving pedestrian or cyclist children but resulted in only 19% of fatalities. In comparison, SUVs were the striking vehicle in only 16.9% of crashes involving children but were responsible for 40% of fatalities."
The War on Cars
73% of the the headlines for stories written by the Times’ main higher ed reporter over a two-year period featured just four Ivy League universities, those universities enrolled 0.16% of all undergraduates in 2020. It's a bit like if the NYT national politics reporters only covered Wyoming.
James S Murphy
Imagine if the NYT had a public editor you could flag this to.
Chris Miller @iamcurious
How's it going in a society organized around domination and separation in a world that is fundamentally whole and interconnected?
Dr. Elizabeth Sawin @bethsawin
They're openly planning and promising to declare martial law, forcibly suppress dissent, and seize permanent authoritarian power. He's not running for POTUS, he's running for dictator. And that's the word that should be in headlines about it. Not extremism, radicalism, populism, etc. Dictatorship.
Andy Craig
Imagine the kind of psychopathic freak that still answers the phone and takes the time to answer a poll in this day and age
maybe, and I am thinking out loud here, people do not like having their basic bodily autonomy controlled by christofascist assholes
Tom Tomorrow
time traveler in 1985: in the future you will all have pocket computers with access to all the world's knowledge
Me in 1985: wow that sounds remarkable
time traveler: and you will be infinitely stupider as a result
Me: ...
Tom Tomorrow
seen over the weekend: a shirt asking the question, what is more punk than a public library?
Chris Steller
I am learning a lot from the part of Taylor Branch's third volume in his civil rights trilogy when Stokely Carmichael starts using the term "black power" and the entire media apparatus instantly shifts from focusing on cops and Klansmen killing peaceful protestors to language policing.
Aaron W. Gordon
The 15-minute city conspiracy theorists complaining about diverters need
to take a closer look at how their freedom of movement is impeded by
so-called "freeways":
If the last 500 years has shown anything, it’s that automation makes people dispensable, not prosperous. But what you are automating is the extraction of energy and materials, using it up as you draw what's left into heterogenous centers.
Build Soil Plant Chestnuts
When I actually stop and think about the behavior transphobes find so abhorrent it's just "but you're not wearing the clothing I associate with your genitalia" and like I swear we do live in a world with actual problems. Who truly has the time
Gillian Branstetter
it is my personal opinion that when you direct a bomb at a military target within a crowd of civilians, with the full knowledge that the civilians will be hit, you are in fact "targeting" civilians for all intents and purposes
Peter @notalawyer
What we’re witnessing now in the Jewish community is an earthquake along a long-ignored faultline: the implied lesson of the Holocaust. Some Jews have assumed it’s “Protect Jews at all costs,” other Jews assume it’s “Stop genocides at all costs.” This war has made everyone show their cards.
Josie Riesman
You can tell a lot about a person by stealing their drivers license.
Jason, ex Inferis @benedictsred
Community: Can we have a stop sign?
City: No it will slow down drivers.
Community: hmm Ok, so thinking our next request about transformational policy on all aspects of life to tackle climate change is out?
Tom Flood
if someone believes that it’s ok to bomb a refugee camp because there is an enemy combatant in there somewhere, you’re never going to convince them that Palestinian life has value
Peter @notalawyer
One more time: Stopping in time for a child running onto the street is not heroic/lucky, it is your goddamn obligation as a driver. Cost of entry. Kids are allowed to be unpredictable, you are not. I’m sorry but that’s just the way it is.
Tom Flood
Recently I went to the MC Escher Museum in The Hague and holy cow I somehow had no idea he spent the first 20 years of his career being an amazing, Japanese-print-influenced lithographer, etcher, and chalk-drawer in southern Italy. The work from the early '30s totally knocked me out:
Charles C. Mann
"Hey, Mr. Escher, wherever do you get your ideas?" (Photograph from 1931 on the Amalfi coast):
Charles C. Mann
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