Saturday, November 18, 2023

The Things You See at the Mall These Days

I recently had to go to a shopping mall to visit an Apple Store to deal with my malfunctioning computer, and while there I saw a shop that made me do a double take.

I won't share the name, but here's a shot of the front window and part of the inside:

The store's purpose is to scan your body inside that glass cylinder and create a solid, scale model rendering of you (or you and another person) — which I guess is 3D printed — so you can use it on a wedding cake, or for a trophy, or whatever other purpose you want.

This seems like utter trash and an example of late capitalist decadence to me, but I also realize my reaction indicates that I'm getting old and I have no idea what's going on several generations away from me. 

I like to think I don't know anyone (of any age) who would want something like this, but vacuous gift shops have existed ages. In a way, this is just a more personalized version.

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