Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Twitter, October 2023

October 2023 will be remembered for two things, it looks like: 1) the U.S. Republicans once again embarrassing themselves as they tried to elect a Speaker of the House, only to come up with a guy named Mike Johnson, who tried really hard to overturn the 2020 election and believes we are a Christian theocracy, and 2) the conflagration in Israel and Palestine, with Hamas killing 1,400 Israelis and kidnapping more than 200, and the Israeli government enacting extreme death and retribution against 2 million civilian Gazans in return. That's still going on as I write this. There were also a series of guilty pleas in the Georgia RICO indictments, a man in Maine killed 18 people with an AR-15, and Clarence Thomas was found to be even more corrupt.

As always, the tweets are in reverse chronological order except some of the images, which I sometimes move up or down to get better visual distribution.

Everything below the line is quoted from the attributed account.


Kimmer @kvonyborg

We do little to address the problem of high cost health care (the Biden administration is trying to address high drug prices) because special interests are so powerful. It is much easier to bash the elderly.
Dean Baker

John Roberts's entire judicial philosophy is "disingenuous befuddlement."
Elie Mystal

If your rural Representative votes for school choice or school vouchers, he’s betraying his constituents. There is no choice in rural America. There is only a defunded school left for your kids. We have no choice.
Jess Piper @piper4missouri

One of the worst aspects of US culture is that being a person of faith is by default viewed uncritically as a positive attribute. But "faith" is often a veneer for racism, sexism, classism, etc. Among the powerful, being a person of faith is mostly a performance to protect power
Paul Thomas @plthomasEdD

Sometimes headlines can make you laugh and despair simultaneously:

Joe Tidy

It's possible that, among his other accomplishments, Sam Bankman-Fried may have figured out the single biggest way for one person to produce carbon dioxide: charter private planes to fly Amazon packages to the Bahamas.
Bill McKibben

In 1983, just 10% of wage income went over the cap on taxable income for Social Security (currently $186,600). Currently, it is almost 20%. The reason is both that wage growth was not as fast as had been predicted back in 1983, the last time there was a major overhaul of the system, and also that there has been a huge upward redistribution of income. If we had not had this upward redistribution of income, the long-term gap in Social Security’s financing would be about 40% less. Second, the “problem” of increasing life-spans and longer retirements is overwhelmingly one of higher income people living longer. The bottom half of the income distribution has seen very little gain in life expectancy over the last forty years.
Dean Baker

Medicare looks in these calculations like a huge transfer to the elderly because we pay so much for our health care. If our per-person health care costs were the same as for people in Canada or Germany, Medicare could be fully supported by the Medicare tax.
Dean Baker

we always hear tall buildings "aren't human scale". one of these has 5 story buildings and no setbacks the other has setbacks and single story buildings. which one is human scale to you?

push the needle

The GOP has turned into "a coalition of men who fear, often for very good reason, that their repulsive personalities exclude them from a world where sexual expression requires consent."
Amanda Marcotte

Israel is fueling antisemitism by conflating Jewish identity with genocide and apartheid. This conflation is fundamental to the politics of Zionism as it allows any criticism of Israel to be dubbed antisemitism. It wrongly implicates all Jewish people in genocide and apartheid.
Puff the Magic Hater @MsKellyMHayes

Cars are sold to us as the freedom to explore. And yet, once places prioritize them with wide stroads and big parking lots, they're no longer worth exploring.
Strong Towns

[MAGA supporters] mock people who get vaccines as fearful sheep, but they are mostly the same people so frightened of others that they buy dangerous guns “for protection.” They cannot ever explain why they think self-protection by gun is good but self-protection by vaccine is stupid.
Laura M. Dellinger @LauraD_In_Indy

Got a recording today from an American family trapped in Gaza. The parents are sleeping with their 1-year-old sandwiched between them, Abood Okal said, to shield him in case of debris or so if they “are gone,” they are together. Abood is still counting on the US to get them out.
Akbar Shahid Ahmed

Cancel all debt every 7 years Bible? or shave the head of your captured female slave before you “take her as your wife” Bible? because I think I know which one Mike Johnson has in mind.

I’ve never heard a single credible argument defending car dependency. Most folks default to fighting the idea of banning cars (a straw-man argument), or arguing their need for cars (which is exactly the problem with dependency). But not one reason car dependency should continue.
Brent Toderian

J K Galbraith put it nicely: “The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”
Barry Richards

i can't imagine why pedestrian deaths are way up:

Mike Eliason @holz_bau

“They deserve it for electing/supporting Hamas!” So then what do Americans deserve for the mass murderers they’ve elected over the years?

when they say “this is not genocide” what they mean is “these are not people”

..."you can't say anything any more" is not about some general turn to censoriousness. It's about racism. It's always about racism and sexism. People want to be allowed to be a little racist and sexist and they're upset when they get push back for it. Of course, "I think we should allow a little more racism and sexism in public dialogue" doesn't sound good in 5000 word Atlantic thumbsuckers, so they vague it up. "Speech." But just notice: it's always a particular kind of speech. We'd be better off if we could discuss it directly.
David Roberts @drvolts

People ask sometimes why the US never had a reckoning with slavery and the Civil War the way, say, Germany had with nazism. The very simple answer is that reactionary whites aren't sorry and have not abandoned the goals and philosophy of the confederacy.
David Roberts @drvolts

Susan Collins says she believes that Maine shooter Robert Card has learned his lesson and there is no reason to continue the manhunt.

Freedom isn't owning an AR-15, it's going out somewhere without worrying about being killed by one.
Richard Angwin

Judges have now found that Republicans in Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida all used their redistricting power to discriminate against Black voters after the 2020 census
Sam Levine @srl

Liberals see themselves as rational because they compare themselves to conservatives, who live in a made-up fantasy land. Meanwhile leftists are constantly proved right, yet are considered impractical because their analysis is systemic and thus requires systemic transformation.
Daniel Baryon @AnarkYouTube

The dysfunction in the House and the selection of Mike Johnson, an absolute extremist, wasn’t accidental. The GOP represents a wealthy donor class that wants to destroy representative government and democracy as an impediment to their power.
Jared Yates Sexton

'The growth of cars in cities with limited space is as stupid as the belief in endless economic growth in a world with finite raw materials':

Mike Eliason @holz_bau

Amazing news!! New malaria vaccine slashes early childhood mortality by a whopping 13%. That means it could saves tens of thousands (!!) of lives of children under 5, if broadly deployed. 'I was surprised I didn’t hear any gasps when it was stated.'
Rutger Bregman

A rich dude gives Clarence Thomas a loan to buy a $267,000 loan for an RV. Thomas makes interest-only payments for a while, then rich dude just forgives the loan. He basically gave Thomas a $267K RV. Every other judge in America would already be removed.
Ron Filipkowski

More killed tonight than in the entire state of Maine during all of 2021.
Alex Seitz-Wald

I'm less worried about the specific seditionist selected to head the House than I am the lack of accountability for a coordinated and violent coup attempt. There is no parallel in world history. In other countries, coup plotters end up in prison, not in Congress.
Sarah Kendzior

White society is back to criticizing protest slogans while ignoring mass death

Watching this soft whiny baby [Trump] start to panic and throw tantrums as the noose tightens ... I'm not gonna lie, it's really doing it for me.
David Roberts @drvolts

One thing Gaza is convincing me of is that air strikes against dense urban areas or inhabited residential buildings should be a per se war crime, no ifs, ands, or buts.
Will Stancil

Trump attorneys are more likely to be indicted than paid

I’m not a lawyer and my degrees are from online universities, but I’m smart enough to know that people — especially lawyers — don’t plead guilty to weak charges.
Mueller, She Wrote


John B. Holbein

If Putin dies who gets custody of the GOP?

Whiteness is built on genocide. White settler colonialism is built on genocide. Of course the majority of white Americans support the massacre and displacement of Palestinians. Stealing land and resources from indigenous people wherever they are is the official policy of whiteness.

Another example: Have you ever heard a man say that women today need to be more feminine? Did he mean that they need to have more cellulite and body fat? No, of course he didn’t. He meant they were supposed to grow their hair out, do what men say, have babies.
Dr. Laura Robinson

In the last two weeks, Israel killed more children in Gaza than it has killed in both the West Bank and Gaza in the last 23 years combined.
Mariam Barghouti

Relationship between parental income and SAT score:

Joseph Nathan Cohen

At this point it feels like what Israel is doing is looking to achieve the results of a nuclear bomb without the stigma that comes from actually using one.
Ibn Riad

"Those things you learn without joy you will forget easily." –old Finnish saying
"Memorizing is a strategy for taking in material that has no personal meaning." –psychologist Ellen Langer
Alfie Kohn

As Moms and book lovers, it’s truly painful to hear important works of literature described as ‘filthy garbage’ and ‘porn’ as we heard at last week’s school board meeting. These are the words of those who’ve never bothered to read the books they dismiss as garbage.

Number one rule of transit: people can’t ride service that doesn’t run
Star:Line Chicago

Imagine the moral gymnastics necessary to congratulate yourself for convincing one country to open its border to let in a few trucks of supplies while you send bombs and billions of dollars and endless encouragement to the country imposing the siege and slaughtering thousands.
Ben Ehrenreich

I never realized Paris was the same geographic size as San Francisco its kinda hard for my mind to wrap around. SF feels like a village compared to Paris:

Darrell Owens @IDoTheThinking

here's another stat to blow your mind. there are more units of social housing in paris than there are total apartments in san francisco.
Mike Eliason @holz_bau

I’ve started to view DOTs as much closer to military contractors than civil engineers. They spend hundreds of billions of dollars. They destroy cities. The goal of their projects is to move machinery, not people. Their products kill tens of thousands and injure millions of Americans every year.

We should be guaranteeing housing for people, not for cars.

In case you missed it, book banners are not arguing for children’s innocence. They are arguing for children’s ignorance. That is not the same thing.

We need to dispense with the assumption — fundamental to street design in North America — that car drivers are generally reasonable and safety conscious.

Strange how any critique of our auto culture is framed as anti-car and radical yet the billions of dollars spent on violent auto ads + auto first at all costs infrastructure isn't framed as anti-person, anti-senior, anti-child, anti-pedestrian, anti-bike, anti-transit or anti-planet

Widening a street doesn't reduce idling cars. It makes room for more idling cars.

The Supremes in Paris, 1966:

Old Hollywood

Are there any districts out there actually succeeding with low teacher pay, large class sizes, refusing to put funds towards student facing staff, forcing fidelity of subpar boxed curriculum, refusing to fund mental/social emotional health initiatives for kids etc. Or is it just me noticing that the districts out there succeeding are the districts that go against all of the norms described above, pay/respect teachers and staff, acknowledge needs, teach students not programs and ensure funding goes towards student facing staff?
Mrs. K @Eduventuring04

I love that drivers only care about carbon emissions when they have to idle. So adorable.

I say this all the time but attempts to address racism always break down when white and white-approximating worldwide people are forced to acknowledge the realities of skin color discrimination

Per a senior GOP source, “[Republican representative] Ferguson told the conference that he's had to have a sheriff stationed at his daughter’s school over death threats from the far right. Also one at his house.”
Juliegrace Brufke

at some point people will realize that having an electoral movement which routinely threatens to kill its opponents is a major problem.
Josh Marshall @joshtpm

Many people in colonial societies believe (or simply accept as a norm, without argument) that any amount of suffering and death is acceptable within out-groups to sustain their in-group's way of life. This is especially true in the imperial core, where I live.
Puff the Magic Hater @MsKellyMHayes

It's so funny how the police just stopped doing their jobs when people criticized them for killing people, and meanwhile the IRS Criminal Investigation unit is out here solving the biggest thefts in history with little fan fare, while being constantly demonized by the right:

James Medlock

An incredible statistic to consider when you hear some people claiming that a switch to heat pumps can't be done by 2035. In the decade between 1968 and 1977, 13m homes... I repeat...THIRTEEN MILLION homes in the UK were converted to gas-fired central heating.
Leo Hickman

I don’t hate cars. Like most North American males I was raised to think cars are cool, and as a design nerd, few objects are more eye-catching. I hate surrendering our streets, our cities and our lives to them.
Brent Toderian

Not talking about race is talking about race from a privileged position.
Deadric T. Williams @doc_thoughts

Kind of hilarious that John Roberts was like "racism is over now" and ever since then the court has been forced to rule on one theatrically racist state gerrymandering plan after another. I wonder if there's any number that would cause Roberts to reconsider.
David Roberts @drvolts

What drives conservatives nuts is the idea of "unwarranted" self-esteem — that kids might feel good about themselves without impressive accomplishments. Yet research shows that such unconditional self-regard is actually a defining feature of psych health.
Alfie Kohn

It's literally impossible to do an, "If the situation were reversed," about the House speakership election because Democrats don't nominate, much less elect, people as far to the left as Jim Jordan is to the right.
Robert Mann @RTMannJr

My basic take is: Israel was close to breaking out of regional isolation, then Hamas murdered a bunch of Israelis hoping to provoke a response that would lead to Israel’s re-isolation and Netanyahu has been inclined to oblige them.
Matthew Yglesias

New FBI crime statistics reveal that, over the past two years, violent crime is down ... but hate crimes are up. Hello, MAGA.
David Roberts @drvolts

Carbon emissions from international shipping exceed those of a highly industrialised country such as Germany. And 40% of all cargo (by weight) are fossil fuels on their way to be burned or chemicals derived directly from fossil fuels. Graph by @edans:

Jan Rosenow

We don't talk enough about the fact that a fairly wide swathe of the right wing "supports" Jews because they are trying to hasten the coming of the apocalypse. It sounds fake, like some kind of satire, but it is extremely real.
David Roberts @drvolts

The whole idea that there are costly tradeoffs to climate action and response (and ecological conservation) — and that slower paces of change will mitigate those costs — has, from the start, been propaganda.
Alex Steffen

Wild how billionaires are just fucking up everything we ever loved and for the most part we just stand by passively, gawking and writing nostalgic laments.
David Roberts @drvolts

Can't wait until the Republicans shut down the government to keep Donald Trump out of jail. The best part will be the both-siding of this story by the NYT political reporters.
Dean Baker

I don’t think presidents have much effect on crime. But it’s fascinating that Trump is the first president in 30 years to oversee a rise in crime. And crime has dropped significantly since he left office. Yet Republicans still attack Biden and Democrats on crime. And it works!
Radley Balko

describe the suffering of your people without comparing it to Black People challenge
i can be your long lost pal @PallaviGunalan

The fact that you believe if there was a God, he, she, or they would have time to play favorites is funny to me.
Allison Wiltz Psy.M. @queenie4rmnola

Former freeway in Utrecht on my last visit in 2019 vs. today.  You did a good job, Utrecht:


Remember the rules: you can judge The Left as a whole by referencing the craziest fringe shit you can find on Twitter or in some student group, but it is unsporting and uncivil to judge The Right as a whole by referencing what its most prominent elected leaders say.
David Roberts @drvolts

James Hansen sounded the climate alarm in 1988. To this day, emissions are rising. His latest paper announces the era of "accelerated warming".
Assaad Razzouk

"As countries worldwide give more money to their militaries, fossil fuel use rises both with and without conflict. And while simply maintaining a military contributes to climate change, active warfare maximizes this potential."
Extinction Rebellion Global

So you understand the scale of the genocide Israel is committing in Gaza, a city the size of Detroit: Since the start of the war in Ukraine in February last year, 545 Ukrainian children were killed. In this past week, 724 Palestinian children in Gaza have been killed.
Jennine @jennineak

The permafrost is the largest carbon sink on earth, storing carbon equal to 4 times US emissions since 1750. It’s also home to 50,000 zombie viruses. Both carbon and viruses are leaking, as oil, gas and coal fuel. We can’t say we didn’t know
Assaad Razzouk


There's no public restrooms. Very little public seating. No free wifi or charging anymore. Everyone is being inconvenienced because people hate the homeless, the poor, and children.
the wicked witch of the south @123itsmeMary

America is a country that has given up on trying to enforce most traffic laws while simultaneously going to extreme lengths to make sure nearly every restaurant and bar is terrified of giving a 20-year-old a beer.

Folks think the Great Migration was just Black people spontaneously heading north for "better opportunities," instead of literally fleeing former Confederate states (not just Southern ones) en masse for their lives. There were literal pogroms in this country.

Hope is so much better than optimism. Optimism is a form of fatalism ("things will get better no matter what I do") while hope is active ("if I make things a little better, I may gain a vantagepoint from which I can see a way to make them better still").
Cory Doctorow

We can. You can:

Nadene @nadeneghouri

Reminder that when Manchin and Sinema were tanking Biden’s agenda, the DC press never ONCE demanded senate republicans throw democrats some votes “just because.”

What the past 48 hours or so has revealed is that there are a lot of people who mourn for dead Israeli civilians but not dead Palestinian ones, and a lot of people who mourn for dead Palestinian civilians but not dead Israeli ones. What has happened to our collective humanity?
Mehdi Hasan

When your only tool is a car, you tend to see every problem as a thing to crash into.

It's easy to paint yourself into a corner in which you find yourself declaring a report of an atrocity to be false before you have sufficient information to make such an assessment. But "that can't be true" is rarely a thoughtful claim about combatants' behavior in a war.
Angus Johnston @studentactivism

It’s wild how we’ve normalized sending children to school on diesel buses, exposing them to dangerous pollution — for DECADES. Why aren’t school buses priority #1 for electric? Cost, but also: A powerful industry is fighting against them.
Benji Jones

"What is your wish?" the genie said.
"That whenever someone tells a stranger to smile more, they will smile a bit wider themself."
"The person telling will smile?"
"Yes, and they won't ever be able smile less. And it's cumulative."
"Ooh, that's creative. Granted."
Micro SF/F stories

Low-capacity, low-ridership autonomous vehicle literally (and metaphorically) getting in the way of high capacity, high ridership buses:

Christof Spieler

We are going to dedicate a lot of money, road space and carbon to empty vehicles.
Beth Osborne

* "I don't want to interrupt" = "I've decided to interrupt!"
* "That sounds great in theory" = "I don't even like the theory"
* "The question isn't X [e.g., whether to keep doing this], but Y [how to improve the way we do it]" = "I prefer that no one talk about X"
Alfie Kohn

It's really funny that we're supposed to remember that Not All Police Are Bad and all the other thin blue line shit else they'll throw a tantrum and stop doing their jobs, when cops are trained to approach every situation like it's Fallujah and everyone is a potential threat

"Existing environmental law discourages policy makers from thinking in terms of systems, feedback loops, and spillover effects. Instead, it paralyzes policy, because there’s always someone with deep pockets who can claim harm from virtually any action."
Beth Osborne

REMINDER: Those choosing to live in the subsidized suburbs for a bigger house and yard are NOT also entitled to free-flow car traffic capacity (aka “easy car commute”) into the city at the expense of the taxes, health, safety and quality of life of city-dwellers.
Brent Toderian

Car tire rubber is the new lead/asbestos/dioxin. And it is already found in all foods. Time to buy a bicycle.

This is what the world really looks like with 1.5–2C of overheating. It means endless inflation for basic necessities.. you can't insure your home.. your most basic travel plans are constantly interrupted or canceled.
Clare Farrell @ClareTotty

It's  clear for  that too many imagine the two parties as a husband and a wife, and the Democratic wife is supposed to placate and coddle the husband and help him look good no matter how dangerous, abusive, and destructive he is--and he is never supposed to do the same for her.
Rebecca Solnit


More bad news about water. 61% of California wells were artesian (water flows to the surface from natural pressure) in 1910. Today just 4%. A half-century ago I wrote about California using more water than nature provides. Reforms needed. Source: Science Advances, 9/13
David Cay Johnston

One thing we know for SURE — building and widening highways ALWAYS succeeds in helping sell more cars, gas and suburban sprawl; burning more public budgets; and increasing GHG emissions. So if THOSE are your goals, it’s the perfect thing to do. Just don’t expect it to reduce traffic.
Brent Toderian

i need white people to understand that getting married at an old slave plantation in the South is like getting married at Auschwitz. it’s gross and racist AF

There’s only so much money. It sucks we spent it all on freeways.

For a species that has been successfully getting around under their own power for a few hundred thousand years, it's incredible to see how many people in the US now seem to believe that literally no one can get around without driving a car. That learned helplessness is strong!
Pedaling Professor

You know who believes in climate change? Insurance companies.
Jennifer Keesmaat

One of things I hate the most about transphobes (you know, aside from the whole ghoulish bigot part) is how much they equate being a woman to the ability to get pregnant and give birth. It’s so disgustingly reductive.

Law enforcement taking selfies with someone under federal indictment:


Predominantly White spaces give people racialized as a White the freedom to not ever have to think about being racialized as White.
Deadric T. Williams @doc_thoughts

Look, can we just finally admit that no one has enough opinions worth writing about to fill a weekly column for decades? We could avoid so many stupid takes if we just stopped trying to make fetch happen.
Maggie Koerth @maggiekb1

Good point: Referring to legacy (or early-decision) admissions as "affirmative action for the rich [or for whites]" implies that "affirmative action" is just a synonym for unfair advantage. It's actually a "proactive response to structural discrimination"
Alfie Kohn

People who claim to be “free thinkers” are actually not critical thinkers. That’s the problem.
Allison Wiltz Psy.M. @queenie4rmnola

We've decided that reckless driving has a punishment of a citation instead of the obvious answer of removing them from the vehicle, impounding it, and tearing up their license.
Entitled Cyclist

I don't know what policy changes we'd need, but I'd say if you're going at least double the posted speed, then that's an immediate arrest. Yes, even if you're going 65km/h (40mph) in a school zone. Tickets aren't good enough. And yes, speed-limiters would work, too.

it’s kinda ridiculous that if an agency wants to build a bike lane or bus lane, they’ll have to go through months of “community engagement” meetings, but if they want to get rid of one they’ll do it in the middle of the night with nobody watching

It’s totally cool and not at all problematic that we continue to have a decapitated military command structure while the Republicans in Congress display their total dysfunction to the world. Does not make us look vulnerable. Not at all.
Leah McElrath

I'd really rather focus on Amy Coney Barrett's crazy legal jurisprudence cult, The Federalist Society, than her crazy religious cult, People for Praise. Because her rulings are clearly more inspired by Leonard Leo than Jesus Christ.
Elie Mystal

Do you ever think about how many American cities have banned plastic bags and require charges for paper bags to protect the environment, but still allow free car parking?
Gordon Padelford @GordonOfSeattle

Right turns on red should be illegal anywhere people might regularly walk. Allowing them effectively means pedestrians never really have the right of way.
M. Nolan Gray

“Any time you try to restrict movement of cars, you have an entrenched electorate that pushes back on that,” John Yi, Executive Director of Los Angeles Walks said. “But this is part of a larger ecosystem of changes that need to happen.”
Los Angeles Walks

I am mock-seriously annoyed by this Speedway sign casually throwing up a price per gallon of gasoline next to a price per 16oz of coffee. If the liquid amounts are evened out, the coffee is $9.52 per gallon, or over two and a half times more expensive than the gas. Anyway, the process of getting oil from the ground into people’s cars is something of a streamlined marvel, it’s ludicrous that gasoline is so cheap but I guess we did build our entire civilization around it (even more so than coffee):

Alex Schieferdecker

There is no culture war. White people attack Black people for existing, block opportunities every chance they get, and moan at the thought of us receiving equitable opportunities. A war requires two sides, that's not what I see. They are not just the oppressor, but the aggressor.
Allison Wiltz Psy.M. @queenie4rmnola

Reading the secession declarations reveals that the Southern states OPPOSED state’s rights. They complained about northern states refusing to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act. Southern states only asserted “state’s rights” after the War to justify Jim Crow.
Judge David Carpenter @DavidOCarpenter

The real reason the studios are excited about AI is the same as every  stock analyst and CEO who’s considering buying an #AI enterprise license: they want to fire workers and reallocate their salaries to their shareholders
Cory Doctorow

The hype around AI comes mostly from people who want Capital to win an ultimate victory over Labor.

going on shark tank to pitch an existentialist escape room called No Exit where people pay me $25 and I simply say welcome to life motherfuckers

“COVID IS OVER! STOP LIVING IN FEAR!” — the people afraid that seeing a rainbow will turn their kids gay
The Volatile Mermaid @OhNoSheTwitnt

To adapt Mark Twain: if you must indulge yourself with a long sentence “make sure there are no folds in it, no vaguenesses, no parenthetical interruptions of its view as a whole”; create a “sea-serpent with half of its arches under the water, not a torch-light procession.”
For Rosemary Sutcliff (1920-92) @rsutcliff

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