Saturday, September 23, 2023

We Won't Go Backwards

I woke up this morning thinking that in this country, we’re living in a forced return to the 19th century. We can’t trust the information around us, we're basically once again in an age of patent medicines, one of our major parties is fully invested in repressing people for who they are and denying them the right to vote, there is extreme income inequality and corporate monopoly power. Corruption is increasingly assumed, including at the Supreme Court. And that's only the beginning of the list.

At the quick level of analysis I am giving this, the major difference I see between the 19th century and now is that many of us are not going to take this situation, because we know we’ve been through this before and we have better tools than our forerunners did — plus we have their example to follow.

Not to mention, we have the motivation of the climate crisis as extra incentive.

Back in late 2020, I showed my Women's March sign from January 2017, and it was related to this thinking:

I'm afraid we have clearly gone backwards in a frightening number of ways since I made that sign, and have only clawed back a few of them since Trump left office in 2021, while losing others. 

There's no giving up, though. 

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