Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Electric Delivery Van

Over the weekend, I saw a BrightDrop Zevo, one of the new electric delivery vans from a startup operating under the GM umbrella:

The guy who bought it intends to convert it to a camper, so this one is not literally a delivery van.

I hadn't heard of BrightDrop before, but now I have. The vans have a 250-mile+ range, and they're being bought by FedEx, DHL, and Walmart.

There are interesting things happening beyond electric personal vehicles.


Update: I was sitting at an outside table today in front of a restaurant (two days after this post) having lunch when a FedEx step truck delivery van went past at "normal" speed. It drowned out our conversation for 10 or 20 seconds. 

Which doesn't mention the pollution, both carbon and smog, it's spewing. I can't wait for them all to be replaced by vans like these... or e-cargo bikes, even better.


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