Friday, September 1, 2023

Bluesky, August 2023

For contrast with the length of my still lengthy August 2023 Twitter round-up, this is my brief round-up of favorites from Bluesky in August. There's at least one writer here who has disappeared from Twitter, so that makes it worth it.


Doing a little light googling of the Spanish Flu and apparently "The United States lost more people to the Spanish flu in 1918 than World War I, World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War combined." And yet the only reason we call it the Spanish Flu is cause Spain admitted people were dying.
Kendra "Gloom is My Beat" Pierre-Louis

If you share Trump’s mugshot today please share that the Fulton County Jail where it was taken, is at 3x it’s capacity, infested with bugs, holding 87% Black people, most of whom haven’t even been convicted of a crime. 6 people have died in custody this year alone. Fuck cops, shut down jails.
Ashley Fairbanks

It’s cool how my kids have to live with the long-term climate consequences of you not wanting to be slightly inconvenienced by not find easy parking for your big SUV.

Maybe prosecutors should say that Donald Trump tried to "shoplift democracy" or "loot the election" so a majority of white people will finally see his attempted supremacist coup as an existential threat.
A.R. Moxon

Salute the real flag people:


A depressing amount of the next year will be watching judges who are terrified of holding Trump accountable and revoking bail because of his status going to extreme lengths to justify why his very-obviously-witness-tampering is not, in fact, very obviously witness tampering, and him leaning into it

Thinking a lot about Scott Walker ripping apart the Wisconsin state university system today, as I read about West Virginia University. And about Obama mocking art history.
David M. Perry

I keep hearing about how the Jews control everything but we can’t even cancel Mel Gibson
Adam Serwer

It’s interesting to me how STEM (as politics and policy) doesn’t include math and often doesn’t. Anyway I welcome mathematicians and theoretical physicists to the fight for the humanities. Include non-applied science.
David M. Perry

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