Sunday, September 17, 2023

And Now for Something Completely...

There are entire websites devoted to the revolting food of the 1960s and ’70s, and especially the food photography. It's kind of passĂ© to even notice it these days, I guess. 

But this image that came through my Twitter feed (via Cory Doctorow) really got me:

It's from a site called Vintage Recipe Cards, reproducing a card from McCall's Great American Recipe Card Collection. The site has the full recipe, in case you want to make it. Yum!

The recipe made me realize I don't know what hollandaise sauce is. I vaguely know it's part of eggs benedict, but that's about it. (This tells you how much of a cook I am.)

I now know that it's a mix of egg yolk, melted butter, and lemon juice that's usually seasoned with salt and some kind of pepper — white or cayenne. It was first documented in a French 1650s cookbook.

I don't know if its inventors could have imagined its use with ham and bananas.

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