Monday, August 21, 2023

Ted's Omission

You can't know anything about Ted Cruz without knowing he's Cuban American. You might know it's his father who's Cuban, while his mother is American. Ted himself was born in Canada... I've never been able to figure out how it is he's able to run for President, given that fact, but that's not why I'm writing today.

What I've always assumed about Ted's father was that he left Cuba, like many other Cubans, after Castro came to power. Maybe I got that impression because of things Ted says like this tweet from a couple of days ago:

66 years ago today, my father arrived in America.

He had been imprisoned & tortured in Cuba, and America gave him freedom.

He came to Texas; he spoke no English and washed dishes making 50 cents an hour.

God bless America, the greatest Nation on earth.

But as history professor Drew McKevitt points out, 66 years ago places Rafael Cruz's journey to the U.S. happened before Castro took over. It was the U.S.-backed Fulgencio Batista who had imprisoned and tortured Cruz's father. This is a well-known fact among historians, of course, but not among the general public, including me.

So there's nothing untrue in Ted Cruz's tweet; just a giant omission. Gee, I wonder why he does that?


Jean said...

Huh, I never knew that! Another thing Cruz doesn't really mention much is that he's a Seven Mountains Dominionist.

Daughter Number Three said...

Yes... I've heard (though not done the work to confirm) that his father has said or written that he thinks Ted is the Second Coming. Have you heard that?

Jean said...

Goodness. I have not. That would be pretty wild.