Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Mmmm, Sushi

There I was, innocently reading the newspaper on a Sunday when I flipped to the back page and my eye fell on this:

I did a double take, wondering for just a second if those were dismembered body parts. What the hell was all that?

It's part of this larger photo, used to dominate most of the back page of the Star Tribune's Variety section in the Sunday Taste section:

Those are sushi rolls (pleasant surprises!). And I'm sure the featured restaurant is not thrilled to have its food portrayed like this.

The photo was taken by the restaurant reviewer, I assume using his smartphone during dinner in the available room light. Food should never be shot that way, especially for reproduction on dull newsprint, and I would say especially sushi.

That the Star Tribune cannot afford to have a photographer shoot a large food photo for its Sunday edition is an indication of the newspaper diaspora. And I feel bad for that restaurant.

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