Monday, July 31, 2023

Twitter, July 2023

The hottest, smokiest summer continued. Elon Musk did multiple things to mess with Twitter ending with the X rebranding. (I can't figure out what he did at the beginning of the month.) Ron DeSantis's education lackeys put out guidelines describing the positives of enslavement. There was some more reaction to the final Supreme Court decisions, plus more on its corruption.

Everything below the line is quoted from the attributed account. The tweets are in reverse chronological order, except some of the images, which I move around for better visual balance.


What if you could take a polluted corridor and make it an urban forest? Brussels did. (Same spot, 2009 v. 2023)


Places optimized for 2-ton cars are loud, polluted, boring, ugly and dangerous for people. Places optimized for people are beautiful, quiet, pleasant and wonderful to pass through. They’re also more economically productive.

Wrapping my head around this one. More than 1000 fires burning in Canada right now.
1000 FIRES
Dr. William J. Ripple

Summer is rapidly transitioning from an idyllic season to a scary time of year, full of deadly heat waves, wildfire smoke, and flooding. Thanks, fossil fuel companies.
Dr. Leah C. Stokes

Roughly 99% of the time you see the word "polarization" in US political discourse, it is obfuscating the real problem of right-wing misinformation, lies, and violence.
David Roberts @drvolts

A good day to remember that the rules of the Earth system are determined by physics and biology and the rules of the economy are made up by a small group of self-interested people and could change.
Dr. Elizabeth Sawin

There’s a single statistic everyone in the world should know this summer: fossil fuel subsidies are ten times greater than climate finance.

Thought experiment:  Imagine if all the £ trillions that are spent on cars were instead spent on public transport.
How amazing would public transport be?
How much time would be saved due to no traffic?
How many people would still be alive today (less pollution, fewer accidents)?
XR Cambridge

Here's the breakdown of greenhouse gas emission by major pathway (fossil fuels, food / agriculture / land use, and industrial processes and products) and by greenhouse gas. This data is from Minx et al. 2021 and the latest IPCC report:

Dr. Jonathan Foley @GlobalEcoGuy

One key to understanding blustery authoritarian conservatives like Alito: if they were confident in themselves -- in their own moral character and their own intelligence -- they *wouldn't be so angry and paranoid*. Insecurity is at the heart of all of this.
David Roberts @drvolts

It’s always “climate activists are so inspiring” and never “we will stop burning fossil fuels”
Xiye Bastida

In 3 yrs a solar installation at a high school in Arkansas turned the district budget from a $250K deficit to a $1.8 million surplus. They're using the surplus to increase teacher salaries. We have the solutions. Implement them. #ActOnClimate
Mike Hudema

The words of Nick Cave, who got there the hard way. "Cynicism is not a neutral position — and although it asks almost nothing of us, it is highly infectious and unbelievably destructive. In my view, it is the most common and easy of evils."
Rebecca Solnit

Connecticut reduced its prison population by 50%, closed 10 prisons, and reduced violent crime by 43% over a period of 10 years.
Alec Karakatsanis @equalityAlec

HOME CHORES, Jacob Lawrence, 1945:

Artists of Colour

Justice Alito tells the Wall Street Journal that Congress has no business policing SCOTUS. "I know this is a con­tro­ver­sial view, but I’m will­ing to say it... No pro­vi­sion in the Con­sti­tu­tion gives them the au­thor­ity to reg­u­late the Supreme Court—pe­riod."
Nate Raymond

This is hardly the worst thing about Sammy Alito. But, for the record, Article III of the Constitution says judges are not supposed to issue advisory opinions on constitutional questions that are not presented to them in case or controversy that their Court properly has jurisdiction over.
Ian Millhiser

Maybe the biggest indicator work from home is permanent is that online shopping, eating out, sports attendance, travel and most other activities are back to pre-pandemic trends. WFH - and related activities like office occupancy and public transit use - appear to have permanently changed.
Nick Bloom @I_Am_NickBloom

Conservatives' "Project 2025:"
- Block expansion of electrical grid for wind/solar
- Slash EPA's environmental justice office
- Prevent states from adopting CA's car pollution standard
- Eliminate multiple DOE energy offices involved in clean energy
Jeff Stein @JStein_WaPo

A functional Congress would impeach Alito just for saying that, purely to send a message to the judiciary.
poorly hidden account

At this point, I’m starting to believe that the billionaire class views global warming as a positive population reduction mechanism. I have no doubt they believe they can insulate themselves from the worst of its impact.
Leah McElrath

How hot does it have to get for these greedy motherfuckers to change course before we’re all dead?
Jason Overstreet

If the people who banned drag performances (6 states) and discussion of LGBTQ issues in schools (10 states) actually cared about "protecting children" they'd call for criminal prosecution of Catholic leadership. But they don't. It's all about bigotry and control.
American Atheists

Between 2011 and 2022 alone, Black land-grant universities lost nearly $200 million in resources because states declined to provide them with matching funds while fully funding predominantly white universities, a new report notes.
The Chronicle of Higher Education

One of the more compelling New Yorker covers….

Dr. Jonathan Foley @GlobalEcoGuy

I’m sure there’s a good reason for it, but why do we install regular air conditioning units instead of heat pumps in new construction that can both cool and offer supplemental heat?
Alex @mplsalex

“The era of global boiling has arrived.” Exxon did this. Shell did this. TotalEnergies did this. PetroChina did this. Chevron did this. BP did this. Gazprom did this. Coal India did this. Saudi Aramco did this: Just 100 companies caused 71% of man-made global warming emissions.
Assaad Razzouk

If we could get half — that’s right half — of the urgency, political action, and public money that we give to cheap and easy driving applied instead towards climate action, our kids would inherit a much more stable and prosperous world.
Alex Fisch

I won't sleep well tonight or, perhaps, for quite a while. I want to grab people by the lapels and shout "Don't you understand what we're facing?!" But we don't. We don't understand. Because we are endlessly distracted and confused and misled, by the media, by the tactics of capital, by the gigantic shitfest that now passes for public life. We will be prattling about celebrity gossip as the waters rise to our necks. What we have to grasp is that this is an existential struggle on *both* sides. Those of us demanding climate action are struggling for the survival of a habitable planet. Those impeding climate action are struggling to defend industries that urgently need to be shut down. Either they win or humanity wins. We cannot all be winners. Certain industries just have to be regulated out of existence. So, as the climate crisis becomes undeniable to all but the most deluded, they are ramping up every tactic under the sun, fair or foul. Hence the astonishingly vicious new criminal laws against protesters, and the horrendous and blatantly unjust civil injunctions layered on top of them.
George Monbiot

Neoliberalism/capitalism cannot address climate change. I’m not saying that as a fatalistic statement. I mean that actions need to match the urgency. For example. Way too much air travel and car traffic and we know that. Federal government has to cut fossil fuels immediately
Bree Newsome Bass

I don't know man if you're busy arguing with a black representative from your state about whether slavery was beneficial for black people or not maybe you need more than a mild reboot

It's weird how wanting to maintain the conditions in which humanity has thrived is considered an ideology, yet pursuing the impossible goal of infinite economic growth, at any cost, is not. Well, weird is one word
Dr Charlie Gardner

Timeline cleanse: A painted grasshopper nymph (Poekilocerus pictus). Gorgeous:

Nnedi Okorafor

One can take issue with the specific modernist prescriptions from Gropius, but it's revealing how European housers focused on zoning as tool to make apartment dwellers lives better through design. Compare to American planners using zoning to exclude apartment dwellers entirely
Bonta Bro @TribTowerViews

Although I do not want to generalize about economists, it is quite clear that displacing 1/3 of humanity from its habitat niches will generate more inequality than ever, and such an unprecedented scarcity (of livelihoods) usually fuels economic theory.
Alejandro Rossi

Prince was an abusive, sexist asshole and Minnesota builds an entire existence around him. He once told me to my face that women were at the bottom in God’s plan—and that it was bc we were disobeying that “natural order” that the world sees poverty and crime.

Seems like a good day to remind everyone that emergency managers *should* be planning for the absolute worst case climate-scenarios but they don't even have the resources to plan for the best case climate-scenarios.
Dr. Samantha Montano

Buried lede: 12% of Americans believe that Satanist pedophiles run the government. In other words, 1 in 10 Americans has gone completely insane.
Tom Nichols @RadioFreeTom

This tweet brought to you by pinkeye, headlice, and hand, foot, and mouth disease:

Jess Piper @piper4missouri

GOP 2023 Platform:
- Pro slavery
- Pro child labor
- Anti abortion rights
- Pro book bans
- Anti affirmative action; pro legacy admissions
- Anti student loan forgiveness; pro tax cuts for the 1%
- Pro climate change
- Pro assault rifles
- Anti gay
- Anti immigrant
- Pro Putin
Wajahat Ali

Shopping at Amazon is like visiting a bustling city center full of shops - but each of those stores' owners has to pay the majority of every sale to a feudal landlord, Emperor Jeff Bezos. who also decides which goods they can sell and where they must appear on the shelves.
Cory Doctorow

The US dedicates 40 million acres (nearly the size of Florida) to corn ethanol production, just under 45% of US corn production (source: USDA). Corn ethanol is 50-100X less land efficient than solar PV for powering transportation, according to multiple studies.
Tyler Norris

i wondered after ferguson and after 2020 if  any of those white tv people were serious and time and time again they prove to me that they were not
ashley ray

flew all the way to Sydney just to see the single most offensive road sign I've ever seen as a transport planner:


the liberal dems and conservative republicans unite always on cops and capitalism
Kamau Franklin

I like the guy who just walked into the library complaining about how noisy it is and literally saying "the library is supposed to the quietest place"...while he is talking at full volume, lol.

The Republican Party is a CULT. Anyone treating it like an actual political party within liberal democracy is only demeaning themselves. “Polling shows Republicans remain loyal to Trump no matter what he does,” Yes, that’s how cults function
Bree Newsome Bass

Imagine you owned a company that was one of the most recognized brands globally. The logo was iconic. The name was so popular it had spawned a common verb: "tweet." And then you decided, nah, I'll just call it "X."
Dr. Leah C. Stokes

You know who also learned valuable skills? Free people. And unlike the enslaved, those free people could keep the $ from those skills, they could buy property with those skills instead of be property, they could support their families instead of have their children sold from them
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones

A shocking amount of people:
A. Think everything should be set up for everyone to drive
B. Assume they and those they love will always be able to drive.
Sorry. Humans are fragile. Unexpected things happen. We age. And if we can no longer drive, we’ll want there to be options.
Rik Adamski

"There were too many lefties who participated in public comment, therefore it was invalid" seems to be the conservatives' new favorite line of attack. If we don't participate, we don't exist. If we do participate, we still somehow don't exist.
Heather Silsbee

LOVE: Lisbon’s *new* pedestrian only streets are painted blue, so that there is no confusion as far as the eye can see. A great way to send the message, without cluttering up the street with signs:

Jennifer Keesmaat

Understanding and acknowledging that gender is expansive does not erase me as a cis woman. We don’t need to “defend” ourselves against trans women whose freedom poses no threat to us. If trans women are more free, then so am I.

Only ~3% of New Jersey residents enter Manhattan via car, and their median income is over $100k. We see where the political power lies. Mass transit users come second, as always.
Erik Bottcher

I hate when people say, "we all have the same 24 hours." Meanwhile, they have intergenerational wealth, free childcare from family, employer guaranteed health care, and reliable personal transportation. Poor and working class folk do not have the same 24 hours as you.

There are almost eight million African-Americans in Texas and Florida. These states have the most AA in the US. They are also leading the charge in rewriting American history. This is not a coincidence or an accident. It is how evil thrives in the daylight and it is wrong.
Michael Sorrell

Weird, a black president increased hostility too. Its almost like, it has nothing to do with DEI, and everything to do with people having to see black people and other minorities doing as well as them at work and elsewhere

Streetsblog New York

As evidence continues to mount that corporate and university DEI programs tend to increase racial hostility in a workplace, major companies across America are finally laying off DEI officers and getting rid of senior DEI roles.
Lee Fang

In 1965, the average CEO earned 20.4 times as much as the average worker. Today, it's 398.8 times as much.
In the past 58 years, CEOs haven't become 20 times more valuable to their companies. But they may have become 20 times more psychopathic.
Rick G. Rosner @dumbassgenius

American cities had so many amazing walkable neighborhoods that were just completely ripped up and bulldozed for highways. It's insane. We didn't build our cities for the car. We destroyed them for the car.
Matthew Chapman @fawfulfan

Bad Slavery:
* Federal Income Tax
* Masks & Lockdowns
Good Slavery:
* Slavery
Rob Steinernomics

We know racism is over and affirmative action is unnecessary because we’re still debating the merits of chattel slavery
Bree Newsome Bass

Bridget Ziegler (co-founder of Mom's For Liberty) has no background in education Her children were not of school age. Her only involvement in education was graduating from high school. She advocates against LGBTQ rights, race, ethnicity, critical race theory, and discrimination:


It must be exhausting to watch every movie, show, sporting event, and commercial with woke-detecting glasses on so you can wallow in misery at being offended. Such joyful people.
Ron Filipkowski

The fact they keep trying to justify slavery tells you who they are. Slavery is evil and a crime against humanity. This is not hard lol
Bree Newsome Bass

BTW, the three-judge panel that ruled unanimously that Alabama’s congressional map was illegal included two district judges who are from a d who sit in Alabama - both of whom were nominated by President Trump.
Michael Li 李之樸

Your womanhood is not being threatened by the tiny percentage of trans people in our society. It is, however, threatened by the lawmakers using your shared bigotry to take away your reproductive rights, criminalize abortions, and ignoring the gender based violence women face.
Olayemi Olurin @msolurin

Imagine dinosaurs posing with an asteroid:

Mt. St. Helens

When designing streets, we need to stop assuming cars are piloted by reasonable, emotionally mature individuals.

Our fossil fuel addiction requires at least 535 times more mining than the renewables economy displacing it – and we already have all the minerals we need for 100% clean energy
Assaad Razzouk

Call me naive but I really hoped fascism would generate more opposition.
David Roberts @drvolts

Parents say they're pro-integration, but "in districts where [they have more opportunity] to choose schools, [the] schools appear to become more segregated." Affluent white parents seem to judge school quality just based on # of other affluent whites who attend.
Alfie Kohn

crazy how often "innovation" boils down to paying people less money for more work

Companies have been spending decades and billions developing Driverless Cars, which may or may not save live, with the claimed goal of saving lives And yet we won’t do SIMPLE things we KNOW will save lives, because it MIGHT inconvenience driving. This is about selling cars.
Brent Toderian

Ever wondered why tabloids are so full of heat-pump hate? Turns out a gas lobby group pays a PR agency to 'spark outrage' against electric heat and promote hydrogen instead. Result? Glacial uptake of Heat pumps.
Hazel Healy

Old people and conservatives are herding to the parts of the country most threatened by climate change and will, before too long, be demanding to be rescued from the consequences of those decisions by the kinds of federal interventions that they staunchly oppose for others. So fun.
David Roberts @drvolts

Daniela López M. @laproblemat

Climate defeatism is a form of destructive emission that needs to be capped, especially when coming from comfortable homes in the global north.
Rebecca Solnit

You know what’s funny about the “teaching history makes white kids feel bad” argument? It assumes white children should only identify with the slaveholders of history & not the white abolitionists. Reveals a lot about those arguing it.
Bree Newsome Bass

People seem to love Oppenheimer but I'll just say it: I was uncomfy watching yet another movie about tortured white male genius when the victims of the atrocities glossed over by the script—Japanese people, interned Japanese Americans, and Native Americans—had no voice.
Li Lai 賴立萍 @MediaversityRev

Just a reminder that if you’re making a plan and it can have rows of native large-species trees and it does not have rows of native large-species trees then you are making a bad plan.
Jeff Speck

Trying to explain 1980s public access cable television to my 22 year old son. Impossible to fully convey.
Dan Marshall


Mark J. Westpfahl

Welcome to Twitter, where bananas are a ridiculous decadent indulgence but driving a car, even if you have run multiple people over, is vital to survival
Armand Domalewski

It’s always worth remembering that AASHTO is a powerful lobbying organization that is very effective at thwarting federal efforts to make streets safer. Who is AASHTO? Your State DOT. Who is your State DOT? An advocacy organization for the contractor and trucking industries.
Don Kostelec

To be fair, Buttigieg did try to set policy guiding states away from expansion projects, but AASHTO threw a fit and Congress made it clear that Congress decides this, not the DOT Secretary.
Jim Charlier

The idea that white America lives in “small towns” while menacing dark people lurk in “big cities” is one of the more fantastical aspects of racist imaginings. like wut lol. Meanwhile every election cycle folks have to be reminded that most Black Americans are still in the south lol
Bree Newsome Bass

Truth about bigotry from actor George Takei:

David Cay Johnston

“We can’t build housing, there’s too much traffic and not enough parking”
“We can’t build sidewalks and bike lanes, no one will use them"
These problems will perpetuate until we abandon auto-oriented development and start building traditional, walkable, mixed-use places again.
Strong Towns

Driving makes human beings psychotic. Put traffic cameras everywhere and fine the fuck out of these people.
David Roberts @drvolts

The religious right is the primary force behind fascism, globally. It’s not a single religion but a coalition of forces pushing religious ethno-nationalism
Bree Newsome Bass

local news channels love reporting on these “heat waves” but nothing about climate disaster, climate activism, no context, just ~waves~

Today's New Yorker cartoon by Adam Sacks. *chef's kiss*

Jim Kakalios

Just heard from my mom that her recent car repair for *one* fairly minor part ended up costing $4,000, which was more than my cargo bike. But please, random anti-bike reply guy, tell me again how quality bikes are so expensive and "out of reach" for so many people.
Pedaling Professor

corporate country always sounds like it was written by the fiction machines in nineteen-eighty-four
Dana Freeling

The media - and Dems - need to stop using the phrase "culture wars"; what's really going on is a right-wing assault on women's reproductive freedom, on LGBTQ equality, on immigrants, on efforts to root out racism, on the environment, etc, etc., etc. Call it out for what it is!

Trans rights aren’t “social issues,” media colleagues. They’re human rights. If you call the question of trans people’s right to exist—at stake in healthcare laws—a “culture war,” you are saying you’re open to argument that trans people are less than human.
Jeff Sharlet

Harlan Crow claimed his yacht company was a profit-seeking business so he could claim a huge tax write-off for renovating his own superyacht. (Clarence Thomas' favorite.) ProPublica finds zero evidence that's true, and significant evidence that it's false.
Mark Joseph Stern @mjs_DC

I went thru my defeatist, nihilist phase and now I’m over it. All you will get out of me is revolutionary optimism. We will win because we have no other choice. We will win because the global ruling class is losing it’s grip. We will win because we’ve *been* creating something out of nothing.

U.S. House of Representatives voted to give themselves an $8000/yr raise.

After they voted to not give you $10,000 in student debt relief.
Dan Whitfield

The average resident of Mali has the same carbon footprint as a British kettle
The average resident of Nigeria has a smaller carboon footprint than an American fridge
Africa has contributed so little to climate disruption, yet suffers so much.
Robin Boardman

From Banksy: The Earth isn’t dying, it’s being killed and those who are killing it have names and addresses…

Dana Briggs @DLBriggs54

The IRS got $38,000,000 from under 200 Americans because of support Democrats provided to get rich tax cheats. Every single republican in Congress voted no and is trying to help millionaires who steal from you.
Bill Pascrell

RFK Jr. is like a legacy admission, without his last name he'd be yelling on a street corner with a misspelled sign.

Both the right and the left believe the system is rigged, but right thinks it's rigged in an exciting conspiratorial way, while the left largely understands it's rigged in a drab bureaucratic way you can read about at the library
Jon Schwarz

Shell's CEO chose the hottest day in human history to announce he was reneging on the company's climate pledges.
Bill McKibben

Cory Doctorow

The smartest places to build housing are where we have existing offices, schools, supermarkets, shops, parks, and transit, so residents can access most of their daily needs without requiring a car to get everywhere.
Strong Towns

This can't happen in Minnesota. Yes, citizens can challenge the eligibility of another voter, but they have to have personal knowledge of the disqualification (such as living in another state). Hunches, suspicions, and speculation don't count in our state.
Robert Moffitt @justplainbob

Many states allow voter challenges, but Georgia is unusual in explicitly allowing citizens unlimited challenges against anyone.

The corruption of the conservative SCOTUS justices sometimes obscures the fact that they are also shitty, dishonest scholars.
David Roberts @drvolts

Public transit is slow because of cars, aka private transit
Becky Mac

It's often said that high speed rail "loses money." According to the Paulson Institute in Chicago, when accounting for not just revenue but passenger time and airline trips saved, China's HSR had generated a net surplus of nearly $400 billion as of 2022.

This is still a great Tweet:


Minimum lot size mandates have nothing to do with public health or safety. They’re enforced to screen out people who can’t afford larger homes on larger lots, making them a socially engineered proxy for class. It’s time to end them.
Strong Towns

So many arguments about making better spaces really boil down to *safety* for people walking and biking versus *convenience* for people driving. In this situation, I will always unapologetically support the former and disagree and fight against the latter.
Pedaling Professor

People who don’t walk or bike regularly really don’t realize how messed up our systems our for people who do. I’m sorry, but your worry about a parking spot is no where near the same league as nearly seeing your son killed in front of you
Ethan Fawley

it is ludicrously dangerous to bike for transportation in most of the country and yet people act like you’re demanding gold-plated streets when you ask for protected bike lanes
Jamelle Bouie @jbouie

Three days into cycling, and I understand why people go crazy about bike lanes. This shit is dangerous!

You can't afford rent. You can't afford a therapist or your medication. You haven't been on vacation for four years. But guess what? You have your pick of six social media platforms where celebrities compete with one another to sell you vitamins. What a time to be alive.

I'm pretty tired of reading articles that tell people we can keep buying new fossil fuel cars "for now." Not sure if folks have read the weather report lately, but we're running out of time. It's pretty simple. We have to stop burning fossil fuels, ASAP.
Dr. Leah C. Stokes

You can honestly make twice as much hauling scrap metal than you would make out getting the requisite master's in library science and becoming a librarian. That's not the "free market." That's a shitty policy choice.

The US right is uniquely deranged about climate change:

David Roberts @drvolts

It's very strange to me when people, however talented or hardworking, have an enormous professional advantage because of who their parents are and then try to pretend they don't have an enormous professional advantage because of who their parents are.
Charlotte Clymer

We literally beat the Nazis in less time than it makes to make a bike lane
Michael Starnes

In just the 3 years following the Paris accords, 5 of the largest fossil fuel companies spent over... $1 billion on communications and lobbying.

"We're in a propaganda war, but only one side is on the battlefield." - @dfenton
George Lakoff

“The idea that men hunt while women stay at home is almost completely wrong, a review of foraging societies around the world has found.” That sound you hear? Yeah, that’s heads exploding in the manosphere.
Leah McElrath

A bicycle would need to travel on a road 160,000 times to cause as much wear and tear as single motor vehicle trip. Hate constant road construction? Advocate for better cycling infrastructure in your city!

Lucas Campbell

Nothing is more perfectly representative of the reactionary mind than the idea that a rainbow, which represents love and acceptance, is a symbol of hate against Christians. As though "don't oppress us" is an offense to oppressors.
David Roberts @drvolts

As someone finishing up a Climate Change book, for which I've read nearly 800 books and articles, I think I've earned the right to say this: Greta Thunberg's 2019 Davos speech is the best thing anybody's going to write on the Climate Crisis. The end.
Dr. Genevieve Guenther @DoctorVive

The standard 5-lane road and all that space for cars are justified based on their importance to the economy. But they are holding the economy back. We measure the wrong things:

Beth Osborne

actors are on strike, writers are on strike, teamsters are on strike, hotel employees are on strike, grad students are on strike, health care workers are on strike... can we realize there are deep systemic issues in this country yet

Florida’s Latinos are an unholy fuck circle of Latinos who primarily fled “leftist/communist” regimes - read: Cuba, Nicaragua, Colombia, Venezuela - which is ironic given that the regimes they fled were fueled by backlash against American neocon interventionism.

Fiscal Sustainability
Transit Viability

Aaron Lubeck

It's often said: White kids, upon being taught the history of racism, will feel guilty or bad about being White. In fact, White kids who receive antiracist history lessons exhibit fewer racist ideas about Black people while their attitudes about White people are unaffected.
Ibram X. Kendi

sorry to be a lesbian but god, free yourself from having your life defined by your stages of usefulness to men.

Lots of boring apartment buildings here in Helsinki. But this is how you have 1) a cheaper housing market 2) enough people to make trams and buses frequent 3) viable ground floor retail and restaurants 4) lots of schools and parks. Not every building has to be special!

Matt Hutchins

Skyrocketing increases in traffic deaths and injuries is an American-only thing. Even our identical North American cousins up miraculously are not experiencing the U.S. carnage of driving. What the U.S. is doing:
1) Declining public transit ridership since the early 2010s + cheap, subsidized gas
2) Deregulated auto industry pumping out trucks and SUVs
3) Cop lobbying keeping camera enforcement banned
4) In many states, ID suspensions from drunk driving are rare
Darrell Owens @IDoTheThinking

Norway continues to approve new oil and gas, while massive methane emissions are popping up in areas uncovered by melting glaciers in Norway - and these methane emissions are accelerating because of Norway’s new oil and gas. Climate madness, made in Norway
Assaad Razzouk

this looks like an al jaffee mad magazine fold-in that would become a toilet:

russ bengtson

most of family law is horribly served by the current system of justice. also most criminal misdemeanors. our Roman-British legal system was made to wrestle out property disputes among the landed gentry & punish peasants for encroaching on those property rights
Athens Wall (Parody Account (sus: Themistocles)) @AthenianWalls

The water in the gulf of Mexico is 98 degrees, New England had 7 inches of rain and massive floods, it'll be 117 degrees in Phoenix this week, and Canada is still on fire. But hopefully, everyone found the perfect parking spot. Focus on what matters.
Matthew Lewis @mateosfo

It should be illegal to build arterial streets without sidewalks, and without a safe place to cross at least every 1/4 mile (400m).
Jarrett Walker @humantransit

Christians: You should “work out YOUR OWN salvation” and leave others to work out their own …on their own, unless they ask for your input. If God didn’t send Jesus to condemn the world, I doubt he sent you.
Dr. Kevin M. Young

Joanna Smith and Tim Martin caused $2,400 in damages by smearing paint on glass. They spend this summer facing up to 10 years of prison.
Fossil fuel CEOs are on track to cause $23,000,000,000,000 in damages. Annually. They spend this summer island-hopping on mega-yachts.

Climate Defiance

Surprising stat of the day: Under the New Deal the CCC planted *2.3 billion* trees — 12 for every American living at the time, and half of all trees planted in US history
Amanda Kolson Hurley


Nnedi Okorafor

Pretty shocking: Fossil fuel consumption subsidies rose to a record of over $1 trillion in 2022 amid the global energy crisis says @IEA
Jan Rosenow

driving the speed limit is punk actually
em cassel @biketrouble

“I’m not worried about someone grooming my son to be a drag queen. I’m worried about someone grooming my son to be a white nationalist." Reporting from a Moms for Liberty convention, where they target social/emotional learning and ultimately public education itself:
Alfie Kohn

The reason EVs are leading the whole practical green investment transition conversation is because cars are profitable, not because they're a reasoned solution to the challenge of mobility in light of the climate crisis.
Malcolm Harris @BigMeanInternet

Personally I think prioritizing the most carbon intensive, spatially inefficient, dangerous, unhealthy, and expensive form of transportation seems like bad public policy, but that’s just me.
John Lloyd @boyonabike62

We used to build these all over North America, until zoning laws effectively made them illegal. It’s time to bring back missing middle housing:

Strong Towns

There is no real safety regulation of the car industry and it’s actually getting worse. Any claims that AV safety will be regulated by the feds should be taken at face value: They’re going to let a lot of people die.
Matthew Lewis @mateosfo

The irony of moving to a cycling city is we’ve never walked more in our lives. Endless meandering strolls made desirable because Delft’s streets aren’t drowning in cars. The greatest trick the auto industry ever pulled was convincing the world walking and cycling can’t coexist:

Melissa & Chris Bruntlett @modacitylife

Elderly Dem leadership seems to think if it just clings to existing norms and institutions that the public will rebel against right-wing radicalism and things will drift back to normal. Never, ever in modern history has a rising reactionary movement just ... petered out. Rising fascism will be beat back by *active, radical measures* from the establishment, or it won't be beat back. It is simply insane that any Dems still think they can avoid this fight. Argh.
David Roberts @drvolts

I wonder where Eric Adams learned to lie with impunity and fabricate evidence...

Jesus would get beaten up at a Trump rally.
Hari Kondabolu

After Iowa defunded Planned Parenthood, the number of abortions in the state rose by 25% in a single year.
Stacey Burns @WentRogue

Some people are against electric cars because they criticize mining of lithium etc. Well those people should think again:

Hanno Klausmeier

"If American cars, S.U.V.s and pickup trucks were their own country, they would be the sixth-largest emitter of heat-trapping carbon dioxide emissions since 1949."
Matthew Lewis @mateosfo

An auto-dependent society puts tremendous pressure on low-income people to own cars. A car can eat up someone’s budget, expose them to predatory lenders who hurt their credit, or worse. And they're getting more expensive.
Marin Cogan

I truly hate to be this guy, but if you care about animals, the environment, air quality, veterans, and/or mental health, there's no way you can support fireworks; there's no valid argument there. Perhaps there's an argument for limited professional shows, but that's about it.
Chris Alvino

There are no more borders in the European Union. However, you will always know where the Netherlands begins:

Harman Idema @HarmaninToronto

For decades, right-wingers told us same-sex marriage would lead to a war on Christianity. 7 years after marriage equality, the consequences have been so boring that Republicans literally had to make up a case where they imagined they were victimized to justify more bigotry.

Self-driving cars: mobile surveillance cameras, constantly sweeping city streets, increasingly available to police.

Patriotism is fighting for and winning a Green New Deal so that we have a livable future.
Sunrise Movement

Americans’ false belief that this country has been on a steady progression toward granting equal rights to all since its founding is exactly what inspires complacency in this hour as the Supreme Court replaces the constitution with themselves.
Bree Newsome Bass

The world is an interconnected system. Climate change is already harming all of us. Just as one example: economic models of climate impacts overwhelmingly do not include air pollution from forest fires.
Dr. Leah C. Stokes

Every year, North American communities spend, on average, per person:
$50 on sidewalks and crosswalks
$180 on public transit subsidies
$1,000 on public roads and traffic services
More than $2,000 per capita on government-mandated parking facilities
Meanwhile, cities spend millions a year settling sidewalk injury lawsuits.
Miriam Pinski @mirijulip

Both Patrice Lumumba and Medgar Evers were born and would be 98 years old today (July 2) had they not both been assassinated by the hands of White Supremacists.

Black History Heroes

Let's take bets: which red state is going to be the first to transition from "underage kids can work in meatpacking plants now" to "certain underage kids *have* to work in meatpacking plants now"? Like: a red state juvenile detention facility lending out its inmates to a meatpacking plant as low-cost labor. It's inevitable.
David Roberts @drvolts

It is very unlikely that any American city will ever be affordable like it was in the 70s-90s ever again because that era of urban housing affordability without development was a consequence of white flight and suburban sprawl.
Max Dubler

Hi just want to say a person’s very existence cannot be “against your beliefs.” That is called bigotry. Thanks.
Mikel Jollett

Pop culture has become an all-you-can-eat ice cream shop. If you're shoving mediocre ice cream down your gullet all day every day, how excited can you get about a new flavor? There's no scarcity, no anticipation, no mystery. All fan service, all the time. A recipe for anhedonia.
David Roberts @drvolts

One thing that this Supreme Court has made clear: *theoretical* harms to the holders of status quo power must be addressed with urgency. *Actual* harms to out groups must be ignored or or better still declared a figment of a long ago past.
Lydia Polgreen

21,000 planes in the air at the same time.
Media: “Are electric scooters really as green as they claim?”

Jim McPherson @SafeSelfDrive

Adolph Lyons: I was literally choked to unconsciousness by a police officer, and I would like a court order saying they can't do that again.
SCOTUS: No standing.
Lorie Smith: I don't like gay people and I might make a website someday.
SCOTUS: What?!
Ian Millhiser

Please try to keep in mind that the man who completely broke this website also wants to put a computer chip in people's brains and connect it to the internet

We have to ban private jets – luxury emissions are simply obscene in a climate and ecological emergency and when many people are struggling to pay their bills.
Dr. Laura Horn

Unpopular I know, but I’d ban private helicopters too.  Private helicopters spew a staggering 250kg an hour of *hotter world* down onto everyone’s future! And yet somehow we seem to excuse that as a normal thing - killing children? Fossil fuel is a gun at children’s heads
Dave Hampton @carboncoach

Elon Musk running Twitter is like being on the titanic except the captain's trying to see how many ice bergs he can hit

Now imagine this muppet-fart was in charge of the oxygen supply on a Mars colony:


Whether it’s Twitter, Hollywood or our democracy…it feels like white men in power are hellbent on demolishing every fucking thing because they can. I’m sick of this shit.
Kellee Terrell

It’s important to note that for most of American history, the interest rate on these student loans would have been illegal under anti-usury laws. This isn’t an issue of refusing to pay what you owe, it’s a question of whether America should have predatory lending for higher ed.
Carly Pildis

There’s not a single branch of this current government that actually reflects and represents the majority of Americans. Not a one. And it’s not because of voter turnout. It’s because both the governing structures and the economy are designed to empower and enrich the ruling white elite.
Bree Newsome Bass

When our nation’s highest arbiter decrees that fairness and justice are counter to the Constitution, it’s important for institutions to speak truth. Foundations, universities, corporations, associations: stay on the side of history.
Heather McGhee

The bible forbids debts lasting longer than 7 years, therefore it is my deeply held religious belief that I cannot pay student loans.

Parking pricing are not an anti-car policy. How is it anti-car to be have a guaranteed spot waiting for you for a predictable price? How is it pro-car to have to spend 15 minutes circling the block for a spot?
M. Nolan Gray

Black people are not “disadvantaged due to our race.” We are subjected to relentless policy violence in order to make whiteness a privilege
Bree Newsome Bass

Electricity from nuclear versus wind+solar over 20 yrs. The common fallacy is that nuclear is "bigger" thus more able to displace CO2. Actually, W+S grows exponentially, is 1/2 cost, and now more than nuclear production. Data from BP Review of World Energy 2022:

Willett Kempton

The fact that my beliefs of how to educate children are extreme, and the way we do school is normal baffles my mind.

Not extreme: put kids in a small room with kids their own age for 7 hour days and answer questions that they never asked. Then test them. Constantly evaluate them.
Extreme: surround kids with caring adults and resources, and let them learn what they want to learn. Keep them safe.

The news is always like: "America has banned wheelchair ramps because they weren't in the Bible. Finland has made ice cream free."
Jesse Case

It is not just the rulings the Roberts Court is making. They created out of hole cloth a bogus, major questions doctrine. They made a mockery of standing. They rewrite laws to fit their radical ideological preferences. They have unilaterally blown up the legitimacy of the Court
Norman Ornstein

According to this Court, a religious person has the “right” to deny us a job, refuse services, pay us less, deny us benefits, or outright fire us  because we’re LGBT; despite the fact that we didn’t choose it, while they chose their religion. We are officially 2nd-class citizens.
Andrew Wortman @AmoneyResists

Week 256. We are currently shattering heat records all over the world. Last week we experienced the hottest days ever recorded, many days in a row. We are also experiencing record high sea level temperatures and record low ice levels. This is an emergency. #FridaysForFuture:

Greta Thunberg

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